// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(crbug.com/40285824): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/usage_time_limit_processor.h"
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check_deref.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/time_limit_override.h"
namespace ash::usage_time_limit {
namespace internal {
namespace {
constexpr char kTimeLimitLastUpdatedAt[] = "last_updated_millis";
constexpr char kTimeWindowLimit[] = "time_window_limit";
constexpr char kTimeUsageLimit[] = "time_usage_limit";
constexpr char kUsageLimitResetAt[] = "reset_at";
constexpr char kUsageLimitUsageQuota[] = "usage_quota_mins";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntries[] = "entries";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntryEffectiveDay[] = "effective_day";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntryEndsAt[] = "ends_at";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntryStartsAt[] = "starts_at";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntryTimeHour[] = "hour";
constexpr char kWindowLimitEntryTimeMinute[] = "minute";
constexpr const char* kTimeLimitWeekdays[] = {
"sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday",
"thursday", "friday", "saturday"};
// Defaults to midnight.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultUsageLimitResetTime;
// Whether a timestamp is inside a window.
bool ContainsTime(base::Time start, base::Time end, base::Time now) {
return now >= start && now < end;
// Returns true when a < b. When b is null, this returns true.
bool IsBefore(base::Time a, base::Time b) {
return b.is_null() || a < b;
// Implements the modulo operation. E.g. modulo(10, 7) == 3, modulo(-1, 7) == 6.
int Modulo(int dividend, int divisor) {
int remainder = dividend % divisor;
if (remainder < 0)
remainder += divisor;
return remainder;
// Shifts the current weekday, if the value is positive shifts forward and if
// negative backwards.
Weekday WeekdayShift(Weekday current_day, int shift) {
return static_cast<Weekday>(Modulo(static_cast<int>(current_day) + shift,
// Returns usage limit reset time or default value if |time_usage_limit| is
// invalid.
base::TimeDelta GetUsageLimitResetTime(
const std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit>& time_usage_limit) {
if (time_usage_limit)
return time_usage_limit->resets_at;
return kDefaultUsageLimitResetTime;
// Helper class to process the UsageTimeLimit policy.
class UsageTimeLimitProcessor {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit,
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit,
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override,
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override,
const base::TimeDelta& used_time,
const base::Time& usage_timestamp,
const base::Time& current_time,
const icu::TimeZone* const time_zone,
const std::optional<State>& previous_state);
~UsageTimeLimitProcessor() = default;
// Current user's session state.
State GetState();
// Expected time when the user's usage quota should be reset.
base::Time GetExpectedResetTime();
// Difference between today user's usage quota and usage time.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetRemainingTimeUsage();
// Get the active time window limit.
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> GetActiveTimeWindowLimit();
// Get the active time usage limit.
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> GetActiveTimeUsageLimit();
// Get the enabled time usage limit.
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> GetEnabledTimeUsageLimit();
// Returns the duration of all the consuctive time window limit starting at
// the given weekday.
base::TimeDelta GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(
internal::Weekday weekday);
// Whether there's an override whose duration has finished.
bool IsOverrideDurationFinished();
// Whether the device should be locked by an override.
bool ShouldBeLockedByOverride();
// Whether there is a valid override. It includes lock, unlock or unlock with
// duration override.
bool HasActiveOverride();
// Whether there's an active override with duration.
bool HasActiveOverrideWithDuration();
// Whether the user's session should be locked.
bool IsLocked();
// Which policy is currently active.
PolicyType GetActivePolicy();
// Gets the time when the active time limit will end.
base::Time GetActiveTimeLimitEndTime();
// Gets the next time when usage time limit will reset.
base::Time GetNextUsageLimitResetTime();
// Gets the time when the current override will end. If there's no override,
// returns base::Time().
base::Time GetCurrentOverrideEndTime();
// Gets the time when the lock override will end.
base::Time GetLockOverrideEndTime();
// Next time when the user session will be unlocked.
base::Time GetNextUnlockTime();
// Expected time when the state will change.
base::Time GetNextStateChangeTime(PolicyType* out_next_active);
// Whether the time window limit defined in the given weekday is overridden.
bool IsWindowLimitOverridden(internal::Weekday weekday);
// Whether the time usage limit defined in the given weekday is overridden.
bool IsUsageLimitOverridden(internal::Weekday weekday);
// Whether the current override was canceled by the window limit update in the
// given weekday.
bool WasOverrideCanceledByWindowLimit(internal::Weekday weekday);
// Whether the current override was canceled by the usage time limit update in
// the given weekday.
bool WasOverrideCanceledByUsageTimeLimit(internal::Weekday weekday);
// When the lock override should reset.
base::TimeDelta LockOverrideResetTime();
// When the usage limit should reset the usage quota.
base::TimeDelta UsageLimitResetTime();
// Checks if the time window limit entry for the current weekday is active.
bool IsTodayTimeWindowLimitActive();
// Local midnight.
base::Time LocalMidnight(base::Time time);
// Get the current weekday.
