// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_common.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_invalidator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_platform_keys_helpers.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/platform_keys/platform_keys_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/invalidation/affiliated_invalidation_service_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/platform_keys/platform_keys.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_state_handler_observer.h"
#include "components/invalidation/invalidation_listener.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
class Profile;
class PrefService;
namespace policy {
class CloudPolicyClient;
} // namespace policy
namespace ash {
class NetworkStateHandler;
namespace cert_provisioning {
class CertProvisioningClient;
class CertProvisioningWorker;
using WorkerMap =
std::map<CertProfileId, std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningWorker>>;
using CertProfileSet = base::flat_set<CertProfile, CertProfileComparator>;
// Holds information about a worker which failed that is still useful (e.g. for
// UI) after the worker has been destroyed.
struct FailedWorkerInfo {
FailedWorkerInfo(const FailedWorkerInfo&);
FailedWorkerInfo& operator=(const FailedWorkerInfo&);
// The state the worker had prior to switching to the failed state
// (CertProvisioningWorkerState::kFailed).
CertProvisioningWorkerState state_before_failure =
// The DER-encoded X.509 SPKI.
std::vector<uint8_t> public_key;
// Human-readable certificate profile name (UTF-8).
std::string cert_profile_name;
// The time the worker was last updated, i.e. when it transferred to the
// failed state.
base::Time last_update_time;
// Holds a message describing the reason for the failure.
std::string failure_message;
// Interface for the scheduler for client certificate provisioning using device
// management.
class CertProvisioningScheduler {
virtual ~CertProvisioningScheduler() = default;
// Intended to be called when a user presses a button in certificate manager
// UI. Retries the process of provisioning a specific certificate.
// Returns "false" if `cert_profile_id` is not found and "true" otherwise.
virtual bool UpdateOneWorker(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id) = 0;
virtual void UpdateAllWorkers() = 0;
// Resets the process of provisioning a specific certificate.
// Returns "false" if `cert_profile_id` is not found and "true" otherwise.
virtual bool ResetOneWorker(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id) = 0;
// Returns all certificate provisioning workers that are currently active.
virtual const WorkerMap& GetWorkers() const = 0;
// Returns a |FailedWorkerInfo| for certificate provisioning processes that
// failed and have not been restarted (yet).
virtual const base::flat_map<CertProfileId, FailedWorkerInfo>&
GetFailedCertProfileIds() const = 0;
// Saves the |callback| to call it when the "visible state" of the scheduler
// changes, i.e.
// (*) the list of active workers changes,
// (*) the list of recently failed workers changes,
// (*) the state of a worker changes.
// (As long as the returned subscription is alive.)
virtual base::CallbackListSubscription AddObserver(
base::RepeatingClosure callback) = 0;
// This class is a part of certificate provisioning feature. It tracks updates
// of |RequiredClientCertificateForUser|, |RequiredClientCertificateForDevice|
// policies and creates one CertProvisioningWorker for every policy entry.
// Should work on the UI thread because it interacts with PlatformKeysService
// and some methods are called from the UI to populate certificate manager
// settings page.
class CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl
: public CertProvisioningScheduler,
public NetworkStateHandlerObserver,
public platform_keys::PlatformKeysServiceObserver {
static std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningScheduler>
CreateUserCertProvisioningScheduler(Profile* profile);
static std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningScheduler>
policy::CloudPolicyClient* cloud_policy_client,
CertScope cert_scope,
Profile* profile,
PrefService* pref_service,
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningClient> cert_provisioning_client,
platform_keys::PlatformKeysService* platform_keys_service,
NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler,
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidatorFactory> invalidator_factory);
~CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl() override;
CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl(const CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl&) = delete;
CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl& operator=(
const CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl&) = delete;
// CertProvisioningScheduler:
bool UpdateOneWorker(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id) override;
void UpdateAllWorkers() override;
bool ResetOneWorker(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id) override;
const WorkerMap& GetWorkers() const override;
const base::flat_map<CertProfileId, FailedWorkerInfo>&
GetFailedCertProfileIds() const override;
base::CallbackListSubscription AddObserver(
base::RepeatingClosure callback) override;
// Invoked when the CertProvisioningWorker corresponding to |profile| reached
// its final state.
// Public so it can be called from tests.
void OnProfileFinished(CertProfile profile,
std::string process_id,
CertProvisioningWorkerState state);
// Called when any state visible from the outside has changed.
