
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/attestation/tpm_challenge_key_subtle.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_common.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_invalidator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/cert_provisioning/cert_provisioning_worker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/platform_keys/platform_keys_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/platform_keys/platform_keys.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"

class Profile;
class PrefService;

namespace ash::cert_provisioning {

class CertProvisioningWorkerStatic : public CertProvisioningWorker {
      std::string cert_provisioning_process_id,
      CertScope cert_scope,
      Profile* profile,
      PrefService* pref_service,
      const CertProfile& cert_profile,
      CertProvisioningClient* cert_provisioning_client,
      std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidator> invalidator,
      base::RepeatingClosure state_change_callback,
      CertProvisioningWorkerCallback result_callback);
  ~CertProvisioningWorkerStatic() override;

  // CertProvisioningWorker
  void DoStep() override;
  void Stop(CertProvisioningWorkerState state) override;
  void Pause() override;
  void MarkWorkerForReset() override;
  bool IsWaiting() const override;
  bool IsWorkerMarkedForReset() const override;
  const CertProfile& GetCertProfile() const override;
  const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetPublicKey() const override;
  CertProvisioningWorkerState GetState() const override;
  CertProvisioningWorkerState GetPreviousState() const override;
  base::Time GetLastUpdateTime() const override;
  const std::optional<BackendServerError>& GetLastBackendServerError()
      const override;
  std::string GetFailureMessage() const override;

  friend class CertProvisioningSerializer;

  void GenerateKey();

  void GenerateRegularKey();
  void OnGenerateRegularKeyDone(std::vector<uint8_t> public_key_spki_der,
                                chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);

  void GenerateKeyForVa();
  void OnGenerateKeyForVaDone(base::TimeTicks start_time,
                              const attestation::TpmChallengeKeyResult& result);

  void StartCsr();
  void OnStartCsrDone(policy::DeviceManagementStatus status,
                      std::optional<CertProvisioningResponseErrorType> error,
                      std::optional<int64_t> try_later,
                      const std::string& invalidation_topic,
                      const std::string& va_challenge,
                      enterprise_management::HashingAlgorithm hashing_algorithm,
                      std::vector<uint8_t> data_to_sign);

  void ProcessStartCsrResponse();

  void BuildVaChallengeResponse();
  void OnBuildVaChallengeResponseDone(
      base::TimeTicks start_time,
      const attestation::TpmChallengeKeyResult& result);

  void RegisterKey();
  void OnRegisterKeyDone(const attestation::TpmChallengeKeyResult& result);

  void MarkKey();
  void MarkKeyAsCorporate();
  void OnAllowKeyForUsageDone(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);
  void OnMarkKeyDone(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);

  void SignCsr();
  void OnSignCsrDone(base::TimeTicks start_time,
                     std::vector<uint8_t> signature,
                     chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);

  void FinishCsr();
  void OnFinishCsrDone(policy::DeviceManagementStatus status,
                       std::optional<CertProvisioningResponseErrorType> error,
                       std::optional<int64_t> try_later);

  void DownloadCert();
  void OnDownloadCertDone(
      policy::DeviceManagementStatus status,
      std::optional<CertProvisioningResponseErrorType> error,
      std::optional<int64_t> try_later,
      const std::string& pem_encoded_certificate);

  void ImportCert(const std::string& pem_encoded_certificate);
  void OnImportCertDone(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);

  // Schedule the next step after the `delay`. If `try_provisioning_on_timeout`
  // is true, the worker will automatically try contacting the server-side after
  // it doesn't receive an invalidation for long enough. If it's false, it will
  // require an invalidation to continue.
  void ScheduleNextStep(base::TimeDelta delay,
                        bool try_provisioning_on_timeout);
  void CancelScheduledTasks();

  enum class ContinueReason {
  void OnShouldContinue(ContinueReason reason);

  // Registers for |invalidation_topic_| that allows to receive notification
  // when server side is ready to continue provisioning process.
  void RegisterForInvalidationTopic();
  // Should be called only when provisioning process is finished (successfully
  // or not). Should not be called when the worker is destroyed, but will be
  // deserialized back later.
  void UnregisterFromInvalidationTopic();

  // Callback from invalidations system.
  void OnInvalidationEvent(InvalidationEvent invalidation_event);

  // If it is called with kSucceed or kFailed, it will call the |callback_|. The
  // worker can be destroyed in callback and should not use any member fields
  // after that.
  void UpdateState(const base::Location& from_here,
                   CertProvisioningWorkerState state);

