// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/fileapi/diversion_file_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/fileapi/file_system_backend_delegate.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/async_file_util.h"
namespace ash {
// A FileSystemBackendDelegate decorator (and, transitively, an AsyncFileUtil
// decorator) that combines its wrappees with a DiversionFileManager. It
// interposes a backed-by-local-disk cache (which also enables efficient
// incremental-append writes) for potentially-remote file systems.
// A DiversionBackendDelegate's methods should only be called from the
// content::BrowserThread::IO thread. Callbacks run on the same thread.
class DiversionBackendDelegate : public FileSystemBackendDelegate,
public storage::AsyncFileUtil {
// How this wrapper treats a virtual file (identified by its FileSystemURL).
enum class Policy {
// Operations (EnsureFileExists, GetFileInfo, etc) happen entirely in the
// interposed local-disk cache, and do not touch the wrappees, up until the
// virtual file is copied or moved to another place (a place that, if also
// subject to this DiversionBackendDelegate, its Policy should be
// kDoNotDivert) or an inactivity time out.
// For example, calling GetFileInfo will return FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND
// (unless EnsureFileExists was previously called) even if the wrapped file
// system has an existing file for that name (that FileSystemURL). It
// "doesn't exist" because the wrappees are not even consulted.
// Similarly, calling EnsureFileExists will return created=true even if the
// wrappees have an existing file for that FileSystemURL.
// This Policy is intended for "temporary files", like "*.crdownload" or
// "*.crswap", where a potentially-large file is incrementally built over
// time before being moved/renamed over the ultimate destination. These
// temporary files don't really care about their name other than it doesn't
// clash with other files. But in Chromium's //storage/browser/file_system
// cross-platform abstraction, every virtual file needs a unique name. With
// DiversionBackendDelegate, we can provide an isolated "overlay namespace"
// for these temporary files, ignoring the underlying wrapped file system.
// Isolation reduces the number of spurious calls to the wrappees. Spurious
// work can fail (unnecessarily), take a noticeable amount of time (for
// cloud-backed file systems), add noise to metrics or debug logs, etc.
// Operations happen in the interposed local-disk cache, but unlike
// kDivertIsolated, they consult with the wrappee file system.
// For example, EnsureFileExists will return created=false when the wrappee
// has an existing file for that FileSystemURL.
// This Policy is intended for when you do want diversion to apply (e.g.
// you want efficient incremental-append writes) but you don't have a
// "temporary file".
// If in doubt, use kDivertMingled instead of kDivertIsolated, as its
// behavior is closer to not having a DiversionBackendDelegate at all.
explicit DiversionBackendDelegate(
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemBackendDelegate> wrappee);
~DiversionBackendDelegate() override;
DiversionBackendDelegate(const DiversionBackendDelegate&) = delete;
DiversionBackendDelegate& operator=(const DiversionBackendDelegate&) = delete;
// FileSystemBackendDelegate overrides.
storage::AsyncFileUtil* GetAsyncFileUtil(
storage::FileSystemType type) override;
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileStreamReader> CreateFileStreamReader(
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
int64_t offset,
int64_t max_bytes_to_read,
const base::Time& expected_modification_time,
storage::FileSystemContext* context) override;
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileStreamWriter> CreateFileStreamWriter(
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
int64_t offset,
storage::FileSystemContext* context) override;
storage::WatcherManager* GetWatcherManager(
storage::FileSystemType type) override;
// storage::AsyncFileUtil overrides.
void CreateOrOpen(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
uint32_t file_flags,
CreateOrOpenCallback callback) override;
void EnsureFileExists(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
EnsureFileExistsCallback callback) override;
void CreateDirectory(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
bool exclusive,
bool recursive,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void GetFileInfo(std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
GetMetadataFieldSet fields,
GetFileInfoCallback callback) override;
void ReadDirectory(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
ReadDirectoryCallback callback) override;
void Touch(std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
const base::Time& last_access_time,
const base::Time& last_modified_time,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void Truncate(std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
int64_t length,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void CopyFileLocal(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& src_url,
const storage::FileSystemURL& dest_url,
CopyOrMoveOptionSet options,
CopyFileProgressCallback progress_callback,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void MoveFileLocal(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& src_url,
const storage::FileSystemURL& dest_url,
CopyOrMoveOptionSet options,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void CopyInForeignFile(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const base::FilePath& src_file_path,
const storage::FileSystemURL& dest_url,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void DeleteFile(std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void DeleteDirectory(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void DeleteRecursively(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
StatusCallback callback) override;
void CreateSnapshotFile(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
CreateSnapshotFileCallback callback) override;
void OverrideTmpfileDirForTesting(const base::FilePath& tmpfile_dir);
static Policy ShouldDivertForTesting(const storage::FileSystemURL& url);
static base::TimeDelta IdleTimeoutForTesting();
enum class OnDiversionFinishedCallSite {
static void OnDiversionFinished(
base::WeakPtr<DiversionBackendDelegate> weak_ptr,
OnDiversionFinishedCallSite call_site,
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileSystemOperationContext> context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& dest_url,
storage::AsyncFileUtil::StatusCallback callback,
DiversionFileManager::StoppedReason stopped_reason,
const storage::FileSystemURL& src_url,
base::ScopedFD scoped_fd,
int64_t file_size,
base::File::Error error);
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemBackendDelegate> wrappee_;
scoped_refptr<DiversionFileManager> diversion_file_manager_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DiversionBackendDelegate> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash