// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash::input_method {
enum class EditorTone {
kUnset = 0,
kRephrase = 1,
kEmojify = 2,
kShorten = 3,
kElaborate = 4,
kFormalize = 5,
kFreeformRewrite = 6,
kUnknown = 7,
kProofread = 8,
kMaxValue = kProofread,
// Must match with IMEEditorCriticalStates in enums.xml
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class EditorCriticalStates {
// Recorded whenever the native card UI is shown to a user, regardless of the
// contents of the card (ie includes promo and editor card).
kShowUI = 0,
// Recorded whenever a request is sent to the server.
kRequestTriggered = 1,
// Recorded whenever a text suggestion is inserted to a text field.
kTextInserted = 2,
// Must match with IMEEditorStates in enums.xml
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class EditorStates {
// When a user right clicks on an eligible text field and the feature itself
// is enabled.
kNativeUIShowOpportunity = 0,
// When the native UI menu is shown.
kNativeUIShown = 1,
// For only the first request to the server of the session from the views UI.
// Refines are not counted here.
kNativeRequest = 2,
// When a response page is dismissed by user clicking elsewhere or explicitly
// clicking the close button.
kDismiss = 3,
// For each refine request and by editing the prompt directly at the top of
// the webUI.
kRefineRequest = 4,
// When response(s) are shown to the user.
kSuccessResponse = 5,
// When a error is shown to the user.
kErrorResponse = 6,
// When a thumbs up button is clicked.
kThumbsUp = 7,
// When a thumbs down button is clicked.
kThumbsDown = 8,
// When a response is inserted/replaced to the text field.
kInsert = 9,
// Migrated to another histogram due to incorrect use
// kCharsInserted = 10,
// kCharsSelectedForInsert = 11,
// kFreeformCharsForInsert = 12,
// When a user returns to previous in the webUI.
kReturnToPreviousSuggestions = 13,
// When a user directly clicks the WebUI close button to close the feature.
kClickCloseButton = 14,
// For the first request to the server of the session from the WebUI. This
// will happen right after a user initially consents, or if they get an error
// and try again.
kWebUIRequest = 15,
// Increase by 1 when a user clicks to approve the consent.
kApproveConsent = 16,
// Increase by 1 when a user clicks to decline the consent.
kDeclineConsent = 17,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked.
kBlocked = 18,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because user is in an unsupported
// country.
kBlockedByUnsupportedRegion = 19,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because user is using a managed
// device.
// kBlockedByManagedStatus_DEPRECATED = 20,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the consent status does
// not satisfy.
kBlockedByConsent = 21,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the setting toggle is
// switched off.
kBlockedBySetting = 22,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the text is too long.
kBlockedByTextLength = 23,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the focused text input
// residing in a url found in the url denylist.
kBlockedByUrl = 24,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the focused text input
// residing in an app found in the app denylist.
kBlockedByApp = 25,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the current active input
// method is not supported.
kBlockedByInputMethod = 26,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the current active input
// type is not allowed.
kBlockedByInputType = 27,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the current app type is
// not supported.
kBlockedByAppType = 28,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the current form factor
// is not supported.
kBlockedByInvalidFormFactor = 29,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because user is not connected to
// internet.
kBlockedByNetworkStatus = 30,
// Increase by 1 when user receives unknown error from the server.
kErrorUnknown = 31,
// Increase by 1 when user receives invalid argument error from the server.
kErrorInvalidArgument = 32,
// Increase by 1 when user receives resource exhausted error from the server.
kErrorResourceExhausted = 33,
// Increase by 1 when user receives backend failure error from the server.
kErrorBackendFailure = 34,
// Increase by 1 when user receives internet connection error from the server.
kErrorNoInternetConnection = 35,
// Increase by 1 when user receives unsupported language error from the
// server.
kErrorUnsupportedLanguage = 36,
// Increase by 1 when user receives blocked output error from the server.
kErrorBlockedOutputs = 37,
// Increase by 1 when user receives restricted region error from the server.
kErrorRestrictedRegion = 38,
// Increase by 1 when the native promo card is shown.
kPromoCardImpression = 39,
// Increase by 1 when user clicks "Dismiss" on the promo card.
kPromoCardExplicitDismissal = 40,
// Increase by 1 when the webui consent screen is shown.
kConsentScreenImpression = 41,
// Increase by 1 when a text insertion has been requested.
kTextInsertionRequested = 42,
// Increase by 1 when text has been queued for insertion.
kTextQueuedForInsertion = 43,
// Increase by 1 when any request is made.
kRequest = 44,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because user does not have the
// capability (age, account type) to use the feature.
kBlockedByUnsupportedCapability = 45,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because the capability value has
// been been fetched and determined yet.
kBlockedByUnknownCapability = 46,
// Increase by 1 when the feature is blocked because there is an associated
// policy that disables the feature.
kBlockedByPolicy = 47,
kMaxValue = kBlockedByPolicy,
} // namespace ash::input_method