Weekday GetCurrentWeekday();
// Get the time zone offset. Used to convert GMT time to local time.
base::TimeDelta GetTimeZoneOffset(base::Time time);
// Converts the policy time, which is a delta from midnight, to a timestamp.
// Since this is done based on the current time, a shift in days param is
// available.
base::Time ConvertPolicyTime(base::TimeDelta policy_time, int shift_in_days);
// The policy time window limit object.
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit_;
// The policy time usage limit object.
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit_;
// The policy override object.
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override_;
// The local override object.
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override_;
// How long the user has used the device.
const base::TimeDelta used_time_;
// When the used_time_ data was collected.
const base::Time usage_timestamp_;
// The current time, not necessarily equal to usage_timestamp_.
const base::Time current_time_;
// Unowned. The device's timezone.
const raw_ptr<const icu::TimeZone> time_zone_;
// Current weekday, extracted from current time.
internal::Weekday current_weekday_;
// The previous state calculated by this class.
const raw_ref<const std::optional<State>> previous_state_;
// The active time window limit. If this is set, it means that the user
// session should be locked, in other words, there is a time window limit set
// for the current day, the current time is inside that window and no unlock
// override is preventing it to be locked.
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> active_time_window_limit_;
// The active time usage limit. If this is set, it means that the user session
// should be locked, in other words, there is a time usage limit set for the
// current day, the user has used all their usage quota and no unlock override
// is preventing it to be locked.
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> active_time_usage_limit_;
// If this is set, it means that there is a time usage limit set for today,
// but it is not necessarily active. It could be inactive either because the
// user haven't used all their quota or because there is an unlock override
// active.
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> enabled_time_usage_limit_;
// Whether there is a window limit overridden.
bool overridden_window_limit_ = false;
// Whether there is a usage limit overridden.
bool overridden_usage_limit_ = false;
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit,
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit,
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override,
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override,
const base::TimeDelta& used_time,
const base::Time& usage_timestamp,
const base::Time& current_time,
const icu::TimeZone* const time_zone,
const std::optional<State>& previous_state)
: time_window_limit_(std::move(time_window_limit)),
enabled_time_usage_limit_(GetEnabledTimeUsageLimit()) {
// Use local override if it is newer than policy override, otherwise ignore
// local override.
// Note: |time_limit_override_| needs to be set before calculating
// |active_time_window_limit_| and |active_time_usage_limit_|.
bool should_use_local_override = local_time_limit_override.has_value() &&
(!time_limit_override.has_value() ||
local_time_limit_override->created_at() >
time_limit_override_ = should_use_local_override
? std::move(local_time_limit_override)
: std::move(time_limit_override);
// This will also set overridden_window_limit_ to true if applicable.
// TODO: refactor GetActiveTimeWindowLimit to stop updating the state on a
// getter method.
active_time_window_limit_ = GetActiveTimeWindowLimit();
// This will also sets overridden_usage_limit_ to true if applicable.
// TODO: refactor GetActiveTimeUsageLimit to stop updating the state on a
// getter method.
active_time_usage_limit_ = GetActiveTimeUsageLimit();
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetExpectedResetTime() {
base::TimeDelta delta_from_midnight =
current_time_ - LocalMidnight(current_time_);
int shift_in_days = 1;
if (delta_from_midnight < UsageLimitResetTime())
shift_in_days = 0;
return ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), shift_in_days);
UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetRemainingTimeUsage() {
if (!enabled_time_usage_limit_)
return std::nullopt;
return std::max(enabled_time_usage_limit_->usage_quota - used_time_,
State UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetState() {
State state;
state.is_locked = IsLocked();
state.active_policy = GetActivePolicy();
// Time usage limit is enabled if there is an entry for the current day and it
// is not overridden.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> remaining_usage = GetRemainingTimeUsage();
if (remaining_usage) {
state.is_time_usage_limit_enabled = true;
state.remaining_usage = remaining_usage.value();
const base::TimeDelta delta_zero = base::Minutes(0);
bool current_state_above_usage_limit =
state.is_time_usage_limit_enabled && state.remaining_usage <= delta_zero;
bool previous_state_below_usage_limit =
previous_state_->has_value() &&
(*previous_state_)->is_time_usage_limit_enabled &&
(*previous_state_)->remaining_usage > delta_zero;
bool previous_state_no_usage_limit =
previous_state_->has_value() &&
bool previous_state_above_usage_limit =
previous_state_->has_value() &&
(*previous_state_)->is_time_usage_limit_enabled &&
(*previous_state_)->remaining_usage <= delta_zero;
if ((previous_state_below_usage_limit || previous_state_no_usage_limit ||
!previous_state_->has_value()) &&
current_state_above_usage_limit) {
// Time usage limit just started being enforced.
