// META: script=resources/workaround-for-362676838.js
// META: timeout=long
promise_test(async t => {
// Make sure the prompt api is enabled.
// Make sure the session could be created.
const capabilities = await ai.assistant.capabilities();
const status = capabilities.available;
assert_true(status === 'readily');
// Start a new session.
const session = await ai.assistant.create();
// Test the streaming prompt API.
const streamingResponse = session.promptStreaming("What is 1+2?");
assert_true(Object.prototype.toString.call(streamingResponse) === "[object ReadableStream]");
const reader = streamingResponse.getReader();
let result = "";
while (true) {
const { value, done } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
result = value;
assert_true(result.length > 0);