<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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'use strict';
const test_desc = 'An attempt to call readValue on a blocked descriptor must ' +
'generate a SecurityError';
const expected = new DOMException(
'readValue() called on blocklisted object marked exclude-reads. ' +
let descriptor, fake_descriptor;
// 1. Connect to the device and retrieve the GATT descriptor.
bluetooth_test(() => getBlocklistExcludeReadsDescriptor()
.then(_ => ({descriptor, fake_descriptor} = _))
// 2. Attempt to write and read the descriptor.
.then(() => fake_descriptor.setNextWriteResponse(HCI_SUCCESS))
.then(() => descriptor.writeValue(new Uint8Array(1 /* length */)))
.then(() => assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
'readValue() should reject.')),