
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="resources/manual.js"></script>
      These tests require a supported HID device:
      <li>Sony DS4 Wireless Controller v2 (054c:09cc) [USB]
      <li>Sony DualSense Wireless Controller (054c:0ce6) [USB]
      <li>Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (0573:2009) [USB]
      <li>Philips Speech Mike III (0911:0fa0) [USB]
      <li>Jabra Evolve 65 Stereo Headset with Link (0b0e:0306) [USB]
      <li>Google Stadia Controller (18d1:9400) [USB]
      <li>RFIdeas pcProx badge reader (0c27:3bfa) [USB]
      // Formats a 32-bit integer |value| in hexadecimal with leading zeros.
      const hex32 = value => {
        return ('00000000' + value.toString(16)).substr(-8);

      // Finds the item in |report| with matching |usage|, computes its bit
      // index within the report map, and checks against the |expectedBitIndex|
      // and |expectedBitWidth|. If a usage is reused for multiple fields within
      // a report, only the first field is considered.
      const checkReportUsage =
          (report, usage, expectedBitIndex, expectedBitWidth) => {
        const itemIndex = report.items.findIndex(item => {
          if (item.isRange)
            return item.usageMinimum <= usage && usage <= item.usageMaximum;
          return item.usages.includes(usage);
            itemIndex, 0,
            'No report item matching usage 0x' + hex32(usage) + '.');
        if (itemIndex < 0)
          return null;

        let bitIndex = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < itemIndex; ++i)
          bitIndex += report.items[i].reportSize * report.items[i].reportCount;

        const item = report.items[itemIndex];
        if (!item.isArray) {
          if (item.isRange) {
            bitIndex += (usage - item.usageMinimum) * item.reportSize;
          } else {
            const usageIndex = item.usages.indexOf(usage);
            bitIndex += usageIndex * item.reportSize;

        assert_equals(bitIndex, expectedBitIndex,
                      'Incorrect bit index for usage 0x' + hex32(usage) + '.');
        assert_equals(item.reportSize, expectedBitWidth,
                      'Incorrect bit width for usage 0x' + hex32(usage) + '.');

      const checkReportMapDualshock4 = devices => {
        // Expect one device with one top-level collection.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
        const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0005);
        assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'game pad collection');

        // Input report
        const input01 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x01);
        assert_not_equals(input01, undefined, 'input report 0x01');
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010030, 0, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010031, 8, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010032, 16, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010035, 24, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010039, 32, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090001, 36, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090002, 37, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090003, 38, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090004, 39, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090005, 40, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090006, 41, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090007, 42, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090008, 43, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090009, 44, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000a, 45, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000b, 46, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000c, 47, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000d, 48, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000e, 49, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0xff000020, 50, 6);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010033, 56, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010034, 64, 8);

        // Output report
        const output05 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x05);
        assert_not_equals(output05, undefined, 'output report 0x05');
        checkReportUsage(output05, 0xff000022, 0, 8);