state.time_usage_limit_started = usage_timestamp_;
} else if (previous_state_above_usage_limit) {
// Time usage limit was already enforced.
state.time_usage_limit_started =
state.next_state_change_time =
state.next_unlock_time = GetNextUnlockTime();
return state;
base::TimeDelta UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(
internal::Weekday weekday) {
base::TimeDelta duration = base::Minutes(0);
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> current_day_entry =
if (!time_window_limit_ || !current_day_entry)
return duration;
// Iterate throught entries as long as they are consecutive, or overlap.
base::TimeDelta last_entry_end = current_day_entry->starts_at;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(internal::Weekday::kCount); i++) {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit_entry =
time_window_limit_->entries[internal::WeekdayShift(weekday, i)];
// It is not consecutive.
if (!window_limit_entry || window_limit_entry->starts_at > last_entry_end)
if (window_limit_entry->IsOvernight()) {
duration += base::TimeDelta(base::Hours(24) - last_entry_end) +
} else {
duration += std::max(window_limit_entry->ends_at - last_entry_end,
// This entry is not overnight, so the next one cannot be a consecutive
// window.
last_entry_end = window_limit_entry->ends_at;
return duration;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::IsWindowLimitOverridden(
internal::Weekday weekday) {
if (!time_window_limit_ || !time_limit_override_ ||
time_limit_override_->IsLock()) {
return false;
// If there's an override with duration, the window limit is overridden only
// if the override is active and duration is not over, since it works
// as a lock override after duration.
if (time_limit_override_->duration())
return HasActiveOverrideWithDuration() && !IsOverrideDurationFinished();
if (WasOverrideCanceledByWindowLimit(weekday))
return false;
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit_entry =
int days_behind = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(internal::Weekday::kCount); i++) {
if (internal::WeekdayShift(weekday, i) == current_weekday_) {
days_behind = i;
base::Time window_limit_start =
ConvertPolicyTime(window_limit_entry->starts_at, -days_behind);
base::Time window_limit_end =
window_limit_start + GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(weekday);
return ContainsTime(window_limit_start, window_limit_end,
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::IsUsageLimitOverridden(
internal::Weekday weekday) {
if (!time_limit_override_ || time_limit_override_->IsLock()) {
return false;
if (!time_usage_limit_ || !previous_state_->has_value()) {
return false;
// If there's an override with duration, the usage limit is overridden only
// if the override is active and duration is not over, since it works
// as a lock override after duration.
if (time_limit_override_->duration())
return HasActiveOverrideWithDuration() && !IsOverrideDurationFinished();
if (WasOverrideCanceledByUsageTimeLimit(weekday))
return false;
base::Time last_reset_time = ConvertPolicyTime(LockOverrideResetTime(), 0);
bool usage_limit_enforced_previously =
(*previous_state_)->is_time_usage_limit_enabled &&
(*previous_state_)->remaining_usage <= base::Minutes(0);
bool override_created_after_usage_limit_start =
!(*previous_state_)->time_usage_limit_started.is_null() &&
time_limit_override_->created_at() >
(*previous_state_)->time_usage_limit_started &&
time_limit_override_->created_at() >= last_reset_time;
return usage_limit_enforced_previously &&
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::WasOverrideCanceledByUsageTimeLimit(
internal::Weekday weekday) {
if (!time_usage_limit_ || !time_limit_override_)
return false;
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> usage_limit_entry =
// If the time usage limit has been updated since the override, the
// override is cancelled.
return usage_limit_entry &&
usage_limit_entry->last_updated > time_limit_override_->created_at();
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::WasOverrideCanceledByWindowLimit(
internal::Weekday weekday) {
if (!time_window_limit_ || !time_limit_override_)
return false;
std::optional<TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit =
// If the window limit has been updated since the override, the
// override is cancelled.
if (window_limit &&
window_limit->last_updated > time_limit_override_->created_at())
return true;
return false;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::HasActiveOverrideWithDuration() {
if (!time_limit_override_ || time_limit_override_->IsLock() ||
!time_limit_override_->duration()) {
return false;
internal::Weekday current_usage_limit_day =
current_time_ > ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), 0)
? current_weekday_
: internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1);
if (current_time_ >= GetCurrentOverrideEndTime() ||
return false;
if (!time_window_limit_)
return true;
internal::Weekday previous_weekday =
internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1);
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> previous_day_entry =
// Active time window limit that started on the previous day.
if (previous_day_entry && previous_day_entry->IsOvernight() &&
WasOverrideCanceledByWindowLimit(previous_weekday)) {
return false;
return !WasOverrideCanceledByWindowLimit(current_weekday_);
UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetActiveTimeWindowLimit() {
if (!time_window_limit_)
return std::nullopt;
internal::Weekday previous_weekday =
internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1);
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> previous_day_entry =
// Active time window limit that started on the previous day.
