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<title>window.requestIdleCallback callback behavior during long idle periods.</title>
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async_test(function() {
  // Check that a new idle callback runs after the deadline of a previous one.
  // This test is similar to one in idle_periods.html, but uses completely
  // idle renderer and doesn't run requestAnimationFrame. This test lives
  // in a separate file for isolation (if rAF is requested, renderer will
  // become non-idle for all tests.
  var previous_deadline;
  var idle_callbacks_remaining = 5;
  var self = this;
  requestIdleCallback(this.step_func(function rIC(deadline) {
    var remaining = deadline.timeRemaining();
    var now =;
    if (previous_deadline != undefined) {
      assert_true(now >= previous_deadline, "A requestIdleCallback called during an idle period should not be run until the next idle period.");

    // Schedule a new requestIdleCallback.
    if (--idle_callbacks_remaining > 0) {
      previous_deadline = now + remaining;
    } else {

}, 'Check that if a new idle callback runs after a deadline for a previous one during long idle period.');

<p>This test validates that window.requestIdleCallback deals with callbacks during long idle periods correctly.</p>
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