        // Feature reports
        const feature02 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x02);
        assert_not_equals(feature02, undefined, 'feature report 0x02');
        checkReportUsage(feature02, 0xff000024, 0, 8);
        const feature04 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x04);
        assert_not_equals(feature04, undefined, 'feature report 0x04');
        checkReportUsage(feature04, 0xff000023, 0, 8);
        const feature08 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x08);
        assert_not_equals(feature08, undefined, 'feature report 0x08');
        checkReportUsage(feature08, 0xff000025, 0, 8);
        const feature10 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x10);
        assert_not_equals(feature10, undefined, 'feature report 0x10');
        checkReportUsage(feature10, 0xff000026, 0, 8);
        const feature11 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x11);
        assert_not_equals(feature11, undefined, 'feature report 0x11');
        checkReportUsage(feature11, 0xff000027, 0, 8);
        const feature12 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x12);
        assert_not_equals(feature12, undefined, 'feature report 0x12');
        checkReportUsage(feature12, 0xff020021, 0, 8);
        const feature13 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x13);
        assert_not_equals(feature13, undefined, 'feature report 0x13');
        checkReportUsage(feature13, 0xff020022, 0, 8);
        const feature14 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x14);
        assert_not_equals(feature14, undefined, 'feature report 0x14');
        checkReportUsage(feature14, 0xff050020, 0, 8);
        const feature15 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x15);
        assert_not_equals(feature15, undefined, 'feature report 0x15');
        checkReportUsage(feature15, 0xff050021, 0, 8);
        const feature80 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x80);
        assert_not_equals(feature80, undefined, 'feature report 0x80');
        checkReportUsage(feature80, 0xff800020, 0, 8);
        const feature81 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x81);
        assert_not_equals(feature81, undefined, 'feature report 0x81');
        checkReportUsage(feature81, 0xff800021, 0, 8);
        const feature82 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x82);
        assert_not_equals(feature82, undefined, 'feature report 0x82');
        checkReportUsage(feature82, 0xff800022, 0, 8);
        const feature83 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x83);
        assert_not_equals(feature83, undefined, 'feature report 0x83');
        checkReportUsage(feature83, 0xff800023, 0, 8);
        const feature84 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x84);
        assert_not_equals(feature84, undefined, 'feature report 0x84');
        checkReportUsage(feature84, 0xff800024, 0, 8);
        const feature85 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x85);
        assert_not_equals(feature85, undefined, 'feature report 0x85');
        checkReportUsage(feature85, 0xff800025, 0, 8);
        const feature86 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x86);
        assert_not_equals(feature86, undefined, 'feature report 0x86');
        checkReportUsage(feature86, 0xff800026, 0, 8);
        const feature87 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x87);
        assert_not_equals(feature87, undefined, 'feature report 0x87');
        checkReportUsage(feature87, 0xff800027, 0, 8);
        const feature88 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x88);
        assert_not_equals(feature88, undefined, 'feature report 0x88');
        checkReportUsage(feature88, 0xff800028, 0, 8);
        const feature89 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x89);
        assert_not_equals(feature89, undefined, 'feature report 0x89');
        checkReportUsage(feature89, 0xff800029, 0, 8);
        const feature90 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x90);
        assert_not_equals(feature90, undefined, 'feature report 0x90');
        checkReportUsage(feature90, 0xff800030, 0, 8);
        const feature91 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x91);
        assert_not_equals(feature91, undefined, 'feature report 0x91');
        checkReportUsage(feature91, 0xff800031, 0, 8);
        const feature92 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x92);
        assert_not_equals(feature92, undefined, 'feature report 0x92');
        checkReportUsage(feature92, 0xff800032, 0, 8);
        const feature93 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x93);
        assert_not_equals(feature93, undefined, 'feature report 0x93');
        checkReportUsage(feature93, 0xff800033, 0, 8);
        const feature94 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x94);
        assert_not_equals(feature94, undefined, 'feature report 0x94');
        checkReportUsage(feature94, 0xff800034, 0, 8);
        const featurea0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa0);
        assert_not_equals(featurea0, undefined, 'feature report 0xa0');
        checkReportUsage(featurea0, 0xff800040, 0, 8);
        const featurea1 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa1);
        assert_not_equals(featurea1, undefined, 'feature report 0xa1');
        checkReportUsage(featurea1, 0xff800041, 0, 8);
        const featurea2 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa2);
        assert_not_equals(featurea2, undefined, 'feature report 0xa2');
        checkReportUsage(featurea2, 0xff800042, 0, 8);
        const featurea3 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa3);
        assert_not_equals(featurea3, undefined, 'feature report 0xa3');
        checkReportUsage(featurea3, 0xff800043, 0, 8);
        const featurea4 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa4);
        assert_not_equals(featurea4, undefined, 'feature report 0xa4');
        checkReportUsage(featurea4, 0xff800044, 0, 8);
        const featurea7 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa7);
        assert_not_equals(featurea7, undefined, 'feature report 0xa7');
        checkReportUsage(featurea7, 0xff80004a, 0, 8);
        const featurea8 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa8);
        assert_not_equals(featurea8, undefined, 'feature report 0xa8');
        checkReportUsage(featurea8, 0xff80004b, 0, 8);
        const featurea9 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa9);
        assert_not_equals(featurea9, undefined, 'feature report 0xa9');
        checkReportUsage(featurea9, 0xff80004c, 0, 8);
        const featureaa = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xaa);
        assert_not_equals(featureaa, undefined, 'feature report 0xaa');
        checkReportUsage(featureaa, 0xff80004e, 0, 8);
        const featureab = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xab);
        assert_not_equals(featureab, undefined, 'feature report 0xab');
        checkReportUsage(featureab, 0xff80004f, 0, 8);
        const featureac = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xac);
        assert_not_equals(featureac, undefined, 'feature report 0xac');
        checkReportUsage(featureac, 0xff800050, 0, 8);
        const featuread = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xad);
        assert_not_equals(featuread, undefined, 'feature report 0xad');
        checkReportUsage(featuread, 0xff800051, 0, 8);
        const featureae = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xae);
        assert_not_equals(featureae, undefined, 'feature report 0xae');
        checkReportUsage(featureae, 0xff800052, 0, 8);
        const featureaf = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xaf);
        assert_not_equals(featureaf, undefined, 'feature report 0xaf');
        checkReportUsage(featureaf, 0xff800053, 0, 8);
        const featureb0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xb0);
        assert_not_equals(featureb0, undefined, 'feature report 0xb0');
        checkReportUsage(featureb0, 0xff800054, 0, 8);
        const featureb3 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xb3);
        assert_not_equals(featureb3, undefined, 'feature report 0xb3');
        checkReportUsage(featureb3, 0xff800055, 0, 8);
        const featureb4 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xb4);
        assert_not_equals(featureb4, undefined, 'feature report 0xb4');
        checkReportUsage(featureb4, 0xff800055, 0, 8);
        const featureb5 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xb5);
        assert_not_equals(featureb5, undefined, 'feature report 0xb5');
        checkReportUsage(featureb5, 0xff800056, 0, 8);
        const featured0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xd0);
        assert_not_equals(featured0, undefined, 'feature report 0xd0');
        checkReportUsage(featured0, 0xff800058, 0, 8);
        const featured4 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xd4);
        assert_not_equals(featured4, undefined, 'feature report 0xd4');
        checkReportUsage(featured4, 0xff800059, 0, 8);
        const featuree0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xe0);
        assert_not_equals(featuree0, undefined, 'feature report 0xe0');
        checkReportUsage(featuree0, 0xff800057, 0, 8);
        const featuref0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf0);
        assert_not_equals(featuref0, undefined, 'feature report 0xf0');
        checkReportUsage(featuref0, 0xff800047, 0, 8);
        const featuref1 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf1);
        assert_not_equals(featuref1, undefined, 'feature report 0xf1');
        checkReportUsage(featuref1, 0xff800048, 0, 8);
        const featuref2 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf2);
        assert_not_equals(featuref2, undefined, 'feature report 0xf2');
        checkReportUsage(featuref2, 0xff800049, 0, 8);

