// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace ui {
namespace ime {
struct AssistiveWindowButton;
struct SuggestionDetails;
} // namespace ime
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
namespace input_method {
struct AssistiveWindowProperties;
// An interface to handler suggestion related calls from assistive suggester.
class SuggestionHandlerInterface {
virtual ~SuggestionHandlerInterface() = default;
// Dismiss suggestion window.
virtual bool DismissSuggestion(int context_id, std::string* error) = 0;
// Sets text and show suggestion window.
// text - the full suggestion text.
// confirmed_text - the confirmed text that the user has typed so far.
// show_tab - whether to show "tab" in the suggestion window.
virtual bool SetSuggestion(int context_id,
const ui::ime::SuggestionDetails& details,
std::string* error) = 0;
// Commit the suggestion and hide the window.
virtual bool AcceptSuggestion(int context_id, std::string* error) = 0;
virtual void OnSuggestionsChanged(
const std::vector<std::string>& suggestions) = 0;
// Highlights or unhighlights a given assistive button based on the given
// parameters. No-op if context_id doesn't match or engine is not active.
virtual bool SetButtonHighlighted(
int context_id,
const ui::ime::AssistiveWindowButton& button,
bool highlighted,
std::string* error) = 0;
// Click the given button in assitive window.
virtual void ClickButton(const ui::ime::AssistiveWindowButton& button) = 0;
virtual bool AcceptSuggestionCandidate(int context_id,
const std::u16string& candidate,
size_t delete_previous_utf16_len,
bool use_replace_surrounding_text,
std::string* error) = 0;
// Shows/Hides given assistive window. No-op if context_id doesn't match or
// engine is not active.
virtual bool SetAssistiveWindowProperties(
int context_id,
const AssistiveWindowProperties& assistive_window,
std::string* error) = 0;
// Announces a message to the user by emitting a live region change event.
virtual void Announce(const std::u16string& message) = 0;
} // namespace input_method
} // namespace ash