// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/types.h"
class ChromeSearchResult;
namespace ash {
enum class AppListSearchResultType;
} // namespace ash
namespace app_list {
// This enum scopes search providers into logically connected groups that
// a client expect to search together. This category do not have to be unique
// for each provider.
enum class SearchCategory {
kTest = 0,
kApps = 1,
kAppShortcuts = 2,
kFiles = 3,
kGames = 4,
kHelp = 5,
kImages = 6,
kPlayStore = 7,
kWeb = 8,
kSettings = 9,
kOmnibox = 10,
kDesksAdmin = 11,
kAssistant = 12,
kSystemInfoCard = 13
class SearchProvider {
using Results = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ChromeSearchResult>>;
using OnSearchResultsCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(ash::AppListSearchResultType, Results)>;
// Each provider should assign its search category during construction to
// indicate the type of search results.
explicit SearchProvider(SearchCategory search_category);
SearchProvider(const SearchProvider&) = delete;
SearchProvider& operator=(const SearchProvider&) = delete;
virtual ~SearchProvider();
// Invoked to start a query search. |query| is guaranteed to be non-empty.
virtual void Start(const std::u16string& query,
OnSearchResultsCallback on_search_done);
// Called when search query is cleared. The provider should stop/cancel
// any pending search query handling. This should not affect zero state
// search.
virtual void StopQuery() {}
// Invoked to start a zero-state search.
virtual void StartZeroState(OnSearchResultsCallback on_search_done);
// Invoked to cancel zero-state search - called when app list view gets
// hidden.
virtual void StopZeroState() {}
// Handles training signals if necessary. A given |SearchProvider| may receive
// training signals for results of any |AppListSearchResultType|, so it is the
// |SearchProvider|'s responsibility to check |type| and ignore if necessary.
virtual void Train(const std::string& id, ash::AppListSearchResultType type) {
// Returns the main result type created by this provider.
virtual ash::AppListSearchResultType ResultType() const = 0;
// Returns the launcher search category of this provider.
SearchCategory search_category() const { return search_category_; }
// Swaps the internal results with |new_results|.
// This is useful when multiple results will be added, and the notification is
// desired to be done only once when all results are added.
// TODO(b/315709613): Deprecated. To be removed. Use `on_search_done_`
// directly.
void SwapResults(Results* new_results);
// A callback to be called when a search is done.
OnSearchResultsCallback on_search_done_;
// TODO(b/315709613): Deprecated. To be removed.
virtual void Start(const std::u16string& query) {}
// TODO(b/315709613): Deprecated. To be removed.
virtual void StartZeroState() {}
// Indicates what kind of search the provider does.
const SearchCategory search_category_;
} // namespace app_list