<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- paint-markers-BE-04.svg -->
<!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to painting-marker-02-f.svg -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Tests Marker support -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Dean Jackson 06-08-2000 -->
<!-- 1.1 revision by Rick Graham -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 06 08 2000, DJ, created -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" id="svg-root" viewBox="0 0 480 360" width="100%" height="100%">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/svg/testsuite/description/">
<OperatorScript version="$Revision: 1.8 $" testname="painting-marker-02-f.svg">
Tests the rendering of markers, specifically property inheritance. For the four tests, there should
be two identical paths with markers drawn. The path on the left is
rendered using the marker elements. The path on the right is rendered using
the equivalent SVG, showing what the marked path should look like.
The top two tests examine the rendering of markers when the marker and the path
referencing it share the same parent and all painting properties are specfied on
that parent. The first test show inheritance of the 'fill' property and the
second the inheritance of the 'paint' property. In both tests, the marker
is painting using the same properties as the referencing object. Because of
scaling transformations on the marker, the stroke on the second test is thinner
than on the referencing object.
The third and fourth tests examine the rendering of markers in a situation where the
marker and referencing path do NOT share the same parent and painting
properties are specified both on the parent of the marked path and on the contents
of the marker itself. In both cases, the marker's parent specifies
fill="green" stroke="blue" stroke-width="8". For the third test, the marker contents
override with stroke="black". For the fourth test, the marker contents
override with fill="black". In neither case should you see
fill="red" or stroke="blue" or "stroke="purple" on the markers as these properties
are specified on the ancestor of the referencing object or the referencing object itself
and thus shouldn't affect the marker.
<title id="test-title">painting-marker-02-f.svg</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Examines rendering model for markers</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content" fill="green" >
<clipPath id="overflowHiddenClip1" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse" >
<rect x="0" y="0" width="2" height="2" />
<clipPath id="overflowHiddenClip" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse" >
<rect x="0" y="0" width="4" height="4" />
<text x="125" y="30" font-family="Arial" font-size="14" fill="black" >Marker Rendering Properties</text>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Fill property -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g fill="black" stroke="none" stroke-width="8">
<marker id="marker1" viewBox="0 0 10 10" markerWidth="2" markerHeight="2" refX="5" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
<rect width="10" height="10" />
<text x="100" y="140" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" fill="black" stroke="none" >Fill Property</text>
<path marker-start="url(#marker1)" marker-mid="url(#marker1)" marker-end="url(#marker1)" d="M 30 60 L 80 60 L 80 110 Z"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the equivalent SVG -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<path d="M 30 60 L 80 60 L 80 110 Z"/>
<g transform="translate(30,60) scale(8) translate(-1, -1)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip1)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)">
<rect width="10" height="10"/>
<g transform="translate(80,60) scale(8) translate(-1, -1)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip1)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="10" height="10"/>
<g transform="translate(80,110) scale(8) translate(-1, -1)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip1)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="10" height="10"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Stroke property -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="4">
<marker id="marker2" viewBox="0 0 20 20" markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4" refX="10" refY="10" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<text x="340" y="140" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" fill="black" stroke="none" >Stroke Property</text>
<path marker-start="url(#marker2)" marker-mid="url(#marker2)" marker-end="url(#marker2)" d="M 270 60 L 320 60 L 320 110 Z"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the equivalent SVG -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<path d="M 270 60 L 320 60 L 320 110 Z"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the equivalent SVG -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g transform="translate(270,60) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)" >
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<g transform="translate(320,60) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)" >
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<g transform="translate(320, 110) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Define marker element with parents setting painting properties -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g fill="green" stroke="blue" stroke-width="8">
<marker id="marker3" viewBox="0 0 20 20" markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4" refX="10" refY="10" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
<rect width="20" height="20" stroke="black" />
<marker id="marker4" viewBox="0 0 10 10" markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4" refX="5" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
<rect width="10" height="10" fill="black" stroke-width="4" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Parent and specified properties -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g fill="red" stroke="blue" >
<text x="90" y="270" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" fill="black" stroke="none" >Mixed Properties</text>
<path stroke="purple" stroke-width="4" marker-start="url(#marker3)" marker-mid="url(#marker3)" marker-end="url(#marker3)" d="M 30 190 L 80 190 L 80 240 Z"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the equivalent SVG -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<path stroke="purple" stroke-width="4" d="M 30 190 L 80 190 L 80 240 Z"/>
<g fill="green" stroke="black" stroke-width="8">
<g transform="translate(30,190) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(.2, .2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<g transform="translate(80,190) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<g transform="translate(80,240) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.2, 0.2)" >
<rect width="20" height="20"/>
<g fill="red" stroke="green" >
<text x="340" y="270" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" fill="black" stroke="none" >Mixed Properties</text>
<path stroke="purple" stroke-width="4" marker-start="url(#marker4)" marker-mid="url(#marker4)" marker-end="url(#marker4)" d="M 270 190 L 320 190 L 320 240 Z"/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the equivalent SVG -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<path stroke="purple" stroke-width="4" d="M 270 190 L 320 190 L 320 240 Z"/>
<g fill="black" stroke="blue" stroke-width="4">
<g transform="translate(270,190) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.4, 0.4)" >
<rect width="10" height="10" />
<g transform="translate(320,190) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.4, 0.4)" >
<rect width="10" height="10" />
<g transform="translate(320,240) scale(4) translate(-2, -2)">
<g clip-path="url(#overflowHiddenClip)">
<g transform="scale(0.4, 0.4)" >
<rect width="10" height="10" />
<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" font-size="40" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.8 $</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>