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> previous_day_active_entry;
if (previous_day_entry && previous_day_entry->IsOvernight()) {
base::Time limit_start =
ConvertPolicyTime(previous_day_entry->starts_at, -1);
base::Time limit_end = ConvertPolicyTime(previous_day_entry->ends_at, 0);
if (ContainsTime(limit_start, limit_end, current_time_)) {
if (IsWindowLimitOverridden(previous_weekday)) {
overridden_window_limit_ = true;
} else {
previous_day_active_entry = previous_day_entry;
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> current_day_entry =
// Active time window limit that started today.
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> current_day_active_entry;
if (current_day_entry) {
base::Time limit_start = ConvertPolicyTime(current_day_entry->starts_at, 0);
base::Time limit_end = ConvertPolicyTime(
current_day_entry->ends_at, current_day_entry->IsOvernight() ? 1 : 0);
if (ContainsTime(limit_start, limit_end, current_time_)) {
if (IsWindowLimitOverridden(current_weekday_)) {
overridden_window_limit_ = true;
} else {
current_day_active_entry = current_day_entry;
if (current_day_active_entry && previous_day_active_entry) {
// If two windows overlap and are active now we must return the one that
// ends later.
if (current_day_active_entry->IsOvernight() ||
current_day_active_entry->ends_at >
previous_day_active_entry->ends_at) {
return current_day_active_entry;
return previous_day_active_entry;
if (current_day_active_entry)
return current_day_active_entry;
return previous_day_active_entry;
UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetEnabledTimeUsageLimit() {
if (!time_usage_limit_)
return std::nullopt;
internal::Weekday current_usage_limit_day =
current_time_ >= ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), 0)
? current_weekday_
: internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1);
return time_usage_limit_->entries[current_usage_limit_day];
UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetActiveTimeUsageLimit() {
if (!time_usage_limit_)
return std::nullopt;
internal::Weekday current_usage_limit_day =
current_time_ > ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), 0)
? current_weekday_
: internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1);
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> current_usage_limit =
if (IsUsageLimitOverridden(current_usage_limit_day)) {
overridden_usage_limit_ = true;
return std::nullopt;
if (current_usage_limit && used_time_ >= current_usage_limit->usage_quota)
return current_usage_limit;
return std::nullopt;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::IsOverrideDurationFinished() {
if (!time_limit_override_ || time_limit_override_->IsLock() ||
return false;
base::Time lock_time = time_limit_override_->created_at() +
if (ContainsTime(time_limit_override_->created_at(), lock_time,
return false;
return true;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::ShouldBeLockedByOverride() {
return (HasActiveOverride() && time_limit_override_->IsLock()) ||
(HasActiveOverrideWithDuration() && IsOverrideDurationFinished());
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::HasActiveOverride() {
if (!time_limit_override_ || active_time_window_limit_ ||
active_time_usage_limit_) {
return false;
if (overridden_window_limit_ || overridden_usage_limit_)
return true;
if (time_limit_override_->duration())
return HasActiveOverrideWithDuration();
base::Time last_reset_time = ConvertPolicyTime(LockOverrideResetTime(), 0);
if (current_time_ < last_reset_time)
last_reset_time -= base::Days(1);
bool override_cancelled_by_window_limit = false;
if (time_window_limit_) {
// Check if yesterdays or todays window limit ended after override was
// created.
for (int i = -1; i <= 0; i++) {
internal::Weekday weekday = WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, i);
std::optional<TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit =
if (window_limit) {
base::Time window_limit_start =
ConvertPolicyTime(window_limit->starts_at, i);
base::Time window_limit_end =
window_limit_start + GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(weekday);
if (current_time_ >= window_limit_end &&
window_limit_end > time_limit_override_->created_at()) {
override_cancelled_by_window_limit = true;
bool has_valid_lock_override =
time_limit_override_->created_at() > last_reset_time &&
if (!has_valid_lock_override)
return false;
// Check if the usage time was increased before the override creation, which
// invalidates it.
if (previous_state_->has_value() &&
(*previous_state_)->is_time_usage_limit_enabled &&
(*previous_state_)->remaining_usage <= base::Minutes(0)) {
if (enabled_time_usage_limit_ &&
time_limit_override_->created_at() <
enabled_time_usage_limit_->last_updated) {
return false;
return true;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::IsLocked() {
return active_time_usage_limit_ || active_time_window_limit_ ||
PolicyType UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetActivePolicy() {
// If there's an active override with duration, the active policy is always
// override.
if (HasActiveOverrideWithDuration())
return PolicyType::kOverride;
if (active_time_window_limit_)
return PolicyType::kFixedLimit;
if (active_time_usage_limit_)
return PolicyType::kUsageLimit;
if (HasActiveOverride())
return PolicyType::kOverride;
return PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetActiveTimeLimitEndTime() {
if (!active_time_window_limit_)
return base::Time();
base::TimeDelta window_limit_duration =
? GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(current_weekday_)
: GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(
internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1));
return ConvertPolicyTime(active_time_window_limit_->starts_at,
IsTodayTimeWindowLimitActive() ? 0 : -1) +
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetNextUsageLimitResetTime() {
bool has_reset_today =
(current_time_ - LocalMidnight(current_time_)) >= UsageLimitResetTime();
return ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), has_reset_today ? 1 : 0);
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetCurrentOverrideEndTime() {
if (!time_limit_override_)
return base::Time();
base::Time reset_time = LocalMidnight(time_limit_override_->created_at()) +
if (IsBefore(reset_time, time_limit_override_->created_at()))
reset_time = reset_time + base::Days(1);
return reset_time;
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetLockOverrideEndTime() {
if (!ShouldBeLockedByOverride()) {
return base::Time();
return GetCurrentOverrideEndTime();
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetNextUnlockTime() {
if (!IsLocked())
return base::Time();
base::Time unlock_time;
// When the current active time window limit ends.
if (active_time_window_limit_)
unlock_time = std::max(unlock_time, GetActiveTimeLimitEndTime());
// When the usage quota resets.
if (active_time_usage_limit_) {
base::Time next_usage_limit_reset = GetNextUsageLimitResetTime();
unlock_time = std::max(unlock_time, next_usage_limit_reset);
// The usage limit could reset when a window limit is active, we must check
// that, and if this is the case calculate the end of the window limit.
if (time_window_limit_) {
// Check if yesterdays, todays or tomorrows window limit will be active
// when the reset happens.
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
std::optional<TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit =
time_window_limit_->entries[WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, i)];
if (window_limit) {
TimeWindowLimitBoundaries limits = window_limit->GetLimits(
LocalMidnight(current_time_) + base::Days(i));
// Ignores time window limit if it is overridden.
if (overridden_window_limit_ &&
ContainsTime(limits.starts, limits.ends, current_time_)) {
if (ContainsTime(limits.starts, limits.ends, next_usage_limit_reset))
unlock_time = std::max(unlock_time, limits.ends);
// When a lock override will become inactive.
if (ShouldBeLockedByOverride()) {
// The lock override ends either on the next reset time or when a bedtime
// ends.
base::Time lock_override_ends;
if (time_window_limit_ && !IsOverrideDurationFinished()) {
// Search a time window limit that could start before the lock override
// ends and retrieve its end time. It could be yesterday's, today's or
// tomorrow's time window limit.
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
internal::Weekday weekday = WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, i);
std::optional<TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit =
if (window_limit) {
base::Time window_limit_start =
ConvertPolicyTime(window_limit->starts_at, i);
// Window limit starts after the end of override.
if (window_limit_start > GetLockOverrideEndTime())
base::Time window_limit_end =
window_limit_start +
if (window_limit_end > time_limit_override_->created_at() &&
IsBefore(window_limit_end, lock_override_ends)) {
lock_override_ends = window_limit_end;
// Set override end to default reset time when:
// 1. No window limit starts before the reset time;
// 2. Window limit starts and ends before reset time and there is an unlock
// with duration active. Unlock with duration must lock device at least
// until the reset time.
if (lock_override_ends.is_null() || IsOverrideDurationFinished()) {
lock_override_ends =
std::max(lock_override_ends, GetLockOverrideEndTime());
unlock_time = std::max(unlock_time, lock_override_ends);
return unlock_time;
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetNextStateChangeTime(
PolicyType* out_next_active) {
base::Time next_change;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
base::Time active_time_window_limit_ends = GetActiveTimeLimitEndTime();
base::Time next_usage_quota_reset = GetNextUsageLimitResetTime();
// Check when next time window limit starts.
if (time_window_limit_ && !active_time_window_limit_) {
internal::Weekday start_day = internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, 1);
base::TimeDelta delta_from_midnight =
current_time_ - LocalMidnight(current_time_);
bool todays_time_limit_not_started =
time_window_limit_->entries[current_weekday_] &&
time_window_limit_->entries[current_weekday_]->starts_at >
// If today's time limit has not started yet, start search today.
if (todays_time_limit_not_started)
start_day = current_weekday_;
// Search a time window limit in the next following days.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(internal::Weekday::kCount); i++) {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> entry =
.entries[internal::WeekdayShift(start_day, i)];
if (entry) {
int shift = start_day == current_weekday_ ? 0 : 1;
base::Time start_time = ConvertPolicyTime(entry->starts_at, i + shift);
if (IsBefore(start_time, next_change)) {
next_change = start_time;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kFixedLimit;
// Minimum time when the current time usage quota could end. Not calculated
// when time usage limit has already finished.
