<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='../resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='../resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<script src='../resources/gesture-util.js'></script>
<script src="../resources/percent-based-util.js"></script>
body, html {
margin: 0;
height: 10000px;
// This test ensures that animated mouse wheel scrolls with tiny amounts are
// accurately propagated in the renderer.
async function tryScroll(distance, source, expectedScrollY) {
const x = 400;
const y = 300;
const precise_deltas = false;
const scrollYBefore = window.scrollY;
await waitForCompositorCommit();
await smoothScroll(distance,
x, y,
await waitFor(() => { return window.scrollY - scrollYBefore >= expectedScrollY; },
"Didn't scroll by expected amount: " + expectedScrollY);
await waitForCompositorCommit();
window.onload = async () => {
const source_type = GestureSourceType.MOUSE_INPUT;
promise_test(async () => {
const expectedScrollY =
calculateExpectedScroll(document.scrollingElement, 0, 1).y;
assert_equals(window.scrollY, 0);
await tryScroll(1, source_type, expectedScrollY);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, expectedScrollY, 0.00001);
}, 'Synthetic animated ' + GestureSourceType.ToString(source_type) +
' gestures accurately scroll delta (0, 1).');
promise_test(async () => {
const scrollYBefore = window.scrollY;
const expectedScrollY =
calculateExpectedScroll(document.scrollingElement, 0, 2).y;
await tryScroll(2, source_type, expectedScrollY);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, scrollYBefore + expectedScrollY, 0.00001);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, 'Synthetic animated ' + GestureSourceType.ToString(source_type) +
' gestures accurately scroll delta (0, 2).');