      checkReportMapDualSense = devices => {
        // Expect one device with one top-level collection.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
        const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0005);
        assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'game pad collection');

        // Input report
        const input01 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x01);
        assert_not_equals(input01, undefined, 'input report 0x01');
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010030, 0, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010031, 8, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010032, 16, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010035, 24, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010033, 32, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010034, 40, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0xff000020, 48, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00010039, 56, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090001, 60, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090002, 61, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090003, 62, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090004, 63, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090005, 64, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090006, 65, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090007, 66, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090008, 67, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x00090009, 68, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000a, 69, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000b, 70, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000c, 71, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000d, 72, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000e, 73, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0x0009000f, 74, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0xff000021, 75, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input01, 0xff000022, 88, 8);

        // Output report
        const output02 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x02);
        assert_not_equals(output02, undefined, 'output report 0x02');
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0xff000023, 0, 8);

        // Feature reports
        const feature05 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x05);
        assert_not_equals(feature05, undefined, 'feature report 0x05');
        checkReportUsage(feature05, 0xff000033, 0, 8);
        const feature08 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x08);
        assert_not_equals(feature08, undefined, 'feature report 0x08');
        checkReportUsage(feature08, 0xff000034, 0, 8);
        const feature09 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x09);
        assert_not_equals(feature09, undefined, 'feature report 0x09');
        checkReportUsage(feature09, 0xff000024, 0, 8);
        const feature0a = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x0a);
        assert_not_equals(feature0a, undefined, 'feature report 0x0a');
        checkReportUsage(feature0a, 0xff000025, 0, 8);
        const feature20 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x20);
        assert_not_equals(feature20, undefined, 'feature report 0x20');
        checkReportUsage(feature20, 0xff000026, 0, 8);
        const feature21 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x21);
        assert_not_equals(feature21, undefined, 'feature report 0x21');
        checkReportUsage(feature21, 0xff000027, 0, 8);
        const feature22 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x22);
        assert_not_equals(feature22, undefined, 'feature report 0x22');
        checkReportUsage(feature22, 0xff000040, 0, 8);
        const feature80 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x80);
        assert_not_equals(feature80, undefined, 'feature report 0x80');
        checkReportUsage(feature80, 0xff000028, 0, 8);
        const feature81 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x81);
        assert_not_equals(feature81, undefined, 'feature report 0x81');
        checkReportUsage(feature81, 0xff000029, 0, 8);
        const feature82 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x82);
        assert_not_equals(feature82, undefined, 'feature report 0x82');
        checkReportUsage(feature82, 0xff00002a, 0, 8);
        const feature83 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x83);
        assert_not_equals(feature83, undefined, 'feature report 0x83');
        checkReportUsage(feature83, 0xff00002b, 0, 8);
        const feature84 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x84);
        assert_not_equals(feature84, undefined, 'feature report 0x84');
        checkReportUsage(feature84, 0xff00002c, 0, 8);
        const feature85 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x85);
        assert_not_equals(feature85, undefined, 'feature report 0x85');
        checkReportUsage(feature85, 0xff00002d, 0, 8);
        const featurea0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xa0);
        assert_not_equals(featurea0, undefined, 'feature report 0xa0');
        checkReportUsage(featurea0, 0xff00002e, 0, 8);
        const featuree0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xe0);
        assert_not_equals(featuree0, undefined, 'feature report 0xe0');
        checkReportUsage(featuree0, 0xff00002f, 0, 8);
        const featuref0 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf0);
        assert_not_equals(featuref0, undefined, 'feature report 0xf0');
        checkReportUsage(featuref0, 0xff000030, 0, 8);
        const featuref1 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf1);
        assert_not_equals(featuref1, undefined, 'feature report 0xf1');
        checkReportUsage(featuref1, 0xff000031, 0, 8);
        const featuref2 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf2);
        assert_not_equals(featuref2, undefined, 'feature report 0xf2');
        checkReportUsage(featuref2, 0xff000032, 0, 8);
        const featuref4 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf4);
        assert_not_equals(featuref4, undefined, 'feature report 0xf4');
        checkReportUsage(featuref4, 0xff000035, 0, 8);
        const featuref5 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0xf5);
        assert_not_equals(featuref5, undefined, 'feature report 0xf5');
        checkReportUsage(featuref5, 0xff000036, 0, 8);

      checkReportMapSwitchPro = devices => {
        // Expect one device with one top-level collection.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
        const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0004);
        assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'joystick collection');

        // Input reports
        const input30 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x30);
        assert_not_equals(input30, undefined, 'input report 0x30');
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090001, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090002, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090003, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090004, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090005, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090006, 5, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090007, 6, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090008, 7, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090009, 8, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000a, 9, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000b, 10, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000c, 11, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000d, 12, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000e, 13, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00010030, 16, 16);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00010031, 32, 16);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00010032, 48, 16);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00010035, 64, 16);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00010039, 80, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x0009000f, 84, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090010, 85, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090011, 86, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input30, 0x00090012, 87, 1);

        const input21 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x21);
        assert_not_equals(input21, undefined, 'input report 0x21');
        checkReportUsage(input21, 0xff000001, 0, 8);

        const input81 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x81);
        assert_not_equals(input81, undefined, 'input report 0x81');
        checkReportUsage(input81, 0xff000002, 0, 8);

        // Output reports
        const output01 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x01);
        assert_not_equals(output01, undefined, 'output report 0x01');
        checkReportUsage(output01, 0xff000003, 0, 8);

        const output10 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x10);
        assert_not_equals(output10, undefined, 'output report 0x10');
        checkReportUsage(output10, 0xff000004, 0, 8);

        const output80 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x80);
        assert_not_equals(output80, undefined, 'output report 0x80');
        checkReportUsage(output80, 0xff000005, 0, 8);

        const output82 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x82);
        assert_not_equals(output82, undefined, 'output report 0x82');
        checkReportUsage(output82, 0xff000006, 0, 8);

      checkReportMapSpeechMike = devices => {
        // Speech Mike exposes five HID interfaces. None of the interfaces use
        // report IDs. Distinguish the interfaces by their top-level collection
        // usage information.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 5, 'device count');
        const device0 = getDeviceByCollectionUsage(devices, 0xffa0, 0x0001);
        assert_not_equals(device0, undefined, 'vendor device');
        assert_equals(device0.collections.length, 1,
                      'vendor device collection count');
        const device1 = getDeviceByCollectionUsage(devices, 0x000c, 0x0001);
        assert_not_equals(device1, undefined, 'consumer device');
        assert_equals(device1.collections.length, 1,
                      'consumer device collection count');
        const device2 = getDeviceByCollectionUsage(devices, 0x0001, 0x0004);
        assert_not_equals(device2, undefined, 'joystick device');
        assert_equals(device2.collections.length, 1,
                      'joystick device collection count');
        const device3 = getDeviceByCollectionUsage(devices, 0x0001, 0x0002);
        assert_not_equals(device3, undefined, 'mouse device');
        assert_equals(device3.collections.length, 1,
                      'mouse device collection count');
        const device4 = getDeviceByCollectionUsage(devices, 0x0001, 0x0006);
        assert_not_equals(device4, undefined, 'keyboard device');
        assert_equals(device4.collections.length, 1,
                      'keyboard device collection count');

