
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!-- =====================================================================-->
<!--=  Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts          =-->
<!--=  Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en        =-->
<!--=  Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights      =-->
<!--=  Reserved. See                =-->
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<!--                                                                      -->
<!-- struct-cond-01-b.svg                                                 -->
<!-- Test that viewer has the basic capability                            -->
<!-- to handle the 'ellipse' element.                                                             -->
<!-- Author : V.Katrushenko, BitFlash Inc., 2002                          -->

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""  id="svg-root" width="160" height="120">
	<title id="test-title">shapes-rect-01-b</title>
	<desc id="test-desc">Test that viewer has the basic capability to render the 'ellipse'element</desc>

<!--Content of Test Case follows...=======================================-->

<g id="test-body-content">
	<ellipse id="default" cx="24" cy="22" rx="14" ry="9"/>
	<ellipse id="nofill"  stroke="#066" fill="none" cx="60" cy="22" rx="14" ry="9"/>
	<text font-size="10" x="12" y="42">default</text>

	<ellipse id="nostroke" stroke="none" cx="24" cy="56" rx="14" ry="9" />
	<ellipse id="strokeNfill" stroke="#006699" stroke-width="4" fill="#f90" cx="60" cy="56" rx="14" ry="9"/>
	<text font-size="10" x="12" y="76">filled</text>

	<ellipse id="rxNyx" cx="102" cy="20" rx="12" ry="12"/>
	<ellipse id="nofill"  stroke="#066" fill="none" cx="136" cy="20" rx="12" ry="12"/>
	<text font-size="10" x="88" y="42">'rx'='ry'</text>

	<ellipse id="allattr"  fill="#f90" stroke="#069" stroke-width="4" cx="120" cy="56" rx="30" ry="9"/>
	<text font-size="10" x="88" y="76">all attributes</text>


	<!--Legend and frame:      Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
	<rect id="slideframe" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" x="1" y="1" width="158" height="118"/>
	<g id="test-legend" fill="black" font-size="10" >
		<rect x="3" y="81" width="154" height="36" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
		<text x="8" y="91">SVG v1.1 Conformance Suite</text>
		<rect x="3" y="93" width="154" height="12" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
		<text font-size="9" x="8" y="103">shapes-ellipse-01-b</text>
		<line stroke="#000000" x1="90" y1="93" x2="90" y2="117" />
		<text font-size="9" x="91" y="103">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
		<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
			<text x="20" y="115" fill="blue">&#169;2002 W3C</text>
		<text font-size="9" x="92" y="115">Release 1.0</text>
