
.ahem {
    font:20px/1 Ahem;
@font-face {
    font-family: ivsfont;
    src: url(resources/AhemIVS.ttf);
.ivs {
    font:20px/1 ivsfont;
This page ensures that WebKit can render unicode variation selector correctly.  On platforms which support UVSes, the glyph of U+0061 should be a 0.2em high, 1em wide rectangle. On platforms which don't support UVSes, it should be a square.  In addition, any glyphs (including the last resort glyph) should not appear after the glyph on all platforms.
Without UVS:
<span class="ivs">&#x0061;</span>
should look like <span class="ahem">X</span>
With UVS:
<span class="ivs">&#x0061;&#xE0100;</span>
should look like <span class="ahem">p</span>
UVS not in the font should fallback to base:
<span class="ivs">&#x0061;&#xE0101;</span> should look like <span class="ahem">X</span>
if (window.testRunner) {
    document.fonts.ready.then(function () {