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<title>Tests text range bounds</title>
div { text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; visibility: hidden; }
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<div id="test">Tests caret position reporting using ranges.</div>
var el = document.getElementById('test');
var len = el.firstChild.textContent.length;
function posForOffset(offset) {
var r = document.createRange();
r.setStart(el.firstChild, offset);
r.setEnd(el.firstChild, offset);
return r.getClientRects()[0].left;
test(function() {
assert_true(posForOffset(len) > posForOffset(len - 1),
'Last caret position should be higher than second to last.');
assert_true(posForOffset(len) != posForOffset(0),
'Last caret position should not match first.');
}, 'Caret positions reported correctly.');