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This test requires a supported HID device:
<li>RFIdeas pcProx badge reader (0C27:3BFA)
checkReportAccessPcProx = async devices => {
// Expect one device with one top-level keyboard collection.
assert_equals(devices.length, 1, 'device count');
assert_equals(devices[0].collections.length, 1, 'collection count');
const collection = getCollectionByUsage(devices[0], 0x0001, 0x0006);
assert_not_equals(collection, undefined, 'keyboard collection');
// The input and output reports are not accessible.
const input00 = getReport(devices, 'input', 0);
assert_equals(input00, undefined, 'input report blocked');
const output00 = getReport(devices, 'output', 0);
assert_equals(input00, undefined, 'output report blocked');
// The feature report is accessible.
const feature00 = getReport(devices, 'feature', 0);
assert_not_equals(feature00, undefined, 'feature report allowed');
// Try opening the device
if (!devices[0].opened) {
await devices[0].open();
// Read device information using a feature report. The protocol is
// documented here:
// https://github.com/micolous/pcprox/blob/master/README.md
const command = new Uint8Array([0x8a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
await devices[0].sendFeatureReport(0, command.buffer);
const reply = await devices[0].receiveFeatureReport(0);
assert_equals(reply.byteLength, 8, 'receive feature report length');
manual_hid_test(async (t, devices) => {
if (hasDeviceIds(devices, 0x0c27, 0x3bfa))
await checkReportAccessPcProx(devices);
assert_unreached('Select a supported device.');
}, 'Can send and receive feature reports.');