// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
// Interface to represent long running asynchronous operations that are
// cancellable.
// The only public member of a CancellableJob is its destructor. Destruction
// implies the job should be cancelled if it's still in progress.
// This is useful so that implementers can hide internal details while allowing
// the asynchronous job to be deleted and cancelled by its owners.
class [[nodiscard]] CancellableJob {
virtual ~CancellableJob() = default;
CancellableJob(const CancellableJob&) = delete;
CancellableJob& operator=(const CancellableJob&) = delete;
CancellableJob() = default;
} // namespace ash