// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "ui/web_dialogs/web_dialog_delegate.h"
namespace ash {
// Happiness tracking survey dialog. Sometimes appears after login to ask the
// user how satisfied they are with their Chromebook.
// This class lives on the UI thread.
class HatsDialog : public ui::WebDialogDelegate {
HatsDialog(const HatsDialog&) = delete;
HatsDialog& operator=(const HatsDialog&) = delete;
~HatsDialog() override;
static void Show(const std::string& trigger_id,
const std::string& histogram_name,
const std::string& site_context);
// Based on the supplied |action|, returns true if the client should be
// closed. Handling the action could imply logging or incrementing a survey
// specific UMA metric (using |histogram_name|).
static bool HandleClientTriggeredAction(const std::string& action,
const std::string& histogram_name);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HatsDialogTest, ParseAnswer);
// This class must be allocated on the heap, and general care should be taken
// regarding its lifetime, due to its self-managing use of delete in the
// `OnDialogClosed` method.
HatsDialog(const std::string& trigger_id,
const std::string& histogram_name,
const std::string& site_context);
static bool ParseAnswer(const std::string& input,
int* question,
std::vector<int>* scores);
// ui::WebDialogDelegate implementation.
void OnLoadingStateChanged(content::WebContents* source) override;
const std::string trigger_id_;
const std::string histogram_name_;
std::string action_;
} // namespace ash