// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/trash_common_util.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/trash_service/public/cpp/trash_info_parser.h"
namespace file_manager::trash {
// On a successful parse of .trashinfo files, returns the restoration path,
// deletion date and actual location of the trashed file.
struct ParsedTrashInfoData {
ParsedTrashInfoData(ParsedTrashInfoData&& other);
ParsedTrashInfoData& operator=(ParsedTrashInfoData&& other);
// The on-disk location of the .trashinfo file, e.g.
// .Trash/info/foo.txt.trashinfo.
base::FilePath trash_info_path;
// The actual on-disk location of the trashed file, e.g. .Trash/files/foo.txt.
base::FilePath trashed_file_path;
// The path to restore the file back to. The basename here and the basename
// for the `trashed_file_path` may differ as the path may conflict with
// another in the trash.
base::FilePath absolute_restore_path;
// The date/time the file was trashed.
base::Time deletion_date;
// Possible validation errors that may arise.
enum class ValidationError {
kFileNotExist = 0,
kInfoNotExist = 1,
kInfoFileInvalid = 2,
kInfoFileInvalidLocation = 3,
// Helper operator to enable pretty printing of the validation errors to logs.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ValidationError& value);
// Helper to convert the underlying `ValidationError` to a base::File::Error.
base::File::Error ValidationErrorToFileError(ValidationError error);
// Helper alias to define the callback type that is returned from the validator.
using ParsedTrashInfoDataOrError =
base::expected<ParsedTrashInfoData, ValidationError>;
using ValidateAndParseTrashInfoCallback =
// Validates and parses individual .trashinfo files to ensure they conform to
// the XDG specification. This is exposed here as we need to get a file handler
// and ensure files exist prior to parsing them. This can be done in a
// privileged context, but the parsing cannot. To use this:
// 1. Initialize a `TrashInfoValidator` like:
// auto parser = std::make_unique<TrashInfoValidator>(profile,
// base_path);
// 2. Set your disconnect handler in the event the underlying trash service
// disconnects errorenously.
// parser->SetDisconnectHandler(base::BindOnce(&Method, WeakPtr()));
// 3. For every file to validate and parse, call the ValidateAndParseTrashInfo
// method, e.g.
// parser->ValidateAndParseTrashInfo(trash_info_path,
// base::BindOnce(&OnParsed, WeakPtr()));
class TrashInfoValidator {
// The `base_path` here is used primarily for testing purposes to identify the
// enabled trash locations.
TrashInfoValidator(Profile* profile, const base::FilePath& base_path);
TrashInfoValidator(const TrashInfoValidator&) = delete;
TrashInfoValidator& operator=(const TrashInfoValidator&) = delete;
// Ensure the metadata file conforms to the following:
// - Has a .trashinfo suffix
// - Resides in an enabled trash directory
// - The file resides in the info directory
// - Has an identical item in the files directory with no .trashinfo suffix
// In the event the above fails, the `callback` will be invoked with an error,
// on success it then calls the TrashService to retrieve the parsed trashinfo
// data. The `trash_info_path` must be absolute.
void ValidateAndParseTrashInfo(const base::FilePath& trash_info_path,
ValidateAndParseTrashInfoCallback callback);
// Set the disconnect handler for the underlying TrashService.
// TODO(b/238946031): Potentially centralize this by calling the `callback`
// instead of having a separate disconnect callback.
void SetDisconnectHandler(base::OnceCallback<void()> disconnect_callback);
// Invoked after verifying if the on-disk file exists. The `mount_point_path`
// represents the location where the .Trash folder resides (e.g. ~/MyFiles),
// the `trashed_file_location` is the on-disk file that should be restored and
// the `trash_info_path` represents the location of the .trashinfo file.
void OnTrashedFileExists(const base::FilePath& mount_point_path,
const base::FilePath& trashed_file_location,
const base::FilePath& trash_info_path,
ValidateAndParseTrashInfoCallback callback,
bool exists);
// Invoked when the TrashService has finished parsing the .trashinfo file.
void OnTrashInfoParsed(const base::FilePath& trash_info_path,
const base::FilePath& mount_point_path,
const base::FilePath& trashed_file_location,
ValidateAndParseTrashInfoCallback callback,
base::File::Error status,
const base::FilePath& restore_path,
base::Time deletion_date);
// A map containing paths which are enabled for trashing.
trash::TrashPathsMap enabled_trash_locations_;
// Holds the connection open to the `TrashService`. This is a sandboxed
// process that performs parsing of the trashinfo files.
std::unique_ptr<ash::trash_service::TrashInfoParser> parser_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TrashInfoValidator> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace file_manager::trash