// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/attestation/tpm_challenge_key_result.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/platform_keys/platform_keys.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/attestation/attestation_flow.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/attestation/attestation_ca.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/attestation/attestation_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/attestation/interface.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/constants/attestation_constants.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/tpm_manager/tpm_manager.pb.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user.h"
class Profile;
namespace ash {
namespace attestation {
class MachineCertificateUploader;
//==================== TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory ============================
class TpmChallengeKeySubtle;
class TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory final {
static std::unique_ptr<TpmChallengeKeySubtle> Create();
// Recreates an object as it would be after |StartPrepareKeyStep| method call.
// It is the caller's responsibility to guarantee that |StartPrepareKeyStep|
// has successfully finished before and that only one call of
// |StartSignChallengeStep| and/or |StartRegisterKeyStep| for a prepared key
// pair will ever happen.
// |profile| may be nullptr - then it is assumed that this is a device-wide
// instance that is only intended to be used with machine keys.
static std::unique_ptr<TpmChallengeKeySubtle> CreateForPreparedKey(
::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type,
bool will_register_key,
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type,
const std::string& key_name,
const std::string& public_key,
Profile* profile);
static void SetForTesting(std::unique_ptr<TpmChallengeKeySubtle> next_result);
static bool WillReturnTestingInstance();
static TpmChallengeKeySubtle* next_result_for_testing_;
//===================== TpmChallengeKeySubtle ==================================
using TpmChallengeKeyCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const TpmChallengeKeyResult& result)>;
// Asynchronously runs the flow to challenge a key in the caller context.
// Consider using |TpmChallengeKey| class for simple cases.
// This class provides a detailed API for calculating Verified Access challenge
// response and manipulating keys that are used for that.
// The order of calling methods is important. Expected usage:
// 1. |StartPrepareKeyStep| should always be called first.
// 2. After that, if the object is destroyed, it can be recreated by using
// |TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory::CreateForPreparedKey|.
// 3. |StartSignChallengeStep| allows to calculate challenge response, can be
// skipped.
// 4. As a last step, |StartRegisterKeyStep| allows change key type so it cannot
// sign challenges anymore, but can be used for general puprose cryptographic
// operations (via PlatformKeysService).
class TpmChallengeKeySubtle {
TpmChallengeKeySubtle(const TpmChallengeKeySubtle&) = delete;
TpmChallengeKeySubtle& operator=(const TpmChallengeKeySubtle&) = delete;
virtual ~TpmChallengeKeySubtle() = default;
// Checks that it is allowed to generate a VA challenge response and generates
// a new key pair if necessary. Returns result via |callback|. In case of
// success |TpmChallengeKeyResult::public_key| will be filled. If
// |will_register_key| is true, challenge response will contain SPKAC and the
// key can be registered using StartRegisterKeyStep method.
virtual void StartPrepareKeyStep(
::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type,
bool will_register_key,
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type,
const std::string& key_name,
Profile* profile,
TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback,
const std::optional<std::string>& signals) = 0;
// Generates a VA challenge response using the key pair prepared by
// |PrepareKey| method. Returns VA challenge response via |callback|. In case
// of success |TpmChallengeKeyResult::challenge_response| will be filled.
virtual void StartSignChallengeStep(const std::string& challenge,
TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback) = 0;
// Registers the key that makes it available for general purpose cryptographic
// operations.
virtual void StartRegisterKeyStep(TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback) = 0;
// Allow access to |RestorePrepareKeyResult| method.
friend class TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory;
// Use TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory for creation.
TpmChallengeKeySubtle() = default;
// Restores internal state of the object as if it would be after
// |StartPrepareKeyStep|. |public_key| is required only if |will_register_key|
// is true.
virtual void RestorePreparedKeyState(
::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type,
bool will_register_key,
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type,
const std::string& key_name,
const std::string& public_key,
Profile* profile) = 0;
//================= TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl ==================================
class TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl final : public TpmChallengeKeySubtle {
// Use TpmChallengeKeySubtleFactory for creation.
// Use only for testing.
AttestationFlow* attestation_flow_for_testing,
MachineCertificateUploader* certificate_uploader_for_testing);
TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl(const TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl&) = delete;
TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl& operator=(const TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl&) =
~TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl() override;
// TpmChallengeKeySubtle
void StartPrepareKeyStep(::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type,
bool will_register_key,
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type,
const std::string& key_name,
Profile* profile,
TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback,
const std::optional<std::string>& signals) override;
void StartSignChallengeStep(const std::string& challenge,
TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback) override;
void StartRegisterKeyStep(TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback) override;
// TpmChallengeKeySubtle
void RestorePreparedKeyState(::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type,
bool will_register_key,
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type,
const std::string& key_name,
const std::string& public_key,
Profile* profile) override;
void PrepareEnterpriseUserFlow();
void PrepareEnterpriseMachineFlow();
void PrepareDeviceTrustConnectorFlow();
// Returns true if the user is managed.
// If this is a device-wide instance without a user-associated `profile_`,
// returns false.
bool IsUserManaged() const;
// Returns true if the user is managed and is affiliated with the domain the
// device is enrolled to.
// If this is a device-wide instance without a user-associated |profile_|,
// returns false.
bool IsUserAffiliated() const;
// Returns the user email (for user key) or an empty string (for machine key).
std::string GetEmail() const;
AttestationCertificateProfile GetCertificateProfile() const;
// Returns the User* associated with |profile_|. May return nullptr (if there
// is no |profile_| or if e.g. |profile_| is a sign-in profile).
const user_manager::User* GetUser() const;
// Returns the AccountId associated with |profile_|. Will return
// EmptyAccountId() if GetUser() returns nullptr.
AccountId GetAccountId() const;
// Returns `GetAccountId()` if the flow type uses a user key, returns empty
// `AccountId` if the flow type uses a device key.
AccountId GetAccountIdForAttestationFlow() const;
// Returns the account id in string if the flow type uses a user key, returns
// an empty string if the flow type uses a device key.
std::string GetUsernameForAttestationClient() const;
// Returns whether or not the challenge response should include the
// certificate of the signing key depending on the VA flow type.
bool ShouldIncludeSigningKeyCertificate() const;
// Returns whether or not the challenge response should include the device
// management / enterprise obfuscated customer ID of the device.
bool ShouldIncludeCustomerId() const;
// Actually prepares a key after all checks are passed and if `can_continue`
// is true.
void PrepareKey(bool can_continue);
// Returns a public key (or an error) via `callback_`.
void PrepareKeyFinished(const ::attestation::GetKeyInfoReply& reply);
void SignChallengeCallback(
const ::attestation::SignEnterpriseChallengeReply& reply);
void RegisterKeyCallback(
const ::attestation::RegisterKeyWithChapsTokenReply& reply);
void MarkCorporateKeyCallback(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);
void GetEnrollmentPreparationsCallback(
const ::attestation::GetEnrollmentPreparationsReply& reply);
void PrepareKeyErrorHandlerCallback(
const ::tpm_manager::GetTpmNonsensitiveStatusReply& reply);
void DoesKeyExistCallback(const ::attestation::GetKeyInfoReply& reply);
void AskForUserConsent(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) const;
void AskForUserConsentCallback(bool result);
void GetCertificateCallback(AttestationStatus status,
const std::string& pem_certificate_chain);
void GetPublicKey();
// Runs |callback_| and resets it. Resetting it in this function and checking
// it in public functions prevents simultaneous calls on the same object.
// |this| may be destructed during the |callback_| run.
void RunCallback(const TpmChallengeKeyResult& result);
std::unique_ptr<AttestationFlow> default_attestation_flow_;
raw_ptr<AttestationFlow, LeakedDanglingUntriaged> attestation_flow_ = nullptr;
// Can be nullptr.
raw_ptr<MachineCertificateUploader, LeakedDanglingUntriaged>
machine_certificate_uploader_ = nullptr;
TpmChallengeKeyCallback callback_;
// |profile_| may be nullptr if this is an instance that is used device-wide
// and only intended to work with machine keys.
raw_ptr<Profile, DanglingUntriaged> profile_ = nullptr;
::attestation::VerifiedAccessFlow flow_type_ =
bool will_register_key_ = false;
::attestation::KeyType key_crypto_type_ = ::attestation::KEY_TYPE_RSA;
// See the comment for TpmChallengeKey::BuildResponse for more context about
// different cases of using this variable.
std::string key_name_;
// In case the key is going to be registered, the public key is stored here
// (after PrepareKeyFinished method is finished). It is used to mark the key
// as corporate.
std::string public_key_;
// Signals from Context Aware Access.
std::optional<std::string> signals_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TpmChallengeKeySubtleImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace attestation
} // namespace ash