
/* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   Distributed under MIT license.
   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at

/* Brotli bit stream functions to support the low level format. There are no
   compression algorithms here, just the right ordering of bits to match the
   specs. */

#include "brotli_bit_stream.h"

#include <string.h>  /* memcpy, memset */

#include "../common/constants.h"
#include "../common/context.h"
#include "../common/platform.h"
#include <brotli/types.h>
#include "entropy_encode.h"
#include "entropy_encode_static.h"
#include "fast_log.h"
#include "histogram.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "write_bits.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {

/* The maximum size of Huffman dictionary for distances assuming that
   NPOSTFIX = 0 and NDIRECT = 0. */

static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BlockLengthPrefixCode(uint32_t len) {}

static BROTLI_INLINE void GetBlockLengthPrefixCode(uint32_t len, size_t* code,
    uint32_t* n_extra, uint32_t* extra) {}


static void InitBlockTypeCodeCalculator(BlockTypeCodeCalculator* self) {}

static BROTLI_INLINE size_t NextBlockTypeCode(
    BlockTypeCodeCalculator* calculator, uint8_t type) {}

/* |nibblesbits| represents the 2 bits to encode MNIBBLES (0-3)
   REQUIRES: length > 0
   REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) */
static void BrotliEncodeMlen(size_t length, uint64_t* bits,
                             size_t* numbits, uint64_t* nibblesbits) {}

static BROTLI_INLINE void StoreCommandExtra(
    const Command* cmd, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Data structure that stores almost everything that is needed to encode each
   block switch command. */

/* Stores a number between 0 and 255. */
static void StoreVarLenUint8(size_t n, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores the compressed meta-block header.
   REQUIRES: length > 0
   REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) */
static void StoreCompressedMetaBlockHeader(BROTLI_BOOL is_final_block,
                                           size_t length,
                                           size_t* storage_ix,
                                           uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores the uncompressed meta-block header.
   REQUIRES: length > 0
   REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) */
static void BrotliStoreUncompressedMetaBlockHeader(size_t length,
                                                   size_t* storage_ix,
                                                   uint8_t* storage) {}

static void BrotliStoreHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask(
    const int num_codes, const uint8_t* code_length_bitdepth,
    size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

static void BrotliStoreHuffmanTreeToBitMask(
    const size_t huffman_tree_size, const uint8_t* huffman_tree,
    const uint8_t* huffman_tree_extra_bits, const uint8_t* code_length_bitdepth,
    const uint16_t* code_length_bitdepth_symbols,
    size_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT storage_ix, uint8_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT storage) {}

static void StoreSimpleHuffmanTree(const uint8_t* depths,
                                   size_t symbols[4],
                                   size_t num_symbols,
                                   size_t max_bits,
                                   size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* num = alphabet size
   depths = symbol depths */
void BrotliStoreHuffmanTree(const uint8_t* depths, size_t num,
                            HuffmanTree* tree,
                            size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Builds a Huffman tree from histogram[0:length] into depth[0:length] and
   bits[0:length] and stores the encoded tree to the bit stream. */
static void BuildAndStoreHuffmanTree(const uint32_t* histogram,
                                     const size_t histogram_length,
                                     const size_t alphabet_size,
                                     HuffmanTree* tree,
                                     uint8_t* depth,
                                     uint16_t* bits,
                                     size_t* storage_ix,
                                     uint8_t* storage) {}

    const HuffmanTree* v0, const HuffmanTree* v1) {}

void BrotliBuildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(HuffmanTree* tree,
                                        const uint32_t* histogram,
                                        const size_t histogram_total,
                                        const size_t max_bits,
                                        uint8_t* depth, uint16_t* bits,
                                        size_t* storage_ix,
                                        uint8_t* storage) {}

static size_t IndexOf(const uint8_t* v, size_t v_size, uint8_t value) {}

static void MoveToFront(uint8_t* v, size_t index) {}

static void MoveToFrontTransform(const uint32_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT v_in,
                                 const size_t v_size,
                                 uint32_t* v_out) {}

/* Finds runs of zeros in v[0..in_size) and replaces them with a prefix code of
   the run length plus extra bits (lower 9 bits is the prefix code and the rest
   are the extra bits). Non-zero values in v[] are shifted by
   *max_length_prefix. Will not create prefix codes bigger than the initial
   value of *max_run_length_prefix. The prefix code of run length L is simply
   Log2Floor(L) and the number of extra bits is the same as the prefix code. */
static void RunLengthCodeZeros(const size_t in_size,
    uint32_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT v, size_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT out_size,
    uint32_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT max_run_length_prefix) {}



static void EncodeContextMap(MemoryManager* m,
                             EncodeContextMapArena* arena,
                             const uint32_t* context_map,
                             size_t context_map_size,
                             size_t num_clusters,
                             HuffmanTree* tree,
                             size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores the block switch command with index block_ix to the bit stream. */
static BROTLI_INLINE void StoreBlockSwitch(BlockSplitCode* code,
                                           const uint32_t block_len,
                                           const uint8_t block_type,
                                           BROTLI_BOOL is_first_block,
                                           size_t* storage_ix,
                                           uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Builds a BlockSplitCode data structure from the block split given by the
   vector of block types and block lengths and stores it to the bit stream. */
static void BuildAndStoreBlockSplitCode(const uint8_t* types,
                                        const uint32_t* lengths,
                                        const size_t num_blocks,
                                        const size_t num_types,
                                        HuffmanTree* tree,
                                        BlockSplitCode* code,
                                        size_t* storage_ix,
                                        uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores a context map where the histogram type is always the block type. */
static void StoreTrivialContextMap(EncodeContextMapArena* arena,
                                   size_t num_types,
                                   size_t context_bits,
                                   HuffmanTree* tree,
                                   size_t* storage_ix,
                                   uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Manages the encoding of one block category (literal, command or distance). */

static void InitBlockEncoder(BlockEncoder* self, size_t histogram_length,
    size_t num_block_types, const uint8_t* block_types,
    const uint32_t* block_lengths, const size_t num_blocks) {}

static void CleanupBlockEncoder(MemoryManager* m, BlockEncoder* self) {}

/* Creates entropy codes of block lengths and block types and stores them
   to the bit stream. */
static void BuildAndStoreBlockSwitchEntropyCodes(BlockEncoder* self,
    HuffmanTree* tree, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores the next symbol with the entropy code of the current block type.
   Updates the block type and block length at block boundaries. */
static void StoreSymbol(BlockEncoder* self, size_t symbol, size_t* storage_ix,
    uint8_t* storage) {}

/* Stores the next symbol with the entropy code of the current block type and
   context value.
   Updates the block type and block length at block boundaries. */
static void StoreSymbolWithContext(BlockEncoder* self, size_t symbol,
    size_t context, const uint32_t* context_map, size_t* storage_ix,
    uint8_t* storage, const size_t context_bits) {}

#define FN
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(build/include) */
#include "block_encoder_inc.h"
#undef FN

#define FN
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(build/include) */
#include "block_encoder_inc.h"
#undef FN

#define FN
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(build/include) */
#include "block_encoder_inc.h"
#undef FN

static void JumpToByteBoundary(size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}


void BrotliStoreMetaBlock(MemoryManager* m,
    const uint8_t* input, size_t start_pos, size_t length, size_t mask,
    uint8_t prev_byte, uint8_t prev_byte2, BROTLI_BOOL is_last,
    const BrotliEncoderParams* params, ContextType literal_context_mode,
    const Command* commands, size_t n_commands, const MetaBlockSplit* mb,
    size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

static void BuildHistograms(const uint8_t* input,
                            size_t start_pos,
                            size_t mask,
                            const Command* commands,
                            size_t n_commands,
                            HistogramLiteral* lit_histo,
                            HistogramCommand* cmd_histo,
                            HistogramDistance* dist_histo) {}

static void StoreDataWithHuffmanCodes(const uint8_t* input,
                                      size_t start_pos,
                                      size_t mask,
                                      const Command* commands,
                                      size_t n_commands,
                                      const uint8_t* lit_depth,
                                      const uint16_t* lit_bits,
                                      const uint8_t* cmd_depth,
                                      const uint16_t* cmd_bits,
                                      const uint8_t* dist_depth,
                                      const uint16_t* dist_bits,
                                      size_t* storage_ix,
                                      uint8_t* storage) {}

/* TODO(eustas): pull alloc/dealloc to caller? */

void BrotliStoreMetaBlockTrivial(MemoryManager* m,
    const uint8_t* input, size_t start_pos, size_t length, size_t mask,
    BROTLI_BOOL is_last, const BrotliEncoderParams* params,
    const Command* commands, size_t n_commands,
    size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

void BrotliStoreMetaBlockFast(MemoryManager* m,
    const uint8_t* input, size_t start_pos, size_t length, size_t mask,
    BROTLI_BOOL is_last, const BrotliEncoderParams* params,
    const Command* commands, size_t n_commands,
    size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {}

/* This is for storing uncompressed blocks (simple raw storage of
   bytes-as-bytes). */
void BrotliStoreUncompressedMetaBlock(BROTLI_BOOL is_final_block,
                                      const uint8_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT input,
                                      size_t position, size_t mask,
                                      size_t len,
                                      size_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT storage_ix,
                                      uint8_t* BROTLI_RESTRICT storage) {}

#if defined(BROTLI_TEST)
void GetBlockLengthPrefixCodeForTest(uint32_t len, size_t* code,
                                     uint32_t* n_extra, uint32_t* extra) {
  GetBlockLengthPrefixCode(len, code, n_extra, extra);

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
}  /* extern "C" */