
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tests the TextDirective type from an iframe</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="help" href="">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  function reset() {

  <iframe src="resources/simple-frame.html"></iframe>
    onload = () => {
      promise_test(async (t) => {
        const iframeDoc = frames[0].document;

        frames[0].location.hash = ':~:text=inside%20an';
        assert_equals(iframeDoc.fragmentDirective.items.length, 1, '[PRECONDITION] items.length');

        const promise = iframeDoc.fragmentDirective.items[0].getMatchingRange();
        assert_true(promise instanceof frames[0].Promise, 'Returned value is a Promise');

        const range = await promise;

        assert_true(range instanceof frames[0].Range, 'Returned value is Range');
        assert_equals(range.toString(), 'inside an', 'Found correct text');
      }, 'getMatchingRange() inside iframe.');

      // Ensure the selector remains alive and usable after the document is
      // navigated away.
      promise_test(async (t) => {
        const iframeDoc = frames[0].document;

        frames[0].location.hash = ':~:text=inside%20an';
        assert_equals(iframeDoc.fragmentDirective.items.length, 1, '[PRECONDITION] items.length');
        const selector = iframeDoc.fragmentDirective.items[0];

        // Navigate away
        frames[0].location = 'about:blank';
        await t.step_wait(() => frames[0].document != iframeDoc, "Wait for about:blank");
        const blankDoc = frames[0].document;
        assert_equals(blankDoc.fragmentDirective.items.length, 0, '[PRECONDITION] about:blank items');

        // The selector should still return its values.
        assert_equals(selector.toString(), 'text=inside%20an');

        // But we should not get a valid promise from getMatchingRange.
        const promise = selector.getMatchingRange();
        assert_equals(promise, undefined, 'getMatchingRange returns undefined');
      }, 'getMatchingRange() for inactive document.');