// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_service.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class OneShotTimer;
} // namespace base
namespace policy {
class UserCloudPolicyManagerAsh;
} // namespace policy
namespace ash {
// Observes initial policy refresh for child user.
// Unlike for regular user, child user policy is refreshed after profile
// initialization as a part of the refresh schedule. This class tracks initial
// policy refresh and sends notification when it is done.
// Child policy is considered ready if one of the conditions is fulfilled:
// * Policy refresh finished successfully (fresh policy is available)
// * Policy refresh finished with error (cached policy is available)
// * Waiting for policy refresh timed out (cached policy is available)
class ChildPolicyObserver : public policy::CloudPolicyService::Observer {
// Result of the initial policy refresh.
enum class InitialPolicyRefreshResult {
kUnknown, // Result unknown.
kPolicyRefreshed, // Initial policy refresh finished successfully.
kPolicyRefreshError, // Initial policy refresh finished with error.
kPolicyRefreshTimeout // Initial policy refresh timed out.
using PolicyReadyCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*, InitialPolicyRefreshResult)>;
explicit ChildPolicyObserver(Profile* profile);
ChildPolicyObserver(const ChildPolicyObserver&) = delete;
ChildPolicyObserver& operator=(const ChildPolicyObserver&) = delete;
~ChildPolicyObserver() override;
// policy::CloudPolicyService::Observer:
void OnCloudPolicyServiceInitializationCompleted() override;
void OnPolicyRefreshed(bool success) override;
std::string_view name() const override;
// Requests notification when policy is ready. Passed |on_policy_ready| will
// be invoked when initial policy refresh is finished. Information about
// refresh success or error will be passed in the |on_policy_ready|. If policy
// refresh is not finished before |timeout| the refresh will be considered
// timed out and |on_policy_ready| will be invoked.
// If policy refresh is finshed before this method is called,
// |on_policy_ready| will be invoked immediately.
void NotifyWhenPolicyReady(PolicyReadyCallback on_policy_ready,
base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Returns whether initial policy refresh finished and policy is considered
// ready.
bool IsChildPolicyReady() const;
// Called when initial policy refresh finished or timed out.
void OnPolicyReady(InitialPolicyRefreshResult refresh_result);
// Returns user cloud policy manager for |profile_|.
policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerAsh* GetUserCloudPolicyManager();
// The result of initial policy refresh for child user.
InitialPolicyRefreshResult refresh_result_ =
// Timer that fires to prevent indefinite wait if the refresh takes too long.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> refresh_timeout_timer_;
// Callback to be invoked when child policy refresh finshed (successfully,
// with an error or timed out). Notifies the requester that policy is ready.
PolicyReadyCallback on_policy_ready_;
// Profile of the child user, not owned.
const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
} // namespace ash