// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/timer/wall_clock_timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/scheduled_task_handler/scoped_wake_lock.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/policy/weekly_time/weekly_time_interval.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/settings/timezone_settings.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/native_timer.h"
namespace ash {
// When the device enters and exits the specified weekly time interval, this
// class invokes the provided `on_interval_start_callback` callback and
// `on_interval_end_callback` callback respectively every week. This class
// schedules the time interval using the system timezone. Changes to the system
// timezone will make it reprogram the time interval. When the timer fails to
// start the callbacks will not be executed.
class RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor
: public system::TimezoneSettings::Observer {
using TimerResultCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(policy::ScopedWakeLock, bool)>;
class Factory {
Factory(const Factory&) = delete;
const Factory& operator=(const Factory&) = delete;
virtual ~Factory();
virtual std::unique_ptr<RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor> Create(
const policy::WeeklyTimeInterval& time_interval,
base::RepeatingClosure on_interval_end_callback);
RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor() = delete;
// TODO(b/328421429): Make constructor private and inline `ScheduleTimer()`
// method.
const policy::WeeklyTimeInterval& time_interval,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::TimeDelta)> on_interval_start_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure on_interval_end_callback);
RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor(const RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor&) =
RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor& operator=(
const RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor&) = delete;
~RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor() override;
// Starts the executor and schedules the `timer_` to the start and end of the
// `interval_` respectively. Runs `on_interval_start_callback_` at the start
// of the interval and `on_interval_end_callback_` at the end.
void ScheduleTimer();
// system::TimezoneSettings::Observer
void TimezoneChanged(const icu::TimeZone& timezone) override;
const policy::WeeklyTimeInterval& time_interval() const {
return time_interval_;
// Clock to get the current system time.
raw_ptr<const base::Clock> clock_;
// `timer_` is used for two reasons:
// 1) When we are waiting until the time interval starts to call
// `on_interval_start_callback_`.
// 2) When we are waiting until the time interval ends to call
// `on_interval_end_callback_`.
std::unique_ptr<base::WallClockTimer> timer_;
// Called by the `Start` function when the current time falls inside the
// `time_interval_`.
void IntervalStartsNow();
// Called by the `Start` function when the start of the interval is in the
// future.
void IntervalStartsLater();
// Starts a timer to expire at `expiration_time`. Calls the
// `timer_expiration_callback` on timer expiration.
void StartTimer(policy::WeeklyTime expiration_time,
base::OnceClosure timer_expiration_callback);
// Timer until the end of the interval is finished.
// TODO(b/330836068): Remove interval end timer.
void HandleIntervalEndTimerFinish();
const policy::WeeklyTimeInterval time_interval_;
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::TimeDelta)>
// TODO(b/330836068): Remove interval end callback.
const base::RepeatingClosure on_interval_end_callback_;
bool timer_scheduled_ = false;
// Flag to track if a timer to the end of the interval has started. Used to
// run the `on_interval_start_callback_` when the timezone changes.
bool has_interval_end_timer_started_ = false;
// Last known timezone used to prevent reacting to multiple `TimezoneChanged`
// observer calls of the same timezone.
std::u16string last_known_time_zone_id_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RepeatingTimeIntervalTaskExecutor> weak_ptr_factory_{
} // namespace ash