  // Serializes the worker or deletes serialized state according to the current
  // state. Some states are considered unrecoverable, some can be reached again
  // from previous ones.
  void HandleSerialization();
  // Handles recreation of some internal objects after deserialization. Intended
  // to be called from CertProvisioningDeserializer.
  void InitAfterDeserialization();

  void CleanUpAndRunCallback();
  void OnDeleteVaKeyDone(bool delete_result);
  void OnRemoveKeyDone(chromeos::platform_keys::Status status);
  void OnCleanUpDone();

  CertProvisioningClient::ProvisioningProcess GetProvisioningProcessForClient();

  base::TimeDelta GetTryLaterDelay(
      DeviceManagementServerRequestType request_type);

  // Returns true if there are no errors and the flow can be continued.
  // |request_type| is the type of the request to which the DM server has
  // responded with the given |status|.
  bool ProcessResponseErrors(
      DeviceManagementServerRequestType request_type,
      policy::DeviceManagementStatus status,
      std::optional<CertProvisioningResponseErrorType> error,
      std::optional<int64_t> try_later);

  // A convenience method to generate a string that contains some additional
  // info and should be included in all logs.
  std::string GetLogInfoBlock();

  std::string process_id_;
  CertScope cert_scope_ = CertScope::kUser;
  raw_ptr<Profile> profile_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_ = nullptr;
  CertProfile cert_profile_;
  base::RepeatingClosure state_change_callback_;
  CertProvisioningWorkerCallback result_callback_;

  // This field should be updated only via |UpdateState| function. It will
  // trigger update of the serialized data.
  CertProvisioningWorkerState state_ = CertProvisioningWorkerState::kInitState;
  // State that was before the current one. Useful for debugging and cleaning
  // on failure.
  CertProvisioningWorkerState prev_state_ = state_;
  // Time when this worker has been last updated. An update is when the worker
  // advances to the next state or for states that wait for a backend-side
  // condition (e.g CertProvisioningWorkerState:kFinishCsrResponseReceived):
  // when it successfully checked with the backend that the condition is not
  // fulfilled yet.
  base::Time last_update_time_;
  // Consequently, it is not updated if waiting for a backend-side condition,
  // but communication with the backend is not possible (e.g. due to server
  // errors or network connectivity issues).
  // The last error received in communicating to the backend server.
  std::optional<BackendServerError> last_backend_server_error_;
  bool is_waiting_ = false;
  bool is_schedueled_for_reset_ = false;
  // Used for an UMA metric to track situation when the worker did not receive
  // an invalidation for a completed server side task.
  bool is_continued_without_invalidation_for_uma_ = false;
  // Calculates retry timeout for network related failures.
  net::BackoffEntry request_backoff_;
  // Calculates retry timeout for DownloadCert "try later" cases.
  net::BackoffEntry download_cert_request_backoff_;

  // Public key - represented as DER-encoded X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo
  // (binary).
  std::vector<uint8_t> public_key_;
  std::string invalidation_topic_;

  // These variables may not contain valid values after
  // kFinishCsrResponseReceived state because of deserialization (and they don't
  // need to).
  std::string csr_;
  std::string va_challenge_;
  std::string va_challenge_response_;
  std::optional<chromeos::platform_keys::HashAlgorithm> hashing_algorithm_;
  std::string signature_;

  // Holds a message describing the reason for failure when the worker fails.
  // This may not contain PII or stable identifiers as it will be logged.
  // If the worker did not fail, this message is empty.
  std::string failure_message_;
  // Optionally holds a message like `failure_message_` but containing PII or
  // stable identifiers for display on the UI.
  // If the worker did not fail, this is absent.
  // If the worker did fail and this is absent, the UI should display
  // failure_message_.
  std::optional<std::string> failure_message_ui_;

  // Increment this when you add/change any member in
  // CertProvisioningWorkerStatic that affects serialization (and update all
  // functions that fail to compile because of it).
  static constexpr int kVersion = 2;

  // Unowned PlatformKeysService. Note that the CertProvisioningWorker does not
  // observe the PlatformKeysService for shutdown events. Instead, it relies on
  // the CertProvisioningScheduler to destroy all CertProvisioningWorker
  // instances when the corresponding PlatformKeysService is shutting down.
  raw_ptr<platform_keys::PlatformKeysService> platform_keys_service_ = nullptr;
  const raw_ptr<CertProvisioningClient> cert_provisioning_client_;

  std::unique_ptr<CertProvisioningInvalidator> invalidator_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<CertProvisioningWorkerStatic> weak_factory_{this};

}  // namespace ash::cert_provisioning