
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import io

    from import Sequence, Iterator, Callable
except ImportError:  # python 2
    from collections import Sequence, Iterator, Callable
    from .tokenizer import tokenize
except (ValueError, SystemError):  # python 2
    from tokenizer import tokenize

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    python3 = True
    unicode_type = str
    string_type = str

    def unicode(x, y):
        return x

else:  # python 2
    python3 = False
    unicode_type = unicode
    string_type = basestring  # noqa: F821 (This is defined in python2)

# Helper functions

def _html_escape(string):
    """HTML escape all of these " & < >"""

    html_codes = {
        '"': '&quot;',
        '<': '&lt;',
        '>': '&gt;',

    # & must be handled first
    string = string.replace('&', '&amp;')
    for char in html_codes:
        string = string.replace(char, html_codes[char])
    return string

def _get_key(key, scopes):
    """Get a key from the current scope"""

    # If the key is a dot
    if key == '.':
        # Then just return the current scope
        return scopes[0]

    # Loop through the scopes
    for scope in scopes:
            # For every dot seperated key
            for child in key.split('.'):
                # Move into the scope
                    # Try subscripting (Normal dictionaries)
                    scope = scope[child]
                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                    # Try the dictionary (Complex types)
                    scope = scope.__dict__[child]

            # Return an empty string if falsy, with two exceptions
            # 0 should return 0, and False should return False
            if scope in (0, False):
                return scope

                # This allows for custom falsy data types
                if scope._CHEVRON_return_scope_when_falsy:
                    return scope
            except AttributeError:
                return scope or ''
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            # We couldn't find the key in the current scope
            # We'll try again on the next pass

    # We couldn't find the key in any of the scopes
    return ''

def _get_partial(name, partials_dict, partials_path, partials_ext):
    """Load a partial"""
        # Maybe the partial is in the dictionary
        return partials_dict[name]
    except KeyError:
        # Nope...
            # Maybe it's in the file system
            path_ext = ('.' + partials_ext if partials_ext else '')
            path = partials_path + '/' + name + path_ext
            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as partial:

        except IOError:
            # Alright I give up on you
            return ''

# The main rendering function
g_token_cache = {}

def render(template='', data={}, partials_path='.', partials_ext='mustache',
           partials_dict={}, padding=0, def_ldel='{{', def_rdel='}}',
    """Render a mustache template.

    Renders a mustache template with a data scope and partial capability.
    Given the file structure...
    └─┮ partials

    then would make the following call:

    render(open('', 'r'), {...}, 'partials', 'ms')


    template      -- A file-like object or a string containing the template

    data          -- A python dictionary with your data scope

    partials_path -- The path to where your partials are stored
                     (defaults to '.')

    partials_ext  -- The extension that you want the parser to look for
                     (defaults to 'mustache')

    partials_dict -- A python dictionary which will be search for partials
                     before the filesystem is. {'include': 'foo'} is the same
                     as a file called include.mustache
                     (defaults to {})

    padding       -- This is for padding partials, and shouldn't be used
                     (but can be if you really want to)

    def_ldel      -- The default left delimiter
                     ("{{" by default, as in spec compliant mustache)

    def_rdel      -- The default right delimiter
                     ("}}" by default, as in spec compliant mustache)

    scopes        -- The list of scopes that get_key will look through


    A string containing the rendered template.

    # If the template is a seqeuence but not derived from a string
    if isinstance(template, Sequence) and \
            not isinstance(template, string_type):
        # Then we don't need to tokenize it
        # But it does need to be a generator
        tokens = (token for token in template)
        if template in g_token_cache:
            tokens = (token for token in g_token_cache[template])
            # Otherwise make a generator
            tokens = tokenize(template, def_ldel, def_rdel)

    output = unicode('', 'utf-8')

    if scopes is None:
        scopes = [data]

    # Run through the tokens
    for tag, key in tokens:
        # Set the current scope
        current_scope = scopes[0]

        # If we're an end tag
        if tag == 'end':
            # Pop out of the latest scope
            scopes = scopes[1:]

        # If the current scope is falsy and not the only scope
        elif not current_scope and len(scopes) != 1:
            if tag in ['section', 'inverted section']:
                # Set the most recent scope to a falsy value
                # (I heard False is a good one)
                scopes.insert(0, False)

