// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/ranking/ftrl_ranker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/chrome_search_result.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/ranking/ranker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/search_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/test/ranking_test_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/types.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace app_list::test {
namespace {
using testing::ElementsAre;
} // namespace
class TestRanker : public Ranker {
TestRanker() = default;
~TestRanker() override = default;
void SetNextScores(const std::vector<double>& scores) {
next_scores_ = scores;
// Ranker:
std::vector<double> GetResultRanks(const ResultsMap& results,
ProviderType provider) override {
return next_scores_;
std::vector<double> GetCategoryRanks(const ResultsMap& results,
const CategoriesList& categories,
ProviderType provider) override {
return next_scores_;
std::vector<double> next_scores_;
// FtrlRankerTest --------------------------------------------------------------
class FtrlRankerTest : public RankerTestBase {
FtrlOptimizer::Params TestingParams(size_t num_experts) {
FtrlOptimizer::Params params;
params.alpha = 1.0;
params.gamma = 0.1;
params.num_experts = num_experts;
return params;
TEST_F(FtrlRankerTest, TrainAndRankResults) {
// Set up an FTRL result ranker with two experts that statically return scores
// for four items.
auto good_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
auto bad_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
good_ranker->SetNextScores({4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0});
bad_ranker->SetNextScores({1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0});
FtrlRanker ranker(FtrlRanker::RankingKind::kResults, TestingParams(2),
FtrlOptimizer::Proto(GetPath(), base::Seconds(0)));
// Make four results and mimic several rank/train cycles where we always
// launch "a", so the good/bad rankers always performs well/poorly.
ResultsMap results;
results[ResultType::kInstalledApp] = MakeResults({"a", "b", "c", "d"});
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
// The weights of the FTRL optimizer should reflect that the good ranker is
// better than the bad ranker.
auto proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[0], 0.9);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[1], 0.1);
// Now reverse the situation: change the clicked result so the bad ranker is
// now performing well.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
// The weights of the 'bad' expert should have recovered.
proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[0], 0.1);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[1], 0.9);
TEST_F(FtrlRankerTest, TrainAndRankResultsWithMultipleProviders) {
// Set up an FTRL result ranker with two experts that statically return scores
// for eight items.
auto good_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
auto bad_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
good_ranker->SetNextScores({1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0});
bad_ranker->SetNextScores({4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0});
FtrlRanker ranker(FtrlRanker::RankingKind::kResults, TestingParams(2),
FtrlOptimizer::Proto(GetPath(), base::Seconds(0)));
// Make four results within each provider and mimic several rank/train cycles
// where we always launch "h" from kFileSearch provider, so the good/bad
// ranker always performs well poorly.
ResultsMap results;
results[ResultType::kInstalledApp] = MakeResults({"a", "b", "c", "d"});
results[ResultType::kFileSearch] = MakeResults({"e", "f", "g", "h"});
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kFileSearch);
// The weights of the FTRL optimizer should reflect that good_ranker is
// better than the bad_ranker and that Train() apply to results from both
// providers.
auto proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[0], 0.9);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[1], 0.1);
// Now reverse the situation: change the clicked result so bad_ranker is
// now performing well.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kFileSearch);
// The weights of the 'bad' expert should have recovered.
proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[0], 0.1);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[1], 0.9);
TEST_F(FtrlRankerTest, TrainAndRankCategories) {
auto good_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
auto bad_ranker = std::make_unique<TestRanker>();
good_ranker->SetNextScores({4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0});
bad_ranker->SetNextScores({1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0});
FtrlRanker ranker(FtrlRanker::RankingKind::kCategories, TestingParams(2),
FtrlOptimizer::Proto(GetPath(), base::Seconds(0)));
// Make results in three categories (assistant has no results) and mimic
// several rank/train cycles where we always launch "a", so the good/bad
// rankers always performs well/poorly.
ResultsMap results;
results[ResultType::kInstalledApp] =
MakeResults({"a"}, ResultType::kInstalledApp, Category::kApps);
results[ResultType::kOsSettings] =
MakeResults({"b"}, ResultType::kOsSettings, Category::kSettings);
results[ResultType::kFileSearch] =
MakeResults({"c"}, ResultType::kFileSearch, Category::kFiles);
CategoriesList categories({{.category = Category::kApps},
{.category = Category::kSettings},
{.category = Category::kSearchAndAssistant},
{.category = Category::kFiles}});
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateCategoryRanks(results, categories, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
ranker.Train(MakeLaunchData("a", Category::kApps));
// The weights of the FTRL optimizer should reflect that the good ranker is
// better than the bad ranker.
auto proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[0], 0.9);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[1], 0.1);
// Now reverse the situation: change the clicked result so the bad ranker is
// now performing well. Train for longer because neither ranker does a
// particularly good job at predicting "c"'s category.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ranker.UpdateResultRanks(results, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
ranker.Train(MakeLaunchData("c", Category::kFiles));
// The weights of the 'bad' expert should have recovered.
proto = ReadProtoFromDisk<FtrlOptimizerProto>();
ASSERT_EQ(proto.weights_size(), 2);
EXPECT_LE(proto.weights()[0], 0.1);
EXPECT_GE(proto.weights()[1], 0.9);
// ResultScoringShim -------------------------------------------------
class ResultScoringShimTest : public RankerTestBase {};
TEST_F(ResultScoringShimTest, Rank) {
ResultScoringShim ranker(
auto results = MakeResults({"a", "b", "c"});
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 3u);
ResultsMap results_map;
results_map[ResultType::kInstalledApp] = std::move(results);
auto scores = ranker.GetResultRanks(results_map, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[0], 0.2);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[1], 0.5);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[2], 0.1);
// BestResultCategoryRanker ----------------------------------------------------
class BestResultCategoryRankerTest : public RankerTestBase {};
TEST_F(BestResultCategoryRankerTest, Rank) {
BestResultCategoryRanker ranker;
ResultsMap results;
results[ResultType::kInstalledApp] = MakeScoredResults(
{"a", "b"}, {0.1, 0.5}, ResultType::kInstalledApp, Category::kApps);
results[ResultType::kOsSettings] = MakeScoredResults(
{"c", "d"}, {0.3, 0.3}, ResultType::kOsSettings, Category::kSettings);
results[ResultType::kFileSearch] = MakeScoredResults(
{"e", "f"}, {0.3, 0.8}, ResultType::kFileSearch, Category::kFiles);
CategoriesList categories({{.category = Category::kApps},
{.category = Category::kSettings},
{.category = Category::kFiles}});
ranker.Start(u"query", categories);
// Only the app category should be scored, because that's the only one to have
// returned.
auto scores =
ranker.GetCategoryRanks(results, categories, ResultType::kInstalledApp);
ASSERT_EQ(scores.size(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[0], 0.5);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[1], 0.0);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[2], 0.0);
// Now all categories should be scored.
ranker.GetCategoryRanks(results, categories, ResultType::kOsSettings);
scores =
ranker.GetCategoryRanks(results, categories, ResultType::kFileSearch);
ASSERT_EQ(scores.size(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[0], 0.5);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[1], 0.3);
EXPECT_EQ(scores[2], 0.8);
} // namespace app_list::test