// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/ranking/sorting.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/common/search_result_util.h"
namespace app_list {
namespace {
bool CategoryAffectsScore(const ChromeSearchResult* result) {
return result->display_type() == ash::SearchResultDisplayType::kList;
} // namespace
void SortCategories(CategoriesList& categories) {
// Sort categories first by burn-in iteration number, then by score.
std::sort(categories.begin(), categories.end(),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
const int a_burn_in = a.burn_in_iteration;
const int b_burn_in = b.burn_in_iteration;
if (a_burn_in != b_burn_in) {
// Sort order: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... then -1.
// The effect of this is to sort by arrival order, with unseen
// categories ranked last.
// N.B. (a ^ b) < 0 checks for opposite sign.
return (a_burn_in ^ b_burn_in) < 0 ? a_burn_in > b_burn_in
: a_burn_in < b_burn_in;
// Special-case the search and assistant category, which should
// be sorted last, when burn-in iteration numbers are equal.
if (a.category == Category::kSearchAndAssistant) {
return false;
if (b.category == Category::kSearchAndAssistant) {
return true;
return a.score > b.score;
void SortResults(
std::vector<raw_ptr<ChromeSearchResult, VectorExperimental>>& results,
const CategoriesList& categories) {
results.begin(), results.end(),
[&](const ChromeSearchResult* a, const ChromeSearchResult* b) {
const int a_best_match_rank = a->scoring().best_match_rank();
const int b_best_match_rank = b->scoring().best_match_rank();
if (a_best_match_rank != b_best_match_rank) {
// First, sort by best match. All best matches are brought to
// the front of the list and ordered by best_match_rank.
// The following gives sort order:
// 0, 1, 2, ... (best matches) then -1 (non-best matches).
// N.B. (a ^ b) < 0 checks for opposite sign.
return (a_best_match_rank ^ b_best_match_rank) < 0
? a_best_match_rank > b_best_match_rank
: a_best_match_rank < b_best_match_rank;
const bool ignore_categories =
!CategoryAffectsScore(a) || !CategoryAffectsScore(b);
if (a_best_match_rank == -1 && !ignore_categories &&
a->category() != b->category()) {
// Next, sort by categories, except for within best match.
// |categories_| has been sorted above so the first category in
// |categories_| should be ranked more highly.
for (const auto& category : categories) {
if (category.category == a->category()) {
return true;
if (category.category == b->category()) {
return false;
// Any category associated with a result should also be present
// in |categories_|.
return false;
if (a->scoring().burn_in_iteration() !=
b->scoring().burn_in_iteration()) {
// Next, sort by burn-in iteration number. This has no effect on
// results which arrive pre-burn-in. For post-burn-in results
// for a given category, later-arriving results are placed below
// earlier-arriving results.
// This happens before sorting on display_score, as a trade-off
// between ranking accuracy and UX pop-in mitigation.
return a->scoring().burn_in_iteration() <
if (a->scoring().continue_rank() != b->scoring().continue_rank()) {
return a->scoring().continue_rank() > b->scoring().continue_rank();
// Sort by display score.
if (a->display_score() != b->display_score()) {
return a->display_score() > b->display_score();
// Last, sort file results by filepath as it is unique. For the other
// results, try to sort by title. It's our best effort to stabilize the
// result ordering to avoid result flipping.
if (a->category() == ash::AppListSearchResultCategory::kFiles) {
return a->filePath().value() < b->filePath().value();
} else {
// Some providers set `title_vector` and the others sets `title`.
if (!a->title().empty()) {
return a->title() < b->title();
} else {
return StringFromTextVector(a->title_text_vector()) <
} // namespace app_list