// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/app_context_menu.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/app_list_syncable_service.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
class AppListControllerDelegate;
class AppListModelUpdater;
class Profile;
namespace extensions {
class AppSorting;
} // namespace extensions
namespace ui {
class SimpleMenuModel;
} // namespace ui
// Base class of all chrome app list items.
class ChromeAppListItem {
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(ChromeAppListItem* item);
~TestApi() = default;
void SetFolderId(const std::string& folder_id);
void SetPosition(const syncer::StringOrdinal& position);
void SetName(const std::string& name);
const raw_ptr<ChromeAppListItem> item_;
ChromeAppListItem(Profile* profile,
const std::string& app_id,
AppListModelUpdater* model_updater);
ChromeAppListItem(const ChromeAppListItem&) = delete;
ChromeAppListItem& operator=(const ChromeAppListItem&) = delete;
virtual ~ChromeAppListItem();
// AppListControllerDelegate is not properly implemented in tests. Use mock
// |controller| for unit_tests.
static void OverrideAppListControllerDelegateForTesting(
AppListControllerDelegate* controller);
static gfx::ImageSkia CreateDisabledIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon);
const std::string& id() const { return metadata_->id; }
const std::string& promise_package_id() const {
return metadata_->promise_package_id;
const std::string& folder_id() const { return metadata_->folder_id; }
const syncer::StringOrdinal& position() const { return metadata_->position; }
const std::string& name() const { return metadata_->name; }
ash::AppStatus app_status() const { return metadata_->app_status; }
bool is_folder() const { return metadata_->is_folder; }
bool is_system_folder() const { return metadata_->is_system_folder; }
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon() const { return metadata_->icon; }
const ash::IconColor& icon_color() const { return metadata_->icon_color; }
bool is_new_install() const { return metadata_->is_new_install; }
bool is_ephemeral() const { return metadata_->is_ephemeral; }
float progress() const { return metadata_->progress; }
bool is_placeholder_icon() const { return metadata_->is_placeholder_icon; }
const std::string accessible_name() const {
return metadata_->accessible_name;
ash::AppCollection collection_id() const { return metadata_->collection_id; }
void SetMetadata(std::unique_ptr<ash::AppListItemMetadata> metadata);
std::unique_ptr<ash::AppListItemMetadata> CloneMetadata() const;
const ash::AppListItemMetadata& metadata() const { return *metadata_; }
// Loads the app icon and call SetIcon to update ash when finished.
virtual void LoadIcon();
// The following methods set Chrome side data here, and call model updater
// interfaces that talk to ash directly.
void IncrementIconVersion();
void SetIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon, bool is_place_holder_icon);
void SetBadgeIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& badge_icon);
void SetAppStatus(ash::AppStatus app_status);
void SetFolderId(const std::string& folder_id);
void SetIsSystemFolder(bool is_system_folder);
void SetIsNewInstall(bool is_new_install);
// The following methods won't make changes to Ash and it should be called
// by this item itself or the model updater.
void SetChromeFolderId(const std::string& folder_id);
void SetChromeIsFolder(bool is_folder);
void SetChromeName(const std::string& name);
void SetChromePosition(const syncer::StringOrdinal& position);
void SetIsEphemeral(bool is_ephemeral);
void SetCollectionId(ash::AppCollection collection);
// Checks whether the item is for a promise app.
bool IsPromiseApp() const;
// Call |Activate()| and dismiss launcher if necessary.
void PerformActivate(int event_flags);
// Returns the default position if it exists; otherwise returns an empty
// value.
syncer::StringOrdinal CalculateDefaultPositionIfApplicable();
syncer::StringOrdinal CalculateDefaultPositionForModifiedOrder();
// Activates (opens) the item. Does nothing by default.
virtual void Activate(int event_flags);
// Returns a static const char* identifier for the subclass (defaults to "").
// Pointers can be compared for quick type checking.
virtual const char* GetItemType() const;
// Returns the context menu model in |callback| for this item. NULL if there
// is currently no menu for the item (e.g. during install). Note |callback|
// takes the ownership of the returned menu model.
using GetMenuModelCallback =
virtual void GetContextMenuModel(ash::AppListItemContext item_context,
GetMenuModelCallback callback);
// Returns true iff this item was badged because it's an extension app that
// has its Android analog installed.
virtual bool IsBadged() const;
virtual std::string GetPromisedItemId() const;
bool CompareForTest(const ChromeAppListItem* other) const;
std::string ToDebugString() const;
syncer::StringOrdinal CalculateDefaultPositionForTest();
AppListModelUpdater* model_updater() { return model_updater_; }
friend class ChromeAppListModelUpdater;
ChromeAppListItem(Profile* profile, const std::string& app_id);
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
extensions::AppSorting* GetAppSorting();
AppListControllerDelegate* GetController();
void SetAccessibleName(const std::string& label);
void SetName(const std::string& name);
void SetPromisePackageId(const std::string& promise_package_id);
void SetProgress(float progress);
void SetPosition(const syncer::StringOrdinal& position);
void set_model_updater(AppListModelUpdater* model_updater) {
model_updater_ = model_updater;
// Initializes item position and name from `sync_item`. `sync_item` must be
// valid.
void InitFromSync(
const app_list::AppListSyncableService::SyncItem* sync_item);
// Get the context menu of a certain app. This could be different for
// different kinds of items.
virtual app_list::AppContextMenu* GetAppContextMenu();
void MaybeDismissAppList();
std::unique_ptr<ash::AppListItemMetadata> metadata_;
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
raw_ptr<AppListModelUpdater, DanglingUntriaged> model_updater_ = nullptr;