// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/input_method/assistive_window_properties.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/input_method/input_method_engine_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/input_method/screen_projection_change_monitor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/input_method/suggestion_handler_interface.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_observer.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ash/input_method_descriptor.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ash/input_method_manager.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ash/text_input_method.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/candidate_window.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/composition_text.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
static_assert(BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH), "For ChromeOS ash-chrome only");
namespace ui {
struct CompositionText;
class KeyEvent;
namespace ime {
struct AssistiveWindowButton;
struct InputMethodMenuItem;
struct SuggestionDetails;
} // namespace ime
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
namespace ime {
struct AssistiveWindow;
} // namespace ime
namespace input_method {
struct AssistiveWindowProperties;
class InputMethodEngine : virtual public TextInputMethod,
public ProfileObserver,
public SuggestionHandlerInterface {
enum {
enum SegmentStyle {
struct SegmentInfo {
int start;
int end;
SegmentStyle style;
struct UsageEntry {
std::string title;
std::string body;
struct Candidate {
Candidate(const Candidate& other);
virtual ~Candidate();
std::string value;
int id;
std::string label;
std::string annotation;
UsageEntry usage;
std::vector<Candidate> candidates;
struct CandidateWindowProperty {
virtual ~CandidateWindowProperty();
CandidateWindowProperty(const CandidateWindowProperty& other);
int page_size;
bool is_cursor_visible;
bool is_vertical;
bool show_window_at_composition;
// Auxiliary text is typically displayed in the footer of the candidate
// window.
std::string auxiliary_text;
bool is_auxiliary_text_visible;
// The index of the current chosen candidate out of total candidates.
// value is -1 if there is no current chosen candidate.
int current_candidate_index = -1;
int total_candidates = 0;
enum class Error {
InputMethodEngine(const InputMethodEngine&) = delete;
InputMethodEngine& operator=(const InputMethodEngine&) = delete;
~InputMethodEngine() override;
virtual void Initialize(std::unique_ptr<InputMethodEngineObserver> observer,
const char* extension_id,
Profile* profile);
// Returns true if this IME is active, false if not.
bool IsActive() const;
// Returns the current active input_component id.
const std::string& GetActiveComponentId() const;
// Clear the current composition.
bool ClearComposition(int context_id, std::string* error);
// Commit the specified text to the specified context. Fails if the context
// is not focused.
bool CommitText(int context_id,
const std::u16string& text,
std::string* error);
// Notifies InputContextHandler to commit any composition text.
// Set |reset_engine| to false if the event was from the extension.
void ConfirmComposition(bool reset_engine);
// Deletes |number_of_chars| unicode characters as the basis of |offset| from
// the surrounding text. The |offset| is relative position based on current
// caret.
// NOTE: Currently we are falling back to backspace forwarding workaround,
// because delete_surrounding_text is not supported in Chrome. So this
// function is restricted for only preceding text.
// TODO(nona): Support full spec delete surrounding text.
bool DeleteSurroundingText(int context_id,
int offset,
size_t number_of_chars,
std::string* error);
// Deletes any active composition, and the current selection plus the
// specified number of char16 values before and after the selection, and
// replaces it with |replacement_string|.
// Places the cursor at the end of |replacement_string|.
base::expected<void, Error> ReplaceSurroundingText(
int context_id,
int length_before_selection,
int length_after_selection,
std::u16string_view replacement_text);
// Commit the text currently being composed to the composition.
// Fails if the context is not focused.
bool FinishComposingText(int context_id, std::string* error);
// Send the sequence of key events.
bool SendKeyEvents(int context_id,
const std::vector<ui::KeyEvent>& events,
std::string* error);
// Set the current composition and associated properties.
// Note: The cursor is used to index into a UTF16 version
// of the input text. Ideally, we should check the
// UTF16 version of the input text and make sure the
// selection start and end falls within that range.
bool SetComposition(int context_id,
const char* text,
int selection_start,
int selection_end,
int cursor,
const std::vector<SegmentInfo>& segments,
std::string* error);
// Set the current composition range around the current cursor.
// This function is deprecated. Use |SetComposingRange| instead.
bool SetCompositionRange(int context_id,
int selection_before,
int selection_after,
const std::vector<SegmentInfo>& segments,
std::string* error);
// Set the current composition range.
bool SetComposingRange(int context_id,
int start,
int end,
const std::vector<SegmentInfo>& segments,
std::string* error);
gfx::Rect GetTextFieldBounds(int context_id, std::string* error);
bool SetAutocorrectRange(int context_id,
const gfx::Range& range,
std::string* error);
// Called when a key event is handled.
void KeyEventHandled(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& request_id,
bool handled);
// Returns the request ID for this key event.
std::string AddPendingKeyEvent(
const std::string& component_id,
TextInputMethod::KeyEventDoneCallback callback);
// Resolves all the pending key event callbacks as not handled.
void CancelPendingKeyEvents();
int GetContextIdForTesting() const { return context_id_; }
PrefChangeRegistrar* GetPrefChangeRegistrarForTesting() const {
return pref_change_registrar_.get();
// TextInputMethod overrides.