if (time_usage_limit_ && !active_time_usage_limit_ &&
!overridden_usage_limit_ && !active_time_window_limit_) {
// If there is an active time usage, we just look when it would lock the
// session if the user don't stop using it.
if (enabled_time_usage_limit_) {
base::Time quota_ends =
current_time_ + (enabled_time_usage_limit_->usage_quota - used_time_);
if (IsBefore(quota_ends, next_change)) {
next_change = quota_ends;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kUsageLimit;
// Look for the next time usage, and calculate the minimum time when it could
// end.
if (time_usage_limit_) {
for (int i = 1; i < static_cast<int>(internal::Weekday::kCount); i++) {
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimitEntry> usage_limit_entry =
->entries[internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, i)];
if (usage_limit_entry) {
base::Time quota_ends = ConvertPolicyTime(UsageLimitResetTime(), i) +
if (IsBefore(quota_ends, next_change)) {
next_change = quota_ends;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kUsageLimit;
// When the current active time window limit ends.
if (active_time_window_limit_) {
if (IsBefore(active_time_window_limit_ends, next_change)) {
next_change = active_time_window_limit_ends;
if (active_time_usage_limit_ &&
used_time_ >= active_time_usage_limit_->usage_quota &&
active_time_window_limit_ends < next_usage_quota_reset) {
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kUsageLimit;
} else {
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
// When the usage quota resets. Only calculated if there is an enforced time
// usage limit, and when it ends no other policy would be active.
if (active_time_usage_limit_ &&
(!active_time_window_limit_ ||
active_time_window_limit_->ends_at < UsageLimitResetTime())) {
if (IsBefore(next_usage_quota_reset, next_change)) {
next_change = next_usage_quota_reset;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
// When a lock override will become inactive. Lock overrides are disabled at
// the same time as time usage limit resets.
if (HasActiveOverride() && time_limit_override_->IsLock()) {
base::Time lock_end = GetLockOverrideEndTime();
if (IsBefore(lock_end, next_change)) {
next_change = lock_end;
if (active_time_window_limit_ &&
active_time_window_limit_ends > next_usage_quota_reset) {
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kFixedLimit;
} else {
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
// When an override with duration will change the state. It will change either
// when the duration is over (then the next state will work as a lock
// override) or at the same time as time usage limit resets.
if (HasActiveOverrideWithDuration()) {
base::Time lock_time = time_limit_override_->created_at() +
if (!IsOverrideDurationFinished()) {
next_change = lock_time;
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kOverride;
} else {
next_change = GetLockOverrideEndTime();
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kNoPolicy;
if (time_window_limit_) {
// Check yesterdays, todays or tomorrows window limit, since these can
// end after the next change time or it can starts at the next change
// time, if it happens, the next active policy should be fixed limit.
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
internal::Weekday weekday = WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, i);
std::optional<TimeWindowLimitEntry> window_limit =
if (window_limit) {
base::Time window_start =
ConvertPolicyTime(window_limit->starts_at, i);
base::Time window_end =
window_start + GetConsecutiveTimeWindowLimitDuration(weekday);
if (ContainsTime(window_start, window_end, next_change) ||
next_change == window_start)
*out_next_active = PolicyType::kFixedLimit;
return next_change;
bool UsageTimeLimitProcessor::IsTodayTimeWindowLimitActive() {
if (!time_window_limit_)
return false;
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimitEntry> yesterday_window_limit =
.entries[internal::WeekdayShift(current_weekday_, -1)];
base::TimeDelta delta_from_midnight =
current_time_ - LocalMidnight(current_time_);
if ((active_time_window_limit_ || overridden_window_limit_) &&
(!yesterday_window_limit || !yesterday_window_limit->IsOvernight() ||
yesterday_window_limit->ends_at < delta_from_midnight)) {
return true;
return false;
base::TimeDelta UsageTimeLimitProcessor::UsageLimitResetTime() {
return GetUsageLimitResetTime(time_usage_limit_);
base::TimeDelta UsageTimeLimitProcessor::LockOverrideResetTime() {
// The default behavior is to stop enforcing the lock override at the same
// time as the time usage limit resets.
return UsageLimitResetTime();
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::ConvertPolicyTime(
base::TimeDelta policy_time,
int shift_in_days) {
return LocalMidnight(current_time_) + base::Days(shift_in_days) + policy_time;
base::Time UsageTimeLimitProcessor::LocalMidnight(base::Time time) {
base::TimeDelta time_zone_offset = GetTimeZoneOffset(time);
return (time + time_zone_offset).UTCMidnight() - time_zone_offset;
Weekday UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetCurrentWeekday() {
base::TimeDelta time_zone_offset = GetTimeZoneOffset(current_time_);
base::TimeDelta midnight_delta = current_time_ - current_time_.UTCMidnight();
// Shift in days due to the timezone.
