
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

const targetScriptUrls = [
  // Word Press
  // Google Analytics
  // Google Font Api
  // Meta Pixel
  // Hotjar
  // Elementor

function third_party_script_test(test_type, url, expected_metric_value) {
  return promise_test(async t => {
      'Service Worker is not supported.');
      ['script-execution', 'script-callback'].includes(test_type),
      "Third party script test type must be one of 'script-execution' or 'script-callback'.");
    const script =
      test_type == 'script-execution'
        ? './resources/fetch-fake-long-3p-script-execution-sw.js'
        : './resources/fetch-fake-long-3p-script-callback-sw.js';
    const scope = './resources/fetch-fake-long-3p-script-frame.html';

    // Add service worker to this 1P context. wait_for_state() and
    // service_worker_unregister_and_register() are helper functions
    // for creating test ServiceWorkers defined in:
    // /service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js
    const reg = await service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, scope);
    t.add_cleanup(() => reg.unregister());
    await wait_for_state(t, reg.installing, 'activated');

    // Setup an iframe controlled by the service worker.
    const frame = await with_iframe(scope);
    t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove());

    // Create a script element
    const scriptElement = frame.contentWindow.document.createElement('script');
    scriptElement.src = url; = 'third-party-script-element-id';
    scriptElement.async = false;

    const scriptLoadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
      scriptElement.addEventListener('load', resolve);

    const recorder = internals.initializeUKMRecorder();
    // Add the script to the iframe's DOM

    await scriptLoadPromise
    await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => {

    const entries = recorder.getMetrics(

    // Entries usually have a length of 2, and the first entry will be an event
    // handler callback added by test-helpers.sub.js. However, when running
    // upstream on bots and repeating the test for times, starting from the
    // second time, the callback from test-helpers.sub.js is no longer
    // triggered, thus will get only 1 entry. As a result, we update this test
    // to accept flexible number of entries and always check the last entry
    // for the metric value.
    assert_greater_than_equal(entries.length, 1);
    const metrics = entries[entries.length - 1];
      test_type == 'script-callback' ? expected_metric_value : 0);
      test_type == 'script-execution' ? expected_metric_value : 0);
  }, `${url} should be reported as a third party ${test_type} contributor in LoAF UKM.`);