// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_common.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
class Profile;
class PrefService;
namespace ash {
namespace cert_provisioning {
class CertProvisioningInvalidator;
// A OnceCallback that is invoked when the CertProvisioningWorker is done and
// has a result (which could be success or failure).
using CertProvisioningWorkerCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CertProfile profile,
std::string process_id,
CertProvisioningWorkerState state)>;
class CertProvisioningWorker;
struct BackendServerError {
// info on the last failed DMServer call attempt.
BackendServerError(policy::DeviceManagementStatus dm_status,
base::Time error_time)
: time(error_time), status(dm_status) {}
base::Time time;
policy::DeviceManagementStatus status;
class CertProvisioningWorkerFactory {
virtual ~CertProvisioningWorkerFactory() = default;
static CertProvisioningWorkerFactory* Get();
virtual std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningWorker> Create(
std::string process_id,
CertScope cert_scope,
Profile* profile,
PrefService* pref_service,
const CertProfile& cert_profile,
CertProvisioningClient* cert_provisioning_client,
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidator> invalidator,
base::RepeatingClosure state_change_callback,
CertProvisioningWorkerCallback result_callback);
virtual std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningWorker> Deserialize(
CertScope cert_scope,
Profile* profile,
PrefService* pref_service,
const base::Value::Dict& saved_worker,
CertProvisioningClient* cert_provisioning_client,
std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidator> invalidator,
base::RepeatingClosure state_change_callback,
CertProvisioningWorkerCallback result_callback);
// Doesn't take ownership.
static void SetFactoryForTesting(CertProvisioningWorkerFactory* test_factory);
static CertProvisioningWorkerFactory* test_factory_;
// This class is a part of certificate provisioning feature. It takes a
// certificate profile, generates a key pair, communicates with DM Server to
// create a CSR for it and request a certificate, and imports it.
class CertProvisioningWorker {
CertProvisioningWorker() = default;
CertProvisioningWorker(const CertProvisioningWorker&) = delete;
CertProvisioningWorker& operator=(const CertProvisioningWorker&) = delete;
virtual ~CertProvisioningWorker() = default;
// Continue provisioning a certificate.
virtual void DoStep() = 0;
// Sets worker's state to one of final ones. That triggers corresponding
// clean ups (deletes serialized state, keys, and so on) and returns |state|
// via callback.
virtual void Stop(CertProvisioningWorkerState state) = 0;
// Make worker pause all activity and wait for DoStep.
virtual void Pause() = 0;
// Mark worker that it is undergoing a reset process.
virtual void MarkWorkerForReset() = 0;
// Returns true, if the worker is waiting for some future event. |DoStep| can
// be called to try continue right now.
virtual bool IsWaiting() const = 0;
// Returns true if the worker is to be recreated due to a user-initiated
// "reset" action.
virtual bool IsWorkerMarkedForReset() const = 0;
// Returns CertProfile that this worker is working on.
virtual const CertProfile& GetCertProfile() const = 0;
// Returns public key or an empty string if the key is not created yet.
virtual const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetPublicKey() const = 0;
// Returns current state.
virtual CertProvisioningWorkerState GetState() const = 0;
// Returns state that was before the current one. Especially helpful on failed
// workers.
virtual CertProvisioningWorkerState GetPreviousState() const = 0;
// Returns the time when this worker has been last updated.
virtual base::Time GetLastUpdateTime() const = 0;
// Return the info of when this worker has last faced an unsuccessful attempt.
virtual const std::optional<BackendServerError>& GetLastBackendServerError()
const = 0;
// Return a message describing the reason for failure when the worker fails.
// In case the worker did not fail, the message is empty.
virtual std::string GetFailureMessage() const = 0;
} // namespace cert_provisioning
} // namespace ash