int time_zone_shift = 0;
if (midnight_delta + time_zone_offset < base::Hours(0)) {
time_zone_shift = -1;
} else if (midnight_delta + time_zone_offset >= base::Hours(24)) {
time_zone_shift = 1;
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
return WeekdayShift(static_cast<Weekday>(exploded.day_of_week),
base::TimeDelta UsageTimeLimitProcessor::GetTimeZoneOffset(base::Time time) {
int32_t raw_offset, dst_offset;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
time.InSecondsFSinceUnixEpoch() * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond,
true /* local */, raw_offset, dst_offset, status);
base::TimeDelta time_zone_offset =
base::Milliseconds(raw_offset + dst_offset);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get time zone offset, error code: " << status;
// The fallback case is to get the raw timezone offset ignoring the daylight
// saving time.
time_zone_offset = base::Milliseconds(time_zone_->getRawOffset());
return time_zone_offset;
// Transforms the time dictionary sent on the UsageTimeLimit policy to a
// TimeDelta, that represents the distance from midnight.
base::TimeDelta DictToTimeDelta(const base::Value::Dict& policy_time) {
int hour = policy_time.FindInt(kWindowLimitEntryTimeHour).value();
int minute = policy_time.FindInt(kWindowLimitEntryTimeMinute).value();
return base::Minutes(hour * 60 + minute);
// Transforms weekday strings into the Weekday enum.
Weekday GetWeekday(std::string weekday) {
base::ranges::transform(weekday, weekday.begin(), ::tolower);
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(Weekday::kCount); i++) {
if (weekday == kTimeLimitWeekdays[i]) {
return static_cast<Weekday>(i);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected weekday " << weekday;
return Weekday::kSunday;
} // namespace
TimeWindowLimitEntry::TimeWindowLimitEntry() = default;
bool TimeWindowLimitEntry::operator==(const TimeWindowLimitEntry& rhs) const {
return starts_at == rhs.starts_at && ends_at == rhs.ends_at &&
last_updated == rhs.last_updated;
bool TimeWindowLimitEntry::IsOvernight() const {
return ends_at < starts_at;
TimeWindowLimitBoundaries TimeWindowLimitEntry::GetLimits(
base::Time start_day_midnight) {
TimeWindowLimitBoundaries limit;
limit.starts = start_day_midnight + starts_at;
limit.ends = start_day_midnight + base::Days(IsOvernight() ? 1 : 0) + ends_at;
return limit;
TimeWindowLimit::TimeWindowLimit(const base::Value& window_limit_val) {
const base::Value::Dict& window_limit_dict = window_limit_val.GetDict();
if (!window_limit_dict.contains(kWindowLimitEntries)) {
for (const base::Value& entry_val :
CHECK_DEREF(window_limit_dict.FindList(kWindowLimitEntries))) {
const base::Value::Dict& entry_dict = entry_val.GetDict();
const std::string* effective_day =
const base::Value::Dict* starts_at =
const base::Value::Dict* ends_at =
const std::string* last_updated_value =
if (!effective_day || !starts_at || !ends_at || !last_updated_value) {
// Missing information, so this entry will be ignored.
int64_t last_updated;
if (!base::StringToInt64(*last_updated_value, &last_updated)) {
// Cannot process entry without a valid last updated.
TimeWindowLimitEntry entry;
entry.starts_at = DictToTimeDelta(*starts_at);
entry.ends_at = DictToTimeDelta(*ends_at);
entry.last_updated =
base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::Milliseconds(last_updated);
Weekday weekday = GetWeekday(*effective_day);
// We only support one time_limit_window per day. If more than one is sent
// we only use the latest updated.
if (!entries[weekday] ||
entries[weekday]->last_updated < entry.last_updated) {
entries[weekday] = std::move(entry);
TimeWindowLimit::~TimeWindowLimit() = default;
TimeWindowLimit::TimeWindowLimit(TimeWindowLimit&&) = default;
TimeWindowLimit& TimeWindowLimit::operator=(TimeWindowLimit&&) = default;
bool TimeWindowLimit::operator==(const TimeWindowLimit& rhs) const {
return entries == rhs.entries;
TimeUsageLimitEntry::TimeUsageLimitEntry() = default;
bool TimeUsageLimitEntry::operator==(const TimeUsageLimitEntry& rhs) const {
return usage_quota == rhs.usage_quota && last_updated == rhs.last_updated;
TimeUsageLimit::TimeUsageLimit(const base::Value::Dict& usage_limit_dict)
// Default reset time is midnight.
