// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/ranking/best_match_ranker.h"
#include "base/containers/to_vector.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/chrome_search_result.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/test/test_result.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/types.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace app_list::test {
namespace {
using testing::ElementsAreArray;
std::unique_ptr<ChromeSearchResult> MakeResult(
const std::string& id,
double normalized_relevance,
ChromeSearchResult::MetricsType metrics_type =
ChromeSearchResult::MetricsType::OMNIBOX_URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED) {
// |relevance| must be set but is unused.
return std::make_unique<TestResult>(id, /*relevance=*/0.0,
normalized_relevance, metrics_type);
Results MakeAnswers(
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> ids_relevances) {
return base::ToVector(ids_relevances, [](const auto& ids_relevance) {
return MakeResult(ids_relevance.first, ids_relevance.second);
} // namespace
class BestMatchRankerTest : public testing::Test {
void ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks(
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> expected_ids_ranks) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_ids_ranks.size(), ranker_.best_matches_.size());
[](const auto& res) {
return std::make_pair(
void ElapseBurnInPeriod() { ranker_.OnBurnInPeriodElapsed(); }
BestMatchRanker ranker_;
// Check that:
// - Results below the score threshold are ignored.
// - Some qualifying results are ignored when there are more than
// kNumBestMatches.
// - The sorting of results within |results_map| is unaffected.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, ResultThresholdingAndSorting) {
ResultsMap results_map;
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] = MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.98},
{"omni_2", 0.3},
{"omni_3", 0.1},
{"omni_4", 0.99},
{"omni_5", 0.96},
{"omni_6", 0.97}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_4", 0}, {"omni_1", 1}, {"omni_6", 2}});
const auto& results = results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox];
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 6u);
std::vector<std::string> result_map_ids;
std::vector<int> result_map_ranks;
std::vector<bool> shared_metadata_best_match_status;
for (const auto& res : results) {
// The ranker should not affect result order within the results map.
EXPECT_THAT(result_map_ids, ElementsAreArray({"omni_1", "omni_2", "omni_3",
"omni_4", "omni_5", "omni_6"}));
// Non-best matches should have a best match rank of -1.
EXPECT_THAT(result_map_ranks, ElementsAreArray({1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 2}));
// The best match status of all results should be correctly reflected in
// shared result metadata.
ElementsAreArray({true, false, false, true, false, true}));
// Check that ranker handles case where no best results are found.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, NoBestResults) {
ResultsMap results_map;
// Simulate one provider returning.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.2}, {"omni_2", 0.3}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
// Check that ranker handles case where a single best result is found.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, SingleBestResult) {
ResultsMap results_map;
// Simulate one provider returning.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.2}, {"omni_2", 0.99}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0.99}});
// A result which gets stored as a best match may later be deleted. Check that
// the corresponding weak pointer stored within the ranker gets removed from the
// the ranker's best matches tracking vector.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, IgnoreInvalidatedResults) {
ResultsMap results_map;
// Simulate one provider returning.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.92}, {"omni_2", 0.99}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0}, {"omni_1", 1}});
// Simulate a result being destroyed.
// Simulate a second provider returning. This should result in the removal of
// the now invalid result from above.
results_map[ResultType::kFileSearch] = MakeAnswers({{"file_1", 0.98}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kFileSearch);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0}, {"file_1", 1}});
// Some providers should never contribute to the best matches, and thus should
// be ignored by the best match ranker.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, IgnoreProviders) {
ResultsMap results_map;
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.92}, {"omni_2", 0.93}});
results_map[ResultType::kAssistantText] =
MakeAnswers({{"asst_1", 0.98}, {"asst_2", 0.97}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kAssistantText);
// kAssistantText is a low-intent provider and should be ignored from best
// match. The other results should be sorted by (normalized) relevance.
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0}, {"omni_1", 1}});
// During the post-burn-in phase, the highest-ranked best match should remain
// stabilized in this position, and any remaining best matches should be sorted
// by (normalized) relevance score.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, PostBurnInHighestBestMatchIsStabilized) {
ResultsMap results_map;
// Simulate one provider returning pre-burn-in.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.92}, {"omni_2", 0.93}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0}, {"omni_1", 1}});
// Simulate a second provider returning post-burnin.
results_map[ResultType::kFileSearch] = MakeAnswers({{"file_1", 0.98}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kFileSearch);
// The top-ranked from the pre-burn-in period retains its rank.
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0}, {"file_1", 1}, {"omni_1", 2}});
// The Omnibox provider may return more than once. This should not cause the
// storage of duplicate best matches.
// This test also checks that a result which is demoted out of best match has
// this correctly reflected.
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, ProviderReturnsMoreThanOnceResultDemoted) {
ResultsMap results_map;
// Simulate a provider returning.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.96}, {"omni_2", 0.3}, {"omni_3", 0.1}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_1", 0}});
// Simulate the same provider returning for a second time.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] = MakeAnswers(
{{"omni_1", 0.96}, {"omni_2", 0.3}, {"omni_3", 0.1}, {"omni_4", 0.97}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_4", 0}, {"omni_1", 1}});
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] = MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.96},
{"omni_2", 0.3},
{"omni_3", 0.1},
{"omni_4", 0.97},
{"omni_5", 0.99},
{"omni_6", 0.98}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
// "omni_1" has been demoted out of the category. "omni_4" has moved downwards
// in rank.
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_5", 0}, {"omni_6", 1}, {"omni_4", 2}});
const auto& results = results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox];
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 6u);
std::vector<std::string> result_map_ids;
std::vector<int> result_map_ranks;
std::vector<bool> shared_metadata_best_match_status;
for (const auto& res : results) {
// The ranker should not affect result order within the results map.
EXPECT_THAT(result_map_ids, ElementsAreArray({"omni_1", "omni_2", "omni_3",
"omni_4", "omni_5", "omni_6"}));
// Non-best matches should have a best match rank of -1. This includes the
// result which was originally a best match but got demoted out of best match.
EXPECT_THAT(result_map_ranks, ElementsAreArray({-1, -1, -1, 2, 0, 1}));
// The best match status of all results should be correctly reflected in
// shared result metadata.
ElementsAreArray({false, false, false, true, true, true}));
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, RankerResetBetweenQueries) {
// Simulate a query starting.
ResultsMap results_1;
CategoriesList categories_1;
ranker_.Start(u"ABC", categories_1);
results_1[ResultType::kOmnibox] =
MakeAnswers({{"omni_1", 0.92}, {"omni_2", 0.3}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_1, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_1", 0}});
// Simulate a second query starting.
ResultsMap results_2;
CategoriesList categories_2;
ranker_.Start(u"ABC", categories_2);
results_2[ResultType::kFileSearch] =
MakeAnswers({{"files_1", 0.7}, {"files_2", 0.97}});
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_2, ProviderType::kFileSearch);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"files_2", 0}});
TEST_F(BestMatchRankerTest, IgnoreSearchSuggest) {
ResultsMap results_map;
Results results;
"omni_1", 0.99, ChromeSearchResult::MetricsType::OMNIBOX_SEARCH_SUGGEST));
"omni_2", 0.92,
// Simulate one provider returning.
results_map[ResultType::kOmnibox] = std::move(results);
ranker_.UpdateResultRanks(results_map, ProviderType::kOmnibox);
ExpectBestMatchOrderAndRanks({{"omni_2", 0.99}});
} // namespace app_list::test