'use strict';
// Tests that attempting to load a Response body from a detached iframe fails
// correctly. Blink's behavior of rejecting the promise is non-standard, so this
// is not included in the upstream wpts.
// Each case exercises a different method on the body. `method` is the name of
// the method to call. `type` is the Content-Type for the response. `body` is
// the body of the response. It should parse correctly into the specified
// format. Because it is interpolated into JavaScript it should not contain
// quote or backslash characters.
const CASES = [
method: 'arrayBuffer',
type: 'application/octet-stream',
body: 'anything',
expected_type: 'ArrayBuffer',
method: 'blob',
type: 'application/octet-stream',
body: 'anything',
expected_type: 'Blob',
method: 'formData',
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: 'a=b',
expected_type: 'FormData',
method: 'json',
type: 'text/json',
body: '[3]',
expected_type: 'Array',
method: 'text',
text: 'text/plain',
body: 'word',
expected_type: 'string',
function assert_type_is(value, expected_type, description) {
let actual_type = typeof value;
if (actual_type === 'object') {
actual_type = value.constructor.name;
assert_equals(actual_type, expected_type, description);
// First just check that the test cases work at all, so we don't fail for the
// wrong reasons.
for (const {method, type, body, expected_type} of CASES) {
promise_test(async () => {
const response = new Response(body, { headers: { 'Content-Type': type } });
const result = await response[method]();
assert_not_equals(result, undefined, 'result should be defined');
assert_not_equals(result, null, 'result should not be null');
assert_type_is(result, expected_type, `result should be ${expected_type}`);
}, `decoding a response with method ${method} should work`);
// Now verify that they reject correctly when the body was created in an iframe
// that has been detached.
// We can wait for this to make sure the document has a body.
const loaded = new Promise(resolve => {
window.onload = resolve;
async function waitForDoneMessage(t) {
const watcher = new EventWatcher(t, window, [ 'message' ]);
const evt = await watcher.wait_for([ 'message' ]);
if (evt.data != 'done') {
throw RangeError('bad message');
async function appendIFrame(t, body, type) {
await loaded;
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.srcdoc = `
window.response = new Response('${body}',
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': '${type}' } });
parent.postMessage('done', '*');
await waitForDoneMessage(t);
return iframe;
for (const {method, type, body} of CASES) {
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = await appendIFrame(t, body, type);
const response = iframe.contentWindow.response;
const IFrameDOMException = iframe.contentWindow.DOMException;
await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError', IFrameDOMException,
response[method](), `${method}() should reject`);
}, `decoding a response from a detached frame with method ${method} ` +
'should reject');
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = await appendIFrame(t, 'chunk', 'text/plain');
const response = iframe.contentWindow.response;
const IFrameTypeError = iframe.contentWindow.TypeError;
const reader = response.body.getReader();
await promise_rejects_js(t, IFrameTypeError, reader.read(),
'read() should reject');
}, 'reading a response from a detached frame as a stream should reject');