
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Session Storage: DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning2 deprecation trial third-party for wrong origin</title>
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<script src="https://{{hosts[][www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/wpt_internal/webstorage/resources/storage-deprecation-trial-fourth-party-injection.js"></script>
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import { getOrCreateID, clearID } from "/wpt_internal/webstorage/resources/storage-deprecation-trial-utils.js";
// Here's the set-up for this test:
// Step 1 (top-frame) Create an ID in storage.
// Step 2 (top-frame) Set up listener for "UserID" message.
// Step 3 (top-frame) Embed an iframe that's cross-origin with top-frame.
// Step 4 (sub-frame) Embed an iframe that's same-origin with top-frame.
// Step 5 (sub-sub-frame) Get or create an ID in storage and cleanup.
// Step 6 (sub-sub-frame) Send "UserID" message to top-frame.
// Step 7 (top-frame) Compare IDs recieved and cleanup.

async_test(t => {
  // Step 1
  const userID = getOrCreateID(/*useSessionStorage=*/true);

  // Step 2
  window.addEventListener("message", t.step_func(e => {
    // Step 7
    if ( === "UserID") {
      t.step(() => {
        assert_true( !== userID, "IDs pulled from same-origin partitioned frames should be different.")

  // Step 3
  let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframe.src = "https://{{hosts[alt][www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/wpt_internal/webstorage/resources/storage-deprecation-trial-iframe.sub.html?session";
}, "Test for Session Storage with DisableThirdPartySessionStoragePartitioning disabled in cross-origin iframe");