* This file is intended for vendors to implement code needed to integrate
* testharness.js tests with their own test systems.
* Typically such integration will attach callbacks when each test is
* has run, using add_result_callback(callback(test)), or when the whole test
* file has completed, using add_completion_callback(callback(tests,
* harness_status)).
* For more documentation about the callback functions and the
* parameters they are called with, see testharness.js, or the docs at:
* https://web-platform-tests.org/writing-tests/testharness-api.html
(function() {
let outputDocument = document;
let didDispatchLoadEvent = false;
let localPathRegExp = undefined;
// Setup for Blink JavaScript tests. self.testRunner is expected to be
// present when tests are run.
if (self.testRunner) {
// Some tests intentionally load mixed content in order to test the
// referrer policy, so WebKitAllowRunningInsecureContent must be set
// to true or else the load would be blocked.
const paths = [
for (const path of paths) {
if (document.URL.endsWith(path)) {
testRunner.overridePreference('WebKitAllowRunningInsecureContent', true);
if (document.URL.startsWith('file:///')) {
const index = document.URL.indexOf('/external/wpt');
if (index >= 0) {
const localPath = document.URL.substring(
'file:///'.length, index + '/external/wpt'.length);
localPathRegExp = new RegExp(localPath.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1'), 'g');
window.addEventListener('load', loadCallback, {'once': true});
// The default output formats test results into an HTML table, but for
// the Blink layout test runner, we dump the results as text in the
// completion callback, so we disable the default output.
'output': false,
// The Blink layout test runner has its own timeout mechanism.
'explicit_timeout': true
/** Loads an automation script if necessary. */
function loadCallback() {
didDispatchLoadEvent = true;
if (isWPTManualTest()) {
setTimeout(loadAutomationScript, 0);
/** Checks whether the current path is a manual test in WPT. */
function isWPTManualTest() {
// Here we assume that if wptserve is running, then the hostname
// is web-platform.test.
const path = location.pathname;
if (location.hostname == 'web-platform.test' &&
/.*-manual\.[^-]+$/.test(path)) {
return true;
// If the file is loaded locally via file://, it must include
// the wpt directory in the path.
return /\/external\/wpt\/.*-manual\.[^-]+$/.test(path);
/** Loads the WPT automation script for the current test, if applicable. */
function loadAutomationScript() {
const pathAndBase = pathAndBaseNameInWPT();
if (!pathAndBase) {
let automationPath = location.pathname.replace(
/\/external\/wpt\/.*$/, '/external/wpt_automation');
if (location.hostname == 'web-platform.test') {
automationPath = '/wpt_automation';
// Export importAutomationScript for use by the automation scripts.
window.importAutomationScript = function(relativePath) {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = automationPath + relativePath;
let src;
if (pathAndBase.startsWith('/fullscreen/')) {
// Fullscreen tests all use the same automation script.
src = automationPath + '/fullscreen/auto-click.js';
} else if (pathAndBase.startsWith('/file-system-access/local_')) {
// local_ File System Access tests all use the same automation script.
src = automationPath + '/file-system-access/auto-pick-folder.js';
} else if (pathAndBase.startsWith('/file-system-access/')) {
// Per-test automation scripts.
src = automationPath + pathAndBase + '-automation.sub.js';
} else if (
pathAndBase.startsWith('/css/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/pointerevents/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/uievents/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/html/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/input-events/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/css/selectors/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/css/cssom-view/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/css/css-scroll-snap/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/dom/events/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/feature-policy/experimental-features/') ||
pathAndBase.startsWith('/permissions-policy/experimental-features/')) {
// Per-test automation scripts.
src = automationPath + pathAndBase + '-automation.js';
} else {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
* Sets the output document based on the given properties.
* Usually the output document is the current document, but it could be
* a separate document in some cases.
function startCallback(properties) {
if (properties.output_document) {
outputDocument = properties.output_document;
* Adds results to the page in a manner that allows dumpAsText to produce
* readable test results.
function completionCallback(tests, harness_status) {
const xhtmlNS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
// Create element to hold results.
const resultsElement = outputDocument.createElementNS(xhtmlNS, 'pre');
resultsElement.style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';
resultsElement.style.lineHeight = '1.5';
// Declare result string.
let resultStr = 'This is a testharness.js-based test.\n';
// Check harness_status. If it is not 0, tests did not execute
// correctly, output the error code and message.
