
Acid3 test 77, checking text metric functionality

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS text.getNumberOfChars() is 3
FAIL text.getComputedTextLength() should be 4776. Was 5500.
FAIL text.getSubStringLength(0,1) should be 42. Was 1750.
FAIL text.getSubStringLength(0,2) should be 65. Was 3750.
FAIL text.getSubStringLength(1,1) should be 23. Was 2000.
PASS text.getSubStringLength(1,0) is 0
FAIL text.getSubStringLength(1, 3) should be 4734. Was 3750.
FAIL text.getSubStringLength(0, 4) should be 4776. Was 5500.
PASS text.getSubStringLength(3, 0) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getSubStringLength' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (3) is greater than or equal to the maximum bound (3)..
PASS text.getSubStringLength(-17, 20) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getSubStringLength' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (4294967279) is greater than the maximum bound (3)..
PASS text.getStartPositionOfChar(0).x is 0
FAIL text.getStartPositionOfChar(1).x should be 42. Was 1750.
FAIL text.getStartPositionOfChar(2).x should be 65. Was 3750.
PASS text.getStartPositionOfChar(0).y is 4000
PASS text.getEndPositionOfChar(-1) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getEndPositionOfChar' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (4294967295) is greater than the maximum bound (3)..
PASS text.getEndPositionOfChar(4) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getEndPositionOfChar' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (4) is greater than the maximum bound (3)..
FAIL text.getEndPositionOfChar(0).x should be 42. Was 1750.
FAIL text.getEndPositionOfChar(1).x should be 65. Was 3750.
FAIL text.getEndPositionOfChar(2).x should be 4776. Was 5500.
PASS text.getEndPositionOfChar(-17) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getEndPositionOfChar' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (4294967279) is greater than the maximum bound (3)..
PASS text.getEndPositionOfChar(4) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getEndPositionOfChar' on 'SVGTextContentElement': The charnum provided (4) is greater than the maximum bound (3)..
PASS successfullyParsed is true