// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/app_types.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
namespace app_time {
class AppId;
class AppLimit;
enum class AppRestriction;
namespace policy {
// Dictionary keys for app time limits related policies.
extern const char kUrlList[];
extern const char kAppList[];
extern const char kAppId[];
extern const char kAppType[];
extern const char kAppLimitsArray[];
extern const char kAppInfoDict[];
extern const char kRestrictionEnum[];
extern const char kDailyLimitInt[];
extern const char kLastUpdatedString[];
extern const char kResetAtDict[];
extern const char kHourInt[];
extern const char kMinInt[];
extern const char kActivityReportingEnabled[];
// Converts between apps::AppType and string used by app time limits policies.
apps::AppType PolicyStringToAppType(const std::string& app_type);
std::string AppTypeToPolicyString(apps::AppType app_type);
// Converts between AppRestriction and string used by app time limits policies.
AppRestriction PolicyStringToAppRestriction(const std::string& restriction);
std::string AppRestrictionToPolicyString(const AppRestriction& restriction);
// Deserializes AppId from |dict|.
// Returns value if |dict| contains valid app information.
std::optional<AppId> AppIdFromDict(const base::Value::Dict* dict);
// Serializes AppId to the dictionary.
base::Value::Dict AppIdToDict(const AppId& app_id);
// Deserializes AppId from |dict|.
// Returns value if |dict| contains valid app information in its entry keyed by
// kAppInfoDict.
std::optional<AppId> AppIdFromAppInfoDict(const base::Value::Dict* dict);
// Deserializes AppLimit from |dict|.
// Returns value if |dict| contains valid app limit information.
std::optional<AppLimit> AppLimitFromDict(const base::Value::Dict& dict);
// Serializes AppLimit to the dictionary.
base::Value::Dict AppLimitToDict(const AppLimit& limit);
// Deserializes daily limits reset time from |dict|.
// Returns value if |dict| contains valid reset time information.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> ResetTimeFromDict(const base::Value::Dict& dict);
// Serializes daily limits reset to the dictionary.
base::Value::Dict ResetTimeToDict(int hour, int minutes);
// Deserializes activity reporting enabled boolean from |dict|.
// Returns value if |dict| contains a valid entry.
std::optional<bool> ActivityReportingEnabledFromDict(
const base::Value::Dict& dict);
// Deserializes app limits data from the |dict|.
// Will return empty map if |dict| is invalid.
std::map<AppId, AppLimit> AppLimitsFromDict(const base::Value::Dict& dict);
} // namespace policy
} // namespace app_time
} // namespace ash