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<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">

<!--=  Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts          =-->
<!--=  Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en        =-->
<!--=  Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights      =-->
<!--=  Reserved. See                =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- path-curves-BE-04.svg                                                 -->
<!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to paths-data-03-f.svg                          -->
<!-- Author : Lofton Henderson, 29-Feb-2000 (based on work                 -->
<!--                                           of Mark Sgarlato, Adobe).   -->
<svg version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 480 360" baseProfile="full" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""  id="svg-root" width="100%" height="100%">

  <SVGTestCase xmlns="" >
		<OperatorScript version="$Revision: 1.7 $" testname="paths-data-03-f.svg">
Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path'
element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the elliptical
arc curveto commands, A, a (plus Mm and Zz).
There are 6 subtests, each composed from the elliptical arc path commands per
the label by the subtest.  The curve positions
are marked by small colored squares.  Subtests are filled, or stroked, or 
both, using simple style properties and colors.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).  
The test uses the 'rect' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors), 
stroke (primary color wide and 1-pixel lines), font-family (Arial) and font-size properties.

	<title id="test-title">paths-data-03-f.svg</title>
	<desc id="test-desc">Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the elliptical Arc curveto commands - A, a (along with Mm and Zz).</desc>
	<!--Content of Test Case follows...                  =====================-->
	<g id="test-body-content">
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="120" y="14">Elliptical arc curves drawn with commands:</text>
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- Simple circle using MAZ  ============================ -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Arc_MAZ" fill="none" stroke="#FF0000" stroke-width="10"  d="   M  25   70      A  40   40      0         1      0     25   69   Z    "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="48" y="70">M, A, Z</text>
		<rect x="23" y="68" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="23" y="67" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- filled arc using m, a, & z =================== -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Arc_fill_maz" fill="#00FF00" stroke="#0000FF"  d="   m  150   100      a  50    40       0          1       0      25   -70   z  "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="124" y="45">m, a, z</text>
		<rect x="148" y="98" width="4" height="4" fill="#CF0000" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="173" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#CF0000" stroke="none" />
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- Unterminated arc using M & a ======================================== -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Arc_Ma" fill="none" stroke="#000000"  d="   M  350    245      a   40    40       0          1       0      80    60       "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="390" y="300">M, a</text>
		<rect x="348" y="243" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="428" y="303" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- Triple Arc using M, A, a, a, & z ===================================== -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Tri_MAaaz" fill="#C0C000" stroke="none" fill-rule="evenodd"  d="   M   270   30      A   50    50       0          1       0     345   30         a   50    50       0          1       0      50    0         a   50    50       0          1       0      25    0    z  "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="280" y="135">M, A, a, a, z</text>
		<rect x="268" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="343" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="393" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="418" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- Tripple arc using M, a, Z, m, A, Z, m, a & z ===================================== -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Arc_MaZmAzmaz" fill="#CF0000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="3"  d="   M  30   150      a   40    40       0          0       1      65    50          Z                    m   30       30                         A   20       20              0              0              0             125   230        Z             m   40       24                         a   20       20              0              0              1              65    50        z "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="25" y="270">M, a, Z, m, A, Z, m, a, z</text>
		<rect x="28" y="148" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="93" y="198" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="58" y="178" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="123" y="228" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="98" y="202" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="163" y="252" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<!-- Sin Wave using M, q, t, t, t, t, & z ================================ -->
		<!-- ====================================================================== -->
		<path id="Sin_MAAAAA" fill="none" stroke="#FF0000"  d="   M   215    190      A   40    200      10          0       0      265    190    A   40    200      20          0       1     315    190        A   40    200      30          0       0     365    190    A   40    200      40          0       1     415    190        A   40    200      50          0       0     465    190                     "/>
		<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12"  x="215" y="246">M, A, A, A, A</text>
		<rect x="213" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="263" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="313" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="363" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="413" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
		<rect x="463" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
	<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" font-size="40" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.7 $</text>
	<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>