        # If we're a literal tag
        elif tag == 'literal':
            # Add padding to the key and add it to the output
            if not isinstance(key, unicode_type):
                key = unicode(key, 'utf-8')
            output += key.replace('\n', '\n' + (' ' * padding))

        # If we're a variable tag
        elif tag == 'variable':
            # Add the html escaped key to the output
            thing = _get_key(key, scopes)
            if thing is True and key == '.':
                # if we've coerced into a boolean by accident
                # (inverted tags do this)
                # then get the un-coerced object (next in the stack)
                thing = scopes[1]
            if not isinstance(thing, unicode_type):
                thing = unicode(str(thing), 'utf-8')
            output += _html_escape(thing)

        # If we're a no html escape tag
        elif tag == 'no escape':
            # Just lookup the key and add it
            thing = _get_key(key, scopes)
            if not isinstance(thing, unicode_type):
                thing = unicode(str(thing), 'utf-8')
            output += thing

        # If we're a section tag
        elif tag == 'section':
            # Get the sections scope
            scope = _get_key(key, scopes)

            # If the scope is a callable (as described in
            if isinstance(scope, Callable):

                # Generate template text from tags
                text = unicode('', 'utf-8')
                tags = []
                for tag in tokens:
                    if tag == ('end', key):

                    tag_type, tag_key = tag
                    if tag_type == 'literal':
                        text += tag_key
                    elif tag_type == 'no escape':
                        text += "%s& %s %s" % (def_ldel, tag_key, def_rdel)
                        text += "%s%s %s%s" % (def_ldel, {
                                'commment': '!',
                                'section': '#',
                                'inverted section': '^',
                                'end': '/',
                                'partial': '>',
                                'set delimiter': '=',
                                'no escape': '&',
                                'variable': ''
                            }[tag_type], tag_key, def_rdel)

                g_token_cache[text] = tags

                rend = scope(text, lambda template, data=None: render(template,
                             def_ldel=def_ldel, def_rdel=def_rdel,
                             scopes=data and [data]+scopes or scopes))

                if python3:
                    output += rend
                else:  # python 2
                    output += rend.decode('utf-8')

            # If the scope is a sequence, an iterator or generator but not
            # derived from a string
            elif isinstance(scope, (Sequence, Iterator)) and \
                    not isinstance(scope, string_type):
                # Then we need to do some looping

                # Gather up all the tags inside the section
                # (And don't be tricked by nested end tags with the same key)
                # TODO: This feels like it still has edge cases, no?
                tags = []
                tags_with_same_key = 0
                for tag in tokens:
                    if tag == ('section', key):
                        tags_with_same_key += 1
                    if tag == ('end', key):
                        tags_with_same_key -= 1
                        if tags_with_same_key < 0:

                # For every item in the scope
                for thing in scope:
                    # Append it as the most recent scope and render
                    new_scope = [thing] + scopes
                    rend = render(template=tags, scopes=new_scope,
                                  def_ldel=def_ldel, def_rdel=def_rdel)

                    if python3:
                        output += rend
                    else:  # python 2
                        output += rend.decode('utf-8')

                # Otherwise we're just a scope section
                scopes.insert(0, scope)

        # If we're an inverted section
        elif tag == 'inverted section':
            # Add the flipped scope to the scopes
            scope = _get_key(key, scopes)
            scopes.insert(0, not scope)

        # If we're a partial
        elif tag == 'partial':
            # Load the partial
            partial = _get_partial(key, partials_dict,
                                   partials_path, partials_ext)

            # Find how much to pad the partial
            left = output.split('\n')[-1]
            part_padding = padding
            if left.isspace():
                part_padding += left.count(' ')

            # Render the partial
            part_out = render(template=partial, partials_path=partials_path,
                              def_ldel=def_ldel, def_rdel=def_rdel,
                              padding=part_padding, scopes=scopes)

            # If the partial was indented
            if left.isspace():
                # then remove the spaces from the end
                part_out = part_out.rstrip(' ')

            # Add the partials output to the ouput
            if python3:
                output += part_out
            else:  # python 2
                output += part_out.decode('utf-8')

    if python3:
        return output
    else:  # python 2
        return output.encode('utf-8')