This tests that the specified height is honored (*) for <input> and <button> elements.
(*) The Mac ports ignore the specified height for <input type="button"> elements unless a border and/or background CSS property is also specified (see the fifth button below). Disregarding padding, they render the button with a height equal to the height of the font used for the button label.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS successfullyParsed is true
PASS document.getElementById('button1').offsetHeight is document.getElementById('button2').offsetHeight
PASS document.getElementById('button3').offsetHeight is 40
PASS document.getElementById('button4').offsetHeight is 40
FAIL document.getElementById('button5').offsetHeight is incorrect for this platform. Should be the same height as button 1 for the Mac ports and 40 otherwise.