// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/fileapi/file_accumulator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/fileapi/recent_file.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/fileapi/recent_source.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/file_manager_private.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_url.h"
class GURL;
class Profile;
namespace storage {
class FileSystemContext;
} // namespace storage
namespace ash {
// The specifications of conditions on recent sources. Only volumes of the given
// type are searched for recent files.
struct RecentSourceSpec {
// The type of volume that is to be scanned.
extensions::api::file_manager_private::VolumeType volume_type;
// The options that impact how the search for recent files is carried out. The
// default values for the options is to look for files that were modified in the
// last 30 days, with no limit to how long the scan can take, returning any type
// of files, but no more than 1000. If possible files will be returned from the
// recent cache.
// It is critical that you specify the source_list to be all sources that you
// wish to search. By default the source list is empty, meaning that nothing
// is searched.
struct RecentModelOptions {
// How far back to accept files.
base::TimeDelta now_delta = base::Days(30);
// The maximum time the scan for recent files can take. Sources that do
// not complete before the timeout do not contribute to returned results.
base::TimeDelta scan_timeout = base::TimeDelta::Max();
// The maximum number of files to be returned.
size_t max_files = 1000u;
// Whether or not to invalidate the cache; if this flag is true, even if
// there are cached results, they are not returned. Instead a full scan
// of sources is performed.
bool invalidate_cache = false;
// The type of files to be returned.
RecentSource::FileType file_type = RecentSource::FileType::kAll;
// A vector of recent sources specifications. Only sources matching the
// specification are going to be used when retrieving recent files. This field
// must be non-empty.
std::vector<RecentSourceSpec> source_specs;
// Implements a service that returns files matching a given query, type, with
// the given modification date. A typical use is shown below:
// RecentModel* model = RecentModelFactory::GetForProfile(user_profile);
// GetRecentFilesCallback callback = base:Bind(...);
// FileSystemContext* context = GetFileSystemContextForRenderFrameHost(
// user_profile, render_frame_host());
// // Requests files from local disk, with names containing "foo", modified
// // within the last 30 days (default), classified as image (jpg, png, etc.),
// // without deleting cache from the previous call (default).
// ash::RecentModelOptions options;
// options.file_type = ash::RecentSource::FileType::kImage
// options.source_spec = {
// { .volume_type = VolumeType::kDownloads },
// };
// model->GetRecentFiles(
// context,
// GURL("chrome://file-manager/"),
// "foo",
// options,
// std::move(callback));
// In addition to the above flow, one can set the maximum duration for the
// GetRecentCall to take. Once that maximum duration is reached, whatever
// partial results are available, are returned.
// All member functions must be called on the UI thread. However, this class
// supports multiple calls with varying parameters being issued in parallel.
class RecentModel : public KeyedService {
// The name of the histogram used to record user metrics about total time
// it took to fetch recent files.
static constexpr char kLoadHistogramName[] = "FileBrowser.Recent.LoadTotal";
using FileType = RecentSource::FileType;
// Stores all parameters that identify either the current or cached search
// performed by the recent model.
struct SearchCriteria {
// The query used to match against file names, e.g., "my-file".
std::string query;
// The maximum age of accepted files measured as a delta from now.
base::TimeDelta now_delta;
// The maximum number of files to be returned.
size_t max_files;
// The type of files accepted, e.g., images, documents, etc.
FileType file_type;
bool operator==(const SearchCriteria& other) const = default;
using GetRecentFilesCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<RecentFile>& files)>;
explicit RecentModel(Profile* profile);
~RecentModel() override;
RecentModel(const RecentModel&) = delete;
RecentModel& operator=(const RecentModel&) = delete;
// Creates an instance with given sources. Only for testing.
static std::unique_ptr<RecentModel> CreateForTest(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RecentSource>> sources);
// Returns a list of recent files by querying sources.
// Files are sorted by descending order of last modified time.
// Results might be internally cached for better performance.
void GetRecentFiles(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const GURL& origin,
const std::string& query,
const RecentModelOptions& options,
GetRecentFilesCallback callback);
// KeyedService overrides:
void Shutdown() override;
explicit RecentModel(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RecentSource>> sources);
// Context for a single GetRecentFiles call.
struct CallContext {
CallContext(const SearchCriteria& search_criteria,
GetRecentFilesCallback callback);
CallContext(CallContext&& context);
// The parameters of the last query. These are used to check if the
// cached content can be re-used.
SearchCriteria search_criteria;
// The callback to call once the results are collected.
GetRecentFilesCallback callback;
// Time when the build started.
base::TimeTicks build_start_time;
// The accumulator of files found by various recent sources.
FileAccumulator accumulator;
// The set of recent sources processing the current request.
std::set<raw_ptr<RecentSource>> active_sources;
// The method called by each of the recent source workers, once they complete
// their task. This method monitors the number of calls and once it is equal
// to the number of started recent source workers, it calls
// OnSearchCompleted method.
void OnGotRecentFiles(RecentSource* source,
const base::Time& cutoff_time,
const int32_t call_id,
std::vector<RecentFile> files);
// This method is called by OnGetRecentFiles once all started recent source
// workers complete their tasks.
void OnSearchCompleted(const int32_t call_id);
void ClearCache();
// The callback invoked by the deadline timer.
void OnScanTimeout(const base::Time& cutoff_time, const int32_t call_id);
// A map that stores a context for each call to GetRecentFiles. The context
// exists only from the start of the call until it is completed or times out.
base::IDMap<std::unique_ptr<CallContext>> context_map_;
// A map from call ID to a timer that terminates the call.
base::IDMap<std::unique_ptr<base::DeadlineTimer>> deadline_map_;
// All known recent sources.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RecentSource>> sources_;
// Cached GetRecentFiles() response.
std::optional<std::vector<RecentFile>> cached_files_ = std::nullopt;
// The parameters of the last query. These are used to check if the
// cached content can be re-used.
SearchCriteria cached_search_criteria_;
// Timer to clear the cache.
base::OneShotTimer cache_clear_timer_;
// The counter used to enumerate GetRecentFiles calls. This is used to stop
// calls that take too long.
int32_t call_id_ = 0;
// If set, limits the length of time the GetRecentFiles method can take before
// returning results, if any, in the callback.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> scan_timeout_duration_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RecentModel> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash