function waitForWindowScrollEnd(end_x, end_y) {
var last_changed_frame = 0;
var last_x = scrollX;
var last_y = scrollY;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function tick(frames) {
// We requestAnimationFrames until 20 frames without observed changes or
// until the window has scolled to the specified destination.
if (frames - last_changed_frame > 20) {
if (!(isNaN(end_x) && isNaN(end_y))) {
if ((isNaN(end_x) || scrollX == end_x) &&
(isNaN(end_y) || scrollY == end_y)) {
console.log(scrollY + "==" + end_y);
if (window.scrollX != last_x || window.scrollY != last_y) {
last_changed_frame = frames;
last_x = scrollX;
last_y = scrollY;
requestAnimationFrame(tick.bind(null, frames + 1));