void Focus(const TextInputMethod::InputContext& input_context) override;
void Blur() override;
void Enable(const std::string& component_id) override;
void Disable() override;
void Reset() override;
void ProcessKeyEvent(const ui::KeyEvent& key_event,
KeyEventDoneCallback callback) override;
void SetSurroundingText(const std::u16string& text,
gfx::Range selection_range,
uint32_t offset_pos) override;
void SetCaretBounds(const gfx::Rect& caret_bounds) override;
void PropertyActivate(const std::string& property_name) override;
void CandidateClicked(uint32_t index) override;
void AssistiveWindowButtonClicked(
const ui::ime::AssistiveWindowButton& button) override;
void AssistiveWindowChanged(const ash::ime::AssistiveWindow& window) override;
ui::VirtualKeyboardController* GetVirtualKeyboardController() const override;
bool IsReadyForTesting() override;
// SuggestionHandlerInterface overrides.
bool DismissSuggestion(int context_id, std::string* error) override;
bool SetSuggestion(int context_id,
const ui::ime::SuggestionDetails& details,
std::string* error) override;
bool AcceptSuggestion(int context_id, std::string* error) override;
void OnSuggestionsChanged(
const std::vector<std::string>& suggestions) override;
bool SetButtonHighlighted(int context_id,
const ui::ime::AssistiveWindowButton& button,
bool highlighted,
std::string* error) override;
void ClickButton(const ui::ime::AssistiveWindowButton& button) override;
bool AcceptSuggestionCandidate(int context_id,
const std::u16string& candidate,
size_t delete_previous_utf16_len,
bool use_replace_surrounding_text,
std::string* error) override;
bool SetAssistiveWindowProperties(
int context_id,
const AssistiveWindowProperties& assistive_window,
std::string* error) override;
void Announce(const std::u16string& message) override;
// ProfileObserver overrides.
void OnProfileWillBeDestroyed(Profile* profile) override;
// This function returns the current property of the candidate window of the
// corresponding engine_id. If the CandidateWindowProperty is not set for the
// engine_id, a default value is set. The caller can use the returned value as
// the default property and modify some of specified items.
const CandidateWindowProperty& GetCandidateWindowProperty(
const std::string& engine_id);
// Changes the property of the candidate window of the given engine_id and
// repaints the candidate window widget.
void SetCandidateWindowProperty(const std::string& engine_id,
const CandidateWindowProperty& property);
// Show or hide the candidate window.
bool SetCandidateWindowVisible(bool visible, std::string* error);
// Set the list of entries displayed in the candidate window.
bool SetCandidates(int context_id,
const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates,
std::string* error);
// Set the position of the cursor in the candidate window.
bool SetCursorPosition(int context_id, int candidate_id, std::string* error);
// Update the state of the menu items.
virtual bool UpdateMenuItems(
const std::vector<InputMethodManager::MenuItem>& items,
std::string* error);
// Hides the input view window (from API call).
void HideInputView();
void NotifyInputMethodExtensionReadyForTesting();
virtual void OnInputMethodOptionsChanged();
// The observer object receiving events for this IME.
std::unique_ptr<InputMethodEngineObserver> observer_;
struct PendingKeyEvent {
PendingKeyEvent(const std::string& component_id,
TextInputMethod::KeyEventDoneCallback callback);
PendingKeyEvent(PendingKeyEvent&& other);
PendingKeyEvent(const PendingKeyEvent&) = delete;
PendingKeyEvent& operator=(const PendingKeyEvent&) = delete;
std::string component_id;
TextInputMethod::KeyEventDoneCallback callback;
// Called when Diacritics setting changed for metrics.
void DiacriticsSettingsChanged();
// Notifies InputContextHandler that the composition is changed.
void UpdateComposition(const ui::CompositionText& composition_text,
uint32_t cursor_pos,
bool is_visible);
// Notifies InputContextHandler to commit |text|.
void CommitTextToInputContext(int context_id, const std::u16string& text);
// Converts MenuItem to InputMethodMenuItem.
void MenuItemToProperty(const InputMethodManager::MenuItem& item,
ui::ime::InputMethodMenuItem* property);
void OnScreenProjectionChanged(bool is_projected);
// Infers if the user is choosing from a candidate from the window.
// TODO(b/300576550): get this information from IME.
bool InferIsUserSelecting(base::span<const Candidate> candidates);
// The current candidate window.
ui::CandidateWindow candidate_window_;
// The candidate window property of the current engine_id.
std::pair<std::string, CandidateWindowProperty> candidate_window_property_;
// Indicates whether the candidate window is visible.
bool window_visible_ = false;
// Mapping of candidate index to candidate id.
std::vector<int> candidate_ids_;
// Mapping of candidate id to index.
std::map<int, int> candidate_indexes_;
ui::TextInputType current_input_type_;
// ID that is used for the current input context. False if there is no focus.
int context_id_;
// Next id that will be assigned to a context.
int next_context_id_;
// The input_component ID in IME extension's manifest.
std::string active_component_id_;
// The IME extension ID.
extensions::ExtensionId extension_id_;
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
unsigned int next_request_id_ = 1;
std::map<std::string, PendingKeyEvent> pending_key_events_;
// The composition text to be set from calling input.ime.setComposition API.
ui::CompositionText composition_;
bool composition_changed_;
// The text to be committed from calling input.ime.commitText API.
std::u16string text_;
bool commit_text_changed_;
std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar> pref_change_registrar_;
base::Value::Dict input_method_settings_snapshot_;
ScreenProjectionChangeMonitor screen_projection_change_monitor_;
bool is_ready_for_testing_ = false;
base::ScopedObservation<Profile, ProfileObserver> profile_observation_{this};
} // namespace input_method
} // namespace ash