// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_error_or.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/file_manager_copy_or_move_hook_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/io_task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/file_manager/speedometer.h"
#include "components/drive/file_errors.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_context.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_operation_runner.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_url.h"
namespace file_manager::io_task {
// Moving or copying a folder with multiple nested files and folders is treated
// as a single operation (moving or copying the top level folder). However,
// progress is reported at an individual level (that is, for each nested file).
// This struct lets this io_task keep track of both the aggregate progress of
// top folders and that of their individual items.
struct ItemProgress {
base::flat_map<std::string, int64_t> individual_progress;
int64_t aggregate_progress = 0;
// This class represents a copy or move operation. It checks whether there is
// enough space for the copy or move to occur, and also sends the copy or move
// requests to the storage backend.
class CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl {
using ProgressCallback = IOTask::ProgressCallback;
using CompleteCallback = IOTask::CompleteCallback;
// Use this constructor if you require the destination entries to have
// different file names to the source entries. The size of `source_urls` and
// `destination_file_names` must be the same.
// |type| must be either kCopy or kMove.
OperationType type,
ProgressStatus& progress,
std::vector<base::FilePath> destination_file_names,
storage::FileSystemURL destination_folder,
Profile* profile,
scoped_refptr<storage::FileSystemContext> file_system_context,
bool show_notification = true);
virtual ~CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl();
// Starts the copy or move.
virtual void Execute(ProgressCallback progress_callback,
CompleteCallback complete_callback);
// Pauses the copy or move.
// TODO(b/283089374): Use this function to pause for conflict resolve.
void Pause(PauseParams);
// Resumes the copy or move.
virtual void Resume(ResumeParams);
// Cancels the copy or move.
void Cancel();
// Completes the copy or move. Called when the copy or move completes
// successfully or completes with error. Runs the |complete_callback_|.
// |progress_| should not be accessed after calling this. If you override this
// method, make sure to explicitly call CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl::Complete.
virtual void Complete(State state);
// Aborts the copy or move because of policy error (does not run completion
// callback).
void CompleteWithError(PolicyError policy_error);
// Helper function for copy or move tasks that determines whether or not
// entries identified by their URLs should be considered as being on the
// different file systems or not. The entries are seen as being on different
// filesystems if either:
// - the entries are not on the same volume OR
// - one entry is in MyFiles, and the other one in Downloads.
// crbug.com/1200251
static bool IsCrossFileSystemForTesting(
Profile* profile,
const storage::FileSystemURL& source_url,
const storage::FileSystemURL& destination_url);
// Helper function to generate FILE_ERROR_NO_SPACE errors in testing.
static void SetDestinationNoSpaceForTesting(bool destination_no_space);
// A helper for `GetHookDelegate`.
bool ShouldSkipEncryptedFiles();
// Returns the storage::CopyOrMoveHookDelegate to be used for the copy or move
// operation.
virtual std::unique_ptr<storage::CopyOrMoveHookDelegate> GetHookDelegate(
size_t idx);
// Starts the actual file transfer. Should be called after the checks of
// `VerifyTransfer` are completed. Protected to be called from child classes.
void StartTransfer();
// Function that converts a progress notified from the
// `FileManagerCopyOrMoveHookDelegate` to one understandable by
// `progress_callback_`.
void OnCopyOrMoveProgress(
size_t idx,
FileManagerCopyOrMoveHookDelegate::ProgressType type,
const storage::FileSystemURL& source_url,
const storage::FileSystemURL& destination_url,
int64_t size);
// The current progress state.
// The reference is allowed here, as the owning object (CopyOrMoveIOTask) is
// guaranteed to outlive the CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl.
const raw_ref<ProgressStatus> progress_;
// ProgressCallback for this operation, used to notify the UI of the current
// progress.
ProgressCallback progress_callback_;
friend class CopyOrMoveIOTaskTest;
// Verifies the transfer, e.g., by using policies set by admins (if there are
// any) for checking whether a transfer is allowed.
virtual void VerifyTransfer();
// Returns the error behavior to be used for the copy or move operation.
virtual storage::FileSystemOperation::ErrorBehavior GetErrorBehavior();
void GetFileSize(size_t idx);
void GotFileSize(size_t idx,
base::File::Error error,
const base::File::Info& file_info);
void GotFreeDiskSpace(int64_t free_space);
void GotDrivePooledQuota(int64_t required_bytes,
bool is_shared_drive,
drive::FileError error,
drivefs::mojom::PooledQuotaUsagePtr usage);
void GotSharedDriveMetadata(int64_t required_bytes,
drive::FileError error,
drivefs::mojom::FileMetadataPtr metadata);
void GenerateDestinationURL(size_t idx);
void CopyOrMoveFile(
size_t idx,
base::FileErrorOr<storage::FileSystemURL> destination_result);
void ResumeCopyOrMoveFile(size_t idx,
storage::FileSystemURL replace_url,
storage::FileSystemURL destination_url,
ResumeParams params);
void ContinueCopyOrMoveFile(size_t idx,
storage::FileSystemURL destination_url);
void DidDeleteDestinationURL(size_t idx,
storage::FileSystemURL replace_url,
base::File::Error error);
void OnCopyOrMoveComplete(size_t idx, base::File::Error error);
void SetCurrentOperationID(
storage::FileSystemOperationRunner::OperationID id);
void OnEncryptedFileSkipped(size_t idx, storage::FileSystemURL url);
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
scoped_refptr<storage::FileSystemContext> file_system_context_;
// Specifies whether the operation is already completed.
bool completed_ = false;
// The number of file for which the file size has been fetched.
size_t files_preprocessed_ = 0;
// Stores the size of each source so we know what to increment the progress
// bytes by for each copy or move completion.
std::vector<int64_t> source_sizes_;
// Stores a list of file names (i.e. base::FilePath::BaseName, not full paths)
// that will serve as the name for the source URLs in progress_.sources. These
// names are prior to conflict resolution so in the event they conflict they
// may be renamed to include a numbered suffix (e.g. foo.txt (1)). The
// std::vector::size here MUST be the same as progress_.sources size.
std::vector<base::FilePath> destination_file_names_;
// CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl supports IOTask pause and resume: declare the resume
// callback type.
using ResumeCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ResumeParams)>;
// Callback to ResumeCopyOrMoveFile() that is setup when we notify the UI of
// a file name conflict, and want the UI to resolve it. The UI will call our
// IOTask::Resume() override with the conflict resolve result (ResumeParams)
// which invokes the |resume_callback_| to ResumeCopyOrMoveFile().
ResumeCallback resume_callback_;
// ResumeCopyOrMoveFile() can use the UI resolve result to setup an automatic
// resolve for future file name conflicts (no need to ask the UI again).
std::string conflict_resolve_;
// Stores the size reported by the last progress update so we can compute the
// delta on the next progress update.
std::vector<ItemProgress> item_progresses;
// Stores the id of the copy or move operation if one is in progress. Used so
// the transfer can be cancelled.
std::optional<storage::FileSystemOperationRunner::OperationID> operation_id_;
// Speedometer for this operation, used to calculate the remaining time to
// finish the operation.
Speedometer speedometer_;
// CompleteCallback for this operation, used to notify the UI when this
// operation is completed.
CompleteCallback complete_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CopyOrMoveIOTaskImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace file_manager::io_task