// Public so it can be called from tests.
void OnVisibleStateChanged();
void ScheduleInitialUpdate();
void ScheduleDailyUpdate();
// Posts delayed task to call UpdateOneWorkerImpl.
void ScheduleRetry(const CertProfileId& profile_id);
void ScheduleRenewal(const CertProfileId& profile_id, base::TimeDelta delay);
void InitialUpdateCerts();
void DeleteCertsWithoutPolicy();
void OnDeleteCertsWithoutPolicyDone(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);
void CancelWorkersWithoutPolicy(const std::vector<CertProfile>& profiles);
void CleanVaKeysIfIdle();
void OnCleanVaKeysIfIdleDone(bool delete_result);
void RegisterForPrefsChanges();
void InitiateRenewal(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id);
void UpdateOneWorkerImpl(const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id);
void UpdateWorkerList(std::vector<CertProfile> profiles);
void UpdateWorkerListWithExistingCerts(
std::vector<CertProfile> profiles,
base::flat_map<CertProfileId, scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>>
chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);
void OnPrefsChange();
void DailyUpdateWorkers();
void DeserializeWorkers();
// Creates a new worker for |profile| if there is no at the moment.
// Recreates a worker if existing one has a different version of the profile.
// Continues an existing worker if it is in a waiting state.
void ProcessProfile(const CertProfile& profile);
std::optional<CertProfile> GetOneCertProfile(
const CertProfileId& cert_profile_id);
std::vector<CertProfile> GetCertProfiles();
void CreateCertProvisioningWorker(CertProfile profile);
CertProvisioningWorker* FindWorker(CertProfileId profile_id);
// Adds |worker| to |workers_| and returns an unowned pointer to |worker|.
// Triggers a state change notification.
CertProvisioningWorker* AddWorkerToMap(
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningWorker> worker);
// Removes the element referenced by |worker_iter| from |workers_|.
// Triggers a state change notification if send_visible_state_changed_update
// is true.
void RemoveWorkerFromMap(WorkerMap::iterator worker_iter,
bool send_visible_state_changed_update);
// Returns true if the process can be continued (if it's not required to
// wait).
bool MaybeWaitForInternetConnection();
void WaitForInternetConnection();
void OnNetworkChange(const NetworkState* network);
// NetworkStateHandlerObserver
void DefaultNetworkChanged(const NetworkState* network) override;
void NetworkConnectionStateChanged(const NetworkState* network) override;
void UpdateFailedCertProfiles(const CertProvisioningWorker& worker);
// PlatformKeysServiceObserver
void OnPlatformKeysServiceShutDown() override;
// Called by |hold_back_updates_timer_| when the notifications should be sent
// again. Notifies observers if there were any events during the hold back
// period.
void OnHoldBackUpdatesTimerExpired();
// Notifies each observer from |observers_| that the state has changed.
void NotifyObserversVisibleStateChanged();
CertScope cert_scope_ = CertScope::kUser;
// |profile_| can be nullptr for the device-wide instance of
// CertProvisioningScheduler.
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_ = nullptr;
const char* pref_name_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningClient> cert_provisioning_client_;
// |platform_keys_service_| can be nullptr if it has been shut down.
raw_ptr<platform_keys::PlatformKeysService> platform_keys_service_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<NetworkStateHandler> network_state_handler_ = nullptr;
base::ScopedObservation<NetworkStateHandler, NetworkStateHandlerObserver>
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
WorkerMap workers_;
// Contains cert profile ids that will be renewed before next daily update.
// Helps to prevent creation of more than one delayed task for renewal. When
// the renewal starts for a profile id, it is removed from the set.
base::flat_set<CertProfileId> scheduled_renewals_;
// Collection of cert profile ids that failed recently. They will not be
// retried until next |DailyUpdateWorkers|. FailedWorkerInfo contains some
// extra information about the failure. Profiles that failed with
// kInconsistentDataError will not be stored into this collection.
base::flat_map<CertProfileId, FailedWorkerInfo> failed_cert_profiles_;
// Equals true if the last attempt to update certificates failed because there
// was no internet connection.
bool is_waiting_for_online_ = false;
// Contains profiles that should be updated after the current update batch
// run, because an update for them was triggered during the current run.
CertProfileSet queued_profiles_to_update_;
LatestCertsWithIdsGetter certs_with_ids_getter_;
CertDeleter cert_deleter_;
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidatorFactory> invalidator_factory_;
// Observers that are observing this CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl.
base::RepeatingClosureList observers_;
// True when a task for notifying observers about a state change has been
// scheduled but not executed yet.
bool notify_observers_pending_ = false;
// When this timer is running, notifications should not be sent until it
// fires. Used to prevent spamming the observers if many events happen in
// rapid succession.
base::OneShotTimer hold_back_updates_timer_;
// When this is true, an update should be sent to the UI when
// |hold_back_updates_timer_| fires.
bool update_after_hold_back_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CertProvisioningSchedulerImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace cert_provisioning
} // namespace ash