
Noto Sans CJK Font:
License: SIL Open Font License 1.1
License File: LICENSE_OFL.txt
Shipped: no

1. Source Origin
Google's Internationalisation team's:

2. License
For license information, see the LICENSE_OFL.txt file

3. Reason
Firstly, it's used for fast/forms/text/text-font-height-mismatch.html.
Noto CJK 1.004 or later has unique metrics.  If we request font-size:16px,
resultant FontMetrics::height() is 24.  The imported font is helpful to test
such cases.  See for the details.
Secondly, it's used in fast/ruby/ruby-position-modern-japanese-fonts.html to
test Ruby positioning.
Last, it's used blink's ShapeResultBloberizerTest.SupplementaryMultiRunNG
unit test (from blink_platform_unittests test suite).

To combine required glyphs for those two tests, use this command to generate the
subsetted font (generated from Version 1.004 of the font):
$ pyftsubset NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf\

where pyftsubset comes from