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<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Basic//EN" "">
<!--=  Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts          =-->
<!--=  Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en        =-->
<!--=  Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights      =-->
<!--=  Reserved. See                =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- text-spacing-BE-14.svg                                                -->
<!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to text-spacing-01-b.svg                                -->
<!--                                                                       -->
<!-- Test properties 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing'                   -->
<!--                                                                       -->
<!-- Author : Jon Ferraiolo 06-Aug-2000                                    -->
<!--          1.1 revision by Rick Graham                                  -->
<!-- Revised for SVGT/B : Mathias Larsson Carlander Jul/1/2002               -->
<!-- Revised for SVGT : Mathias Larsson Carlander Aug/20/2002               -->
<!-- further revisions by Chris Lilley - its now a basic test. 23 Oct 2002 -->
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="basic" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 80 60">
	<SVGTestCase xmlns="">
		<OperatorScript version="$Revision: 1.6 $" testname="text-spacing-01-b.svg">
				Test properties 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing'
				The first three lines test property 'letter-spacing', with
				values 0, -1 and .3em respectively.
				The next three lines test property 'word-spacing', with
				values 0, -3 and 3em respectively.
	<title id="test-title">text-spacing-01-b.svg</title>
	<desc id="test-desc">Test properties 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing'</desc>
	<!--Content of Test Case follows...                  =====================-->
	<g id="test-body-content">
		<g font-family="Arial" font-size="8">
			<text x="3" y="8"> letter-spacing:0 </text>
			<text x="3" y="16" letter-spacing="-1">letter-spacing:-1</text>
			<text x="3" y="24" letter-spacing=".3">letter-spacing:.3</text>
			<text x="3" y="33">ws:0 - Two Words</text>
			<text x="3" y="41" word-spacing="-3">ws:-3 - Two Words</text>
			<text x="3" y="49" word-spacing="3">ws:3 - Two Words</text>
	<text id="revision" x="5" y="57" font-size="6" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.6 $</text>
	<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="78" height="58" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
if (window.testRunner)
var range = document.createRange();
var selection = window.getSelection();