if (harness_status.status != 0) {
resultStr += `Harness Error. ` +
`harness_status.status = ${harness_status.status} , ` +
`harness_status.message = ${harness_status.message}\n`;
// Output failure metrics if there are many.
const resultCounts = countResultTypes(tests);
if (outputDocument.URL.indexOf('://web-platform.test') >= 0 &&
tests.length >= 50 &&
(resultCounts[1] || resultCounts[2] || resultCounts[3])) {
resultStr += failureMetricSummary(resultCounts);
resultStr += testOutput(tests);
resultStr += 'Harness: the test ran to completion.\n';
resultsElement.textContent = resultStr;
function done() {
let body = null;
if (outputDocument.body && outputDocument.body.tagName == 'BODY' &&
outputDocument.body.namespaceURI == xhtmlNS) {
body = outputDocument.body;
// A temporary workaround since |window.self| property lookup starts
// failing if the frame is detached. |outputDocument| may be an
// ancestor of |self| so clearing |textContent| may detach |self|.
// To get around this, cache window.self now and use the cached
// value.
// TODO(dcheng): Remove this hack after fixing window/self/frames
// lookup in https://crbug.com/618672
const cachedSelf = window.self;
if (cachedSelf.testRunner) {
// The following DOM operations may show console messages. We
// suppress them because they are not related to the running
// test.
// Anything in the body isn't part of the output and so should
// be hidden from the text dump.
if (body) {
body.textContent = '';
// Add the results element to the output document.
if (!body) {
// |outputDocument| might be an SVG document.
if (outputDocument.documentElement) {
let html = outputDocument.createElementNS(xhtmlNS, 'html');
body = outputDocument.createElementNS(xhtmlNS, 'body');
body.setAttribute('style', 'white-space:pre;');
// IFrames running tests should not complete the harness as the parent
// page will.
let shouldCompleteHarness = (window.self == window.top);
if (cachedSelf.testRunner && shouldCompleteHarness) {
if (didDispatchLoadEvent || outputDocument.readyState != 'loading') {
// This function might not be the last completion callback, and
// another completion callback might generate more results.
// So, we don't dump the results immediately.
setTimeout(done, 0);
} else {
// Parsing the test HTML isn't finished yet.
window.addEventListener('load', done);
* Returns a directory part relative to WPT root and a basename part of the
* current test. e.g.
* Current test: file:///.../LayoutTests/external/wpt/pointerevents/foobar.html
* Output: "/pointerevents/foobar"
function pathAndBaseNameInWPT() {
const path = location.pathname;
let matches;
if (location.hostname == 'web-platform.test') {
matches = path.match(/^(\/.*)\.html$/);
return matches ? matches[1] : null;
matches = path.match(/external\/wpt(\/.*)\.html$/);
return matches ? matches[1] : null;
/** Converts the testharness test status into the corresponding string. */
function convertResult(resultStatus) {
let retVal = '';
switch (resultStatus) {
case 0:
retVal = 'PASS';
case 1:
retVal = 'FAIL';
case 2:
retVal = 'TIMEOUT';
case 3:
retVal = 'NOTRUN';
case 4:
retVal = 'NOTRUN';
return '[' + retVal + ']';
function testOutput(tests) {
let testResults = '';
window.tests = tests;
for (let test of tests) {
testResults += resultLine(test);
return testResults;
function resultLine(test) {
if (test.status == 0) {
return '';
let result = `${convertResult(test.status)} ${sanitize(test.name)}`;
// include error message when test result is FAIL or PRECONDITION_FAILED
if (test.message) {
if (test.status == 1 || test.status == 4) {
result += '\n ' + sanitize(test.message).trim();
return result + '\n';
/** Prepares the given text for display in test results. */
function sanitize(text) {
if (!text) {
return '';
// Change each '\' to '\\'
text = text.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
// Escape null characters, otherwise diff will think the file is binary.
text = text.replace(/\0/g, '\\0');
// Escape some special characters to improve readability of the output.
text = text.replace(/\r/g, '\\r');
text = text.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
// Replace machine-dependent path with "...".
if (localPathRegExp) {
text = text.replace(localPathRegExp, '...');
return text;
function countResultTypes(tests) {
const resultCounts = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let test of tests) {
return resultCounts;
function failureMetricSummary(resultCounts) {
return `Found ${resultCounts[1]} FAIL,` +
` ${resultCounts[2]} TIMEOUT,` +
` ${resultCounts[3]} NOTRUN.\n`;