        const device0Input = getReport([device0], 'input', 0x00);
        assert_not_equals(device0Input, undefined, 'vendor input report');
        checkReportUsage(device0Input, 0xffa10003, 0, 8);
        checkReportUsage(device0Input, 0xffa10004, 8, 8);

        const device0Output = getReport([device0], 'output', 0x00);
        assert_not_equals(device0Input, undefined, 'vendor output report');
        checkReportUsage(device0Output, 0xffa10005, 0, 8);
        checkReportUsage(device0Output, 0xffa10006, 8, 8);

        const device1Input = getReport([device1], 'input', 0x00);
        assert_not_equals(device1Input, undefined, 'consumer input report');
        checkReportUsage(device1Input, 0x000c00e9, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device1Input, 0x000c00ea, 1, 1);

        const device2Input = getReport([device2], 'input', 0x00);
        assert_not_equals(device2Input, undefined, 'joystick input report');
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090001, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090002, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090003, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090004, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090005, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090006, 5, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090007, 6, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090008, 7, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090009, 8, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000a, 9, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000b, 10, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000c, 11, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000d, 12, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000e, 13, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x0009000f, 14, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090010, 15, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090011, 16, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090012, 17, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090013, 18, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00090014, 19, 1);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00010030, 24, 8);
        checkReportUsage(device2Input, 0x00010031, 32, 8);

        // The mouse and keyboard interfaces are enumerated, but no reports are
        // accessible because these interfaces only define input reports which
        // are blocked by WebHID.
        const device3Input = getReport([device3], 'input', 0x00);
        assert_equals(device3Input, undefined, 'mouse input report');
        const device4Input = getReport([device4], 'input', 0x00);
        assert_equals(device4Input, undefined, 'keyboard input report');

      checkReportMapEvolveLink = devices => {
        // Expect one device with three top-level collections.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 3, 'collection count');
        const collection0 = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x000b, 0x0005);
        assert_not_equals(collection0, undefined, 'headset collection');
        const collection1 = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0xff00, 0x0005);
        assert_not_equals(collection1, undefined, 'vendor collection');
        const collection2 = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x000c, 0x0001);
        assert_not_equals(collection2, undefined, 'consumer collection');

        // Input reports
        const input01 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x01);
        assert_not_equals(input01, undefined, 'input report 0x01');

        const input02 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x02);
        assert_not_equals(input02, undefined, 'input report 0x02');
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0020, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0097, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b002f, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0021, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0024, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0050, 5, 1);

        // The following item is buggy in a way that causes it to differ by
        // platform. Here is the relevant portion of the report descriptor:
        // 0x05, 0x0B,        //   Usage Page (Telephony)
        // ...  (some irrelevant items omitted)
        // 0x09, 0x07,        //   Usage (Programmable Button)
        // 0x05, 0x09,        //   Usage Page (Button)
        // 0x75, 0x01,        //   Report Size (1)
        // 0x95, 0x01,        //   Report Count (1)
        // 0x81, 0x02,        //   Input (Data,Var,Abs,No Wrap,Linear,...)
        // The Input item on the last line emits a 1-bit report field. The usage
        // is defined by the preceding Usage Page and Usage items. Usage Page
        // items are global, meaning the page set by the first Usage Page item
        // persists until it is overridden by a following Usage Page item.
        // According to the HID specification for the Usage Page item, "Any
        // usage that follows which is defined as 16 bits or less is interpreted
        // as a Usage ID and concatenated with the Usage Page to form a 32 bit
        // Usage." This means the Usage should be concatenated with the
        // preceding Usage Page (Telephony) and not the following Usage Page
        // (Button).
        // On platforms where we parse the raw HID report descriptor, we
        // correctly use the preceding Usage Page (Telephony). On Windows,
        // report descriptor information is parsed by the operating system and
        // provided to applications as "preparsed data". This parser incorrectly
        // applies the following Usage Page (Button).
        // To avoid platform dependency, skip verifying this item.