: resets_at(base::Minutes(0)) {
const base::Value::Dict* resets_at_value =
if (resets_at_value) {
resets_at = DictToTimeDelta(*resets_at_value);
for (const std::string& weekday_key : kTimeLimitWeekdays) {
const base::Value::Dict* entry_dict =
if (!entry_dict) {
const std::optional<int> usage_quota =
const std::string* last_updated_value =
int64_t last_updated;
if (!base::StringToInt64(CHECK_DEREF(last_updated_value), &last_updated)) {
// Cannot process entry without a valid last updated.
Weekday weekday = GetWeekday(weekday_key);
TimeUsageLimitEntry entry;
entry.usage_quota = base::Minutes(usage_quota.value());
entry.last_updated =
base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::Milliseconds(last_updated);
entries[weekday] = std::move(entry);
TimeUsageLimit::~TimeUsageLimit() = default;
bool TimeUsageLimit::operator==(const TimeUsageLimit& rhs) const {
return entries == rhs.entries && resets_at == rhs.resets_at;
TimeUsageLimit::TimeUsageLimit(TimeUsageLimit&&) = default;
TimeUsageLimit& TimeUsageLimit::operator=(TimeUsageLimit&&) = default;
} // namespace internal
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> TimeWindowLimitFromPolicy(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit) {
const base::Value* time_window_limit_value =
if (!time_window_limit_value)
return std::nullopt;
return internal::TimeWindowLimit(*time_window_limit_value);
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> TimeUsageLimitFromPolicy(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit) {
const base::Value* time_usage_limit_value =
if (!time_usage_limit_value)
return std::nullopt;
return internal::TimeUsageLimit(time_usage_limit_value->GetDict());
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> OverrideFromPolicy(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit) {
const base::Value::List* override_value =
return TimeLimitOverride::MostRecentFromList(override_value);
State GetState(const base::Value::Dict& time_limit,
const base::Value::Dict* local_override,
const base::TimeDelta& used_time,
const base::Time& usage_timestamp,
const base::Time& current_time,
const icu::TimeZone* const time_zone,
const std::optional<State>& previous_state) {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit =
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override =
// TODO(agawronska): Pass |usage_timestamp| instead of second |current_time|.
return internal::UsageTimeLimitProcessor(
std::move(time_window_limit), std::move(time_usage_limit),
std::move(local_time_limit_override), used_time, current_time,
current_time, time_zone, previous_state)
base::Time GetExpectedResetTime(const base::Value::Dict& time_limit,
const base::Value::Dict* local_override,
const base::Time current_time,
const icu::TimeZone* const time_zone) {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit =
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override =
return internal::UsageTimeLimitProcessor(
std::move(time_window_limit), std::move(time_usage_limit),
std::move(local_time_limit_override), base::Minutes(0),
base::Time(), current_time, time_zone, std::nullopt)
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetRemainingTimeUsage(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit,
const base::Value::Dict* local_override,
const base::Time current_time,
const base::TimeDelta& used_time,
const icu::TimeZone* const time_zone) {
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit =
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> local_time_limit_override =
return internal::UsageTimeLimitProcessor(
std::move(time_window_limit), std::move(time_usage_limit),
std::move(local_time_limit_override), used_time, base::Time(),
current_time, time_zone, std::nullopt)
base::TimeDelta GetTimeUsageLimitResetTime(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit) {
return internal::GetUsageLimitResetTime(TimeUsageLimitFromPolicy(time_limit));
std::set<PolicyType> UpdatedPolicyTypes(const base::Value::Dict& old_policy,
const base::Value::Dict& new_policy) {
std::set<PolicyType> updated_policies;
if (TimeUsageLimitFromPolicy(old_policy) !=
TimeUsageLimitFromPolicy(new_policy)) {
if (TimeWindowLimitFromPolicy(old_policy) !=
TimeWindowLimitFromPolicy(new_policy)) {
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> old_override =
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> new_override =
// Override changes are added only when the new override has a duration.
if (old_override != new_override && new_override &&
new_override->duration()) {
return updated_policies;
std::set<PolicyType> GetEnabledTimeLimitPolicies(
const base::Value::Dict& time_limit_prefs) {
std::set<PolicyType> enabled_policies;
std::optional<internal::TimeWindowLimit> time_window_limit =
if (time_window_limit && !time_window_limit->entries.empty()) {
std::optional<internal::TimeUsageLimit> time_usage_limit =
if (time_usage_limit && !time_usage_limit->entries.empty()) {
std::optional<TimeLimitOverride> time_limit_override =
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
// Ignores the override time limit that is not created within 1 day.
if (time_limit_override && now > time_limit_override->created_at() &&
now - time_limit_override->created_at() < base::Days(1)) {
return enabled_policies;
} // namespace ash::usage_time_limit