description("A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times");
function parseFontSizeFromString() {
fontSizeString = getComputedStyle(text).fontSize;
return fontSizeString.replace(/px$/, "");
// Setup animation test
function sample1() {
shouldBeCloseEnough("parseFontSizeFromString()", "40");
expectFillColor(text, 0, 0, 255);
function sample2() {
shouldBeCloseEnough("parseFontSizeFromString()", "60");
expectFillColor(text, 0, 59, 128);
function sample3() {
shouldBeCloseEnough("parseFontSizeFromString()", "80");
expectFillColor(text, 0, 119, 0);
function executeTest() {
text = rootSVGElement.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("text")[2];
const expectedValues = [
// [animationId, time, sampleCallback]
["an1", 0.0, sample1],
["an1", 3.0, sample2],
["an1", 6.0, sample3],
["an1", 60.0, sample3]
window.animationStartsImmediately = true;
var successfullyParsed = true;