// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace policy {
class DeviceNamePolicyHandler;
} // namespace policy
namespace ash {
// DeviceNameStore is a device-persistent model of the device name which
// clients use to display the device name to the user and broadcast the device
// name to local networks (e.g., the DHCP hostname). Clients also have the
// ability to set the device name (e.g., OS Settings).
// An initial device name is created on first boot and is set to the default
// name 'ChromeOS'.
// DeviceNameStore is responsible for updating the system state to reflect
// changes to the device name, e.g., setting the hostname via Shill.
// Must only be used on the UI thread.
class DeviceNameStore {
// Types of results for setting the device name. Numerical values from this
// enum must stay in sync with the JS enum in device_name_util.js.
enum class SetDeviceNameResult {
// Device name was updated successfully.
kSuccess = 0,
// Device name change is prohibited by policy. An administrator can choose
// the device name directly and/or prevent managed users from changing it.
kProhibitedByPolicy = 1,
// Non-managed users who are not device owners cannot update the name.
kNotDeviceOwner = 2,
// Name must be >0 characters and <=15 characters long and contain only
// letters, numbers or hyphens. Examples of invalid names include "Chrome
// OS" (uses a space), "ChromeOS!" (uses an exclamation point),
// "0123456789012345" (too long), "" (empty string).
kInvalidName = 3,
// Types of states for the current device name. Numerical values from this
// enum must stay in sync with the JS enum in device_name_util.js.
enum class DeviceNameState {
// Device name can be modified.
kCanBeModified = 0,
// Device name change is prohibited by policy. An administrator can choose
// the device name directly and/or prevent managed users from changing it.
kCannotBeModifiedBecauseOfPolicy = 1,
// Non-managed users who are not device owners cannot modify the name.
kCannotBeModifiedBecauseNotDeviceOwner = 2,
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
~Observer() override = default;
// Called when the device name and/or state changes. Use
// GetDeviceNameMetadata() to get the new device name and state.
virtual void OnDeviceNameMetadataChanged() = 0;
// Contains the device name and whether device name change is possible.
struct DeviceNameMetadata {
std::string device_name;
DeviceNameState device_name_state;
// Returns a pointer to the singleton instance for the current process.
// Should only be called after Initialize().
static DeviceNameStore* GetInstance();
// Register the pref used to store the device name in the local state.
static void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Checks the local state for a device name to store if it exists; otherwise,
// creates a new device name and persists it. Must be called before any other
// non-static method on DeviceNameStore.
// |prefs| is the PrefService used to persist and read the device name value.
static void Initialize(PrefService* prefs,
policy::DeviceNamePolicyHandler* handler);
// Shutdown() should be called to destroy the instance once its clients no
// longer need it.
static void Shutdown();
virtual DeviceNameMetadata GetDeviceNameMetadata() const = 0;
// Attempts to update the device name and returns the result of the update.
virtual SetDeviceNameResult SetDeviceName(
const std::string& new_device_name) = 0;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
virtual ~DeviceNameStore();
void NotifyDeviceNameMetadataChanged();
DeviceNameStore(const DeviceNameStore&) = delete;
DeviceNameStore& operator=(const DeviceNameStore&) = delete;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
} // namespace ash