        //checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b0007, 6, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b0, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b1, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b2, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b3, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b4, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b5, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b6, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b7, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b8, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00b9, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00ba, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input02, 0x000b00bb, 7, 4);

        const input04 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x04);
        assert_not_equals(input04, undefined, 'input report 0x04');
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff300020, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff300097, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff30002f, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff300021, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff300024, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff30fffd, 5, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff300050, 6, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b0, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b1, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b2, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b3, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b4, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b5, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b6, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b7, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b8, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000b9, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000ba, 7, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input04, 0xff3000bb, 7, 4);

        const input05 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x05);
        assert_not_equals(input05, undefined, 'input report 0x05');
        checkReportUsage(input05, 0xff000001, 0, 8);

        const input08 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x08);
        assert_not_equals(input08, undefined, 'input report 0x08');
        checkReportUsage(input08, 0xff600002, 0, 1);

        // Output reports
        const output02 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x02);
        assert_not_equals(output02, undefined, 'output report 0x02');
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x00080017, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x00080009, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x00080018, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x00080020, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x00080021, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output02, 0x000b009e, 5, 1);

        const output04 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x04);
        assert_not_equals(output04, undefined, 'output report 0x04');
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff400017, 0, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff400009, 1, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff400018, 2, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff400020, 3, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff400021, 4, 1);
        checkReportUsage(output04, 0xff30009e, 5, 1);

        const output05 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x05);
        assert_not_equals(output05, undefined, 'output report 0x05');
        checkReportUsage(output05, 0xff000001, 0, 8);

        // Feature report 0x08
        const feature08 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x08);
        assert_not_equals(feature08, undefined, 'feature report 0x08');
        checkReportUsage(feature08, 0xff600002, 0, 1);

      checkReportMapStadiaController = devices => {
        // Expect one device with one top-level collection.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
        const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0005);
        assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'game pad collection');

        // Input report 0x03
        const input03 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0x03);
        assert_not_equals(input03, undefined, 'input report 0x03');
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00010039, 0, 4);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090012, 8, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090011, 9, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090014, 10, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090013, 11, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x0009000d, 12, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x0009000c, 13, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x0009000b, 14, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x0009000f, 15, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x0009000e, 16, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090008, 17, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090007, 18, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090005, 19, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090004, 20, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090002, 21, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00090001, 22, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00010030, 24, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00010031, 32, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00010032, 40, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x00010035, 48, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x000200c5, 56, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x000200c4, 64, 8);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x000c00e9, 72, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x000c00ea, 73, 1);
        checkReportUsage(input03, 0x000c00cd, 74, 1);

        // Output report 0x05
        const output05 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0x05);
        assert_not_equals(output05, undefined, 'output report 0x05');
        checkReportUsage(output05, 0x000f0097, 0, 16);

      checkReportMapPcProx = devices => {
        // Expect one device with one top-level collection.
        assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
        assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
        const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0006);
        assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'keyboard collection');

        // Feature report 0x00
        const feature00 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0x00);
        assert_not_equals(feature00, undefined, 'feature report 0x00');
        // The report is defined as eight 8-bit fields all with the same usage
        // but only one usage value is provided, indicating that the same usage
        // should be applied to all eight fields. checkReportUsage only checks
        // the extent of the first field with a given usage. Also check that the
        // report count and usages length have the expected values.
        checkReportUsage(feature00, 0x000700A0, 0, 8);
        assert_equals(feature00.items.length, 1, 'items length');
        assert_equals(feature00.items[0].reportCount, 8, 'report count');
        assert_equals(feature00.items[0].usages.length, 1, 'usages length');

      // The content of the HIDDevice.collections member can differ by platform,
      // so this test aims to only test the properties that are expected to
      // remain consistent. In particular, the test verifies that all reports
      // are present and that each report field with an assigned usage appears
      // at the correct bit index and has the correct field bit width.
      manual_hid_test(async (t, devices) => {
        if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x054c, 0x09cc))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x054c, 0x0ce6))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x057e, 0x2009))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x0911, 0x0fa0))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x0b0e, 0x0306))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x18d1, 0x9400))
        else if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x0c27, 0x3bfa))
          assert_unreached('Select a supported device.');
      }, 'Collection info matches the expected report map.');