// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_error_or.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_system_provider/abort_callback.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_system_provider/content_cache/content_cache.h"
namespace ash::file_system_provider {
// Callback type used when an FSP has been intiialized.
using FileErrorOrContentCache =
using FileErrorOrContentCacheCallback =
// The root directory name that houses all FSP content caches.
inline constexpr char kFspContentCacheDirName[] = "FspContentCache";
// A singleton that is the hub for all FileSystemProvider extensions that are
// enabled with a content cache. Currently this is just an experiment hidden
// behind both the `FileSystemProviderCloudFileSystem` and
// `FileSystemProviderContentCache` flags and only enabled on ODFS when the
// flags are toggled on.
// Supply the flag `in_memory_only` to avoid creating the FSP cache directory.
class CacheManager {
// Observer class to be notified about changes happening in the CacheManager.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when the initialization for a provider is complete.
virtual void OnProviderInitializationComplete(
base::FilePath base64_encoded_provider_folder_name,
base::File::Error result) {}
// Called when a provider has been uninitialized.
virtual void OnProviderUninitialized(
base::FilePath base64_encoded_provider_folder_name,
base::File::Error result) {}
virtual ~CacheManager() = default;
// Setup the cache directory for the specific FSP.
virtual void InitializeForProvider(
const ProvidedFileSystemInfo& file_system_info,
FileErrorOrContentCacheCallback callback) = 0;
// Destruction of the cache directory for the specific FSP.
virtual void UninitializeForProvider(
const ProvidedFileSystemInfo& file_system_info) = 0;
virtual bool IsProviderInitialized(
const ProvidedFileSystemInfo& file_system_info) = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
} // namespace ash::file_system_provider