
SVG 1.1 dynamic animation tests

A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 210
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -250
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 177
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -217
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 177
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -217
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 121
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -161
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 121
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -161
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 10
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -50
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 10
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -50
PASS rect1.height.animVal.value is 10
PASS rect1.height.baseVal.value is 210
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).e is -250
PASS getTransformToElement(rootSVGElement, rect2).f is -50
PASS successfullyParsed is true