// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_common.h"
namespace ash {
namespace cert_provisioning {
// The enum is used for UMA, the values should not be renumerated.
enum class CertProvisioningEvent {
// Some worker tried to register(or reregister) for invalidation topic.
kRegisteredToInvalidationTopic = 0,
// Invalidation received.
kInvalidationReceived = 1,
// Some worker retried to continue without invalidation.
kWorkerRetryWithoutInvalidation = 2,
// Some worker retried to continue without invalidation and made some
// progress.
kWorkerRetrySucceededWithoutInvalidation = 3,
// Profile retried manually from UI.
kWorkerRetryManual = 4,
kWorkerCreated = 5,
kWorkerDeserialized = 6,
kWorkerDeserializationFailed = 7,
// The subscription to an invalidation topic (the start of which is reported
// as kRegisteredToInvalidationTopic) has successfully finished.
kSuccessfullySubscribedToInvalidationTopic = 8,
kMaxValue = kSuccessfullySubscribedToInvalidationTopic
// Records the |final_state| of a worker. If the worker is failed, also records
// its |prev_state| into the same histogram. It is reasonable to put both of
// them in the same histogram because the worker should never stop on an
// intermediate state and even if it does, it is the same as failure.
void RecordResult(ProtocolVersion protocol_version,
CertScope scope,
CertProvisioningWorkerState final_state,
CertProvisioningWorkerState prev_state);
void RecordEvent(ProtocolVersion protocol_version,
CertScope scope,
CertProvisioningEvent event);
// Records time of generation key pair by certificate provisioning worker.
void RecordKeypairGenerationTime(ProtocolVersion protocol_version,
CertScope scope,
base::TimeDelta sample);
// Records time of building Verified Access response by certificate provisioning
// worker.
void RecordVerifiedAccessTime(ProtocolVersion protocol_version,
CertScope scope,
base::TimeDelta sample);
// Records time of generating a signature by certificate provisioning worker.
void RecordDataSignTime(ProtocolVersion protocol_version,
CertScope scope,
base::TimeDelta sample);
} // namespace cert_